Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12268 (11. May. 2010 23:48) (Tree)

The video proof
Where is the photo so I can put parts of you in my sculpture lol? Awesome!!
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biffsk8er: Did it. (4. May. 2010 06:14)
 Tonight, in Round Rock, I landed the one arm hand plant in the 10 foot bowl.......twice. I landed it once in the 6 foot bowl. Of course, there were also quite a few fumbles, but I'm still stoked that I'm starting to get them down.

You can teach an old dog new tricks. X-D
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h.ludi: Did it. (4. May. 2010 08:36)
 you deserve to feel good, top effort.
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zorg: Did it. (4. May. 2010 12:31)
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cephalopoid: Did it. (7. May. 2010 00:00)
 Good job! Keep it up! Got any video of it yet?
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biffsk8er: Did it. (7. May. 2010 00:14)
 I'll get some next Monday.

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biffsk8er: Did it. (11. May. 2010 08:13)
 O.K.. I am now legit. I landed one arm handplants at least 6 times tonight. I have one of them on film, and I'll get that posted up here tomorrow (Tuesday).

Also, I not only was able to grind across that over vert cradle, but I was able to go all the way down the pool coping to the deck coping, where I ground that as well for another 3 or 4 feet. All in all, it was about a 15 foot mizou grind.

And to finish this all off, the BDS skateboarder that I skate with says that I went the more upside down in the capsule than ever before!! A good night of skating, and no injuries. :)
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Bernhard: Did it. (11. May. 2010 08:34)
 Wow, Biff, I'm so stoked! Wish I could do this myself. But there is a definitive lack of such spots hereabouts. At least I've had a small roll on our big ramp on Saturday and also took a few skateboarder pics.
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biffsk8er: Did it. (11. May. 2010 08:42)
 Thanks, Bernhard! I am pretty stoked as well. I keep learning, and that is a good motivator.

I also hope that you get more opportunities to skate good locations really soon! You deserve it.
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biffsk8er: The video proof (11. May. 2010 22:44)
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claudine: The video proof (11. May. 2010 23:48)
 Where is the photo so I can put parts of you in my sculpture lol? Awesome!!
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biffsk8er: The video proof (12. May. 2010 09:03)
 I'll find one and post it!! :P
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ireNe: The video proof (12. May. 2010 17:14)
 lookin' good... all that rollin' is paying off.
nicely done one hander, alley ooped?
cool smooth run... got that park wired!

captcha "ignored cautiously" (no kidding!)
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biffsk8er: The video proof (12. May. 2010 19:35)
 : lookin' good... all that rollin' is paying off.
: nicely done one hander, alley ooped?
: cool smooth run... got that park wired!
: captcha "ignored cautiously" (no kidding!)

Thanks, I've been working on that park for some time now, and it is becoming a part of me.

It wasn't an Alley oop, but that is a cool idea. That video was the last run of the night for me and I was pretty tired. I want to do it again when I'm more full of energy.
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