Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12300 (13. May. 2010 08:05) (Tree)

fullpipe by JE
: Wow, he is good!

That is an under statement.
More like 'amazing'!
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ireNe: fullpipe by JE (12. May. 2010 17:19)


captcha 'bungalow not'
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biffsk8er: fullpipe by JE (12. May. 2010 19:13)
 James Eeeday?! Who is this guy? How come I've never seen him before!!

Captcha "The Convicts"
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Bernhard: fullpipe by JE (12. May. 2010 19:34)
 Totally awsome. Do you know this guy personally?
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biffsk8er: fullpipe by JE (12. May. 2010 19:39)
 Not only is he a good skater, this guy rocks reggae!! Check out his music HERE.

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ireNe: fullpipe by JE (12. May. 2010 20:34)
 Duke knows him. Link was sent by me old sk8brder buddy in Boston.
Duke sez he skates randomly and is super cool.
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biffsk8er: fullpipe by JE (12. May. 2010 21:06)
 Figures that Duke would know him. That guy skates with tenacity!
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claudine: fullpipe by JE (13. May. 2010 07:04)
 Wow, he is good! Wish I had one roller skater here, not yet.
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biffsk8er: fullpipe by JE (13. May. 2010 08:05)
 : Wow, he is good!

That is an under statement.
More like 'amazing'!
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joe90: fullpipe by JE (13. May. 2010 14:53)
 Bulk bulk bulk rad,,very smooth and powerful.

cheers joe
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biffsk8er: fullpipe by JE (13. May. 2010 18:37)
 I posted a comment to Eedays youtube account and he replied the following :

"Nice style yourself biffsk8er! I actually haven't skated for a couple of years now since I started my band but I miss it terribly.........shred on."

Maybe, we can entice him to come join our ranks some time for an event like Rollercon? I was sad to hear that he hasn't skated for a while.

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Bernhard: fullpipe by JE (13. May. 2010 18:46)
 : Maybe, we can entice him to come join our ranks some time for an event like Rollercon?

That would be fantastic! And we can see that there are more rollerskaters out there than we can imagine.

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biffsk8er: fullpipe by JE (13. May. 2010 19:00)
 : ..And we can see that there are more rollerskaters out there than we can imagine.
....And really good ones at that!!

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Robert: fullpipe by JE (13. May. 2010 21:52)
 I used to see him skate in the ASPO contests. He would usually beat Paul Votava, which is pretty amazing. He was definitely amazing to watch. It looks like the guy still skates amazing.
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biffsk8er: fullpipe by JE (13. May. 2010 22:27)
 I am not surprised that he would win! He is very aggressive in his attacks on skate terrain!

Unfortunately, he hasn't skated for a couple of years now. I hope that changes.
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