Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12473 (2. Jun. 2010 13:03) (Tree)

Report with picts and vids
Darn! Why do I have to miss these sort of events when they're in Europe?

Ah, well, my skates aren't ready yet, anyhow... better luck next time.
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zorg: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (4. May. 2010 11:53)
 First attempt from Taig Khris will come soon:

29 may 2010!!!!!!

I try see how the ramp is built this week and take some picts!!!

More here:

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zorg: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (26. May. 2010 17:15)
 Deadline is approaching!!!!
A vert and a mini should be close by!!!!

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biffsk8er: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (26. May. 2010 18:53)
 Looking good. Can't wait to see it.
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zorg: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (26. May. 2010 22:02)
 I went under the old lady this afternoon, picts and vids coming soon!!!!!!
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zorg: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (26. May. 2010 23:27)
 Nel Martin will be at the demo!!
Sounds good, here is a video:
and some picts:
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zorg: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (29. May. 2010 00:06)
 Drop from today at 4m...

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zorg: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (29. May. 2010 00:09)
 And some picts of the ramp close by (that I abused...)


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biffsk8er: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (29. May. 2010 09:41)
 That is some serious drop.

I want to play.
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zorg: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (29. May. 2010 10:04)
 I'm on the way to play the front of the mega quarter....

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zorg: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (29. May. 2010 10:16)

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zorg: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (29. May. 2010 10:17)
 Last one before I go:

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Jay: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (29. May. 2010 17:30)
  KILLER shot, Zorg! Love the tower behind you! So....when are you skating the Mega? LOL!
Great footy, keep it coming.
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zorg: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (29. May. 2010 22:06)
 Thanks Jay!!! Today was magic too!! Many many people waiting for Taig Kris record, and then around the vert ("small", 1/10 of the mega...)
BTW I already droped from the 1st floor of the Eiffel tower few years ago:
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zorg: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (29. May. 2010 22:09)
 ... this was the view of Paris from the ramp platform at 66m:
Thanks to Taig Khris!!!!!
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cephalopoid: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (30. May. 2010 00:22)
 It takes a youtube film like that to realise: That thing IS hella huge!
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zorg: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (30. May. 2010 10:51)

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Jay: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (31. May. 2010 06:13)
  Hey Zorg,
Thanks ALOT for posting such killer personal footage of an Awesome skating event. I found this footage on YouTube after watching yours & thought it was pretty good, but I LOVED how you had the elevator rising in your video. Really gave perspective on how BIG that actually was!

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biffsk8er: Eiffel tower mega jump 29 may 2010 (31. May. 2010 08:43)
 I have one more video that has a bunch of different angles in slo-mo. I guess I didn't know what to expect. I thought there was going to be a ramp jump after the drop. Off course, that was before I found out that he was dropping from way above the ramp!

Still, it would have been really cool if he could have used all that generated speed to make some hug gap jump!! I guess that'll be next. (captcha - 'funkier many')
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zorg: Report with picts and vids (1. Jun. 2010 00:04)
 After a long cold winter, yes I know I say this each spring, but this last winter had double iced days (42), could have been OK for ice skating, but unfortunatly was very bad for outdoorramp rollerskating!!! Things even got worse when I tore my ankle and add nearly two months to that already long winter. So when I got confirmation that yes, there would be a vert for the Taig Khris mega jump, and yes there will be free access for everybody, I filled my bag with all my skating gear and run to the Eiffel tower!!!!
I went there on wednesday, to see how the mega quarter was improving: it was nearly ready, and I coud see some of the first jumps of Taig Khris (and fortunate to get an autograph...) from low eigth:about 20 m on the quarter. No sign of the vert, but so far, so good, the internet schedule still stated free access and pro demo!!!

Friday afternoon was cool!! After a full rainy thursday, a blue sky, Taig jumping from higher from the plateform, and the vert ready for access: nearly a full afternoon of ripping that one with few other skaters!!!

Satur(n)day, the w(h)ell named (Saturn, god of the fool), was D-day for Taig to establish the record!!!! When I arrived on the site, it was crazy, there was hundreds of catalan rugby supporters drinking, making fire for bbk everywhere!!! It was cool on the vert: Nel Martin, Jean Postec, Lamine Fathi and Sven Bokhorst were there to make a very nice demo!!! Some other pro were riding too as Kevin Maron Lopez. It was cool to skate with 2 other quad skaters that I met on other ramps. At a moment, we were 3 quads and an inliner!! At about 6pm, the Champ de Mars was full (Mars god of war…), ready for Taig performance!!! I was standing on the vert (1/10 of the mega) to watch the event, Taig made it twice full armored from 12.5m, the second time was perfect, with a long rolling time, and all the groupies shouting!!!! Impressive how yong ladies run fast after Taig when it’s time to get an autograph!!! Weather was cloudy with some drops, but it fully rained just after Taig performance.....So far so good!!!!

Sunday was all but sunny, begining with heavy rain, nevertheless around 11 rain stopped, and at 12 the ramps where dry!!! Everybody were waiting for a drop from Taig, but the wind was strong, and he didn't make it. We had again demos from the Saturday pros, going higher!!!! Nel and Jean Postec really ripped hard!! For me it was again a full afternoon of skating, taking confidence and going a bit higher, even if I was a bit sore.... So that was a very good week-end of skating, enjoying the Eiffel tower view, and sharing it with all the other ramp riders I know from RIP Roller Parc Avenue with a cool public, the main thing I missed was to share those moments with all of you, quad rskating addicts from all the world and from Mr B forum!!! Hope we can gather somewhere someday for real!!!!

Here is a compilation of some vids, credits go for my wife, Nora Megajump and me:

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Jay: Report with picts and vids (1. Jun. 2010 01:04)
  Wow. Super Cool, Zorg! I loved it all. Almost felt like I was there with all the pics & vids. Thanks so much. Some killer skating. Gorgeous location.
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biffsk8er: Report with picts and vids (1. Jun. 2010 08:55)
 Ha! I just finished watching all of my youtube subscription videos, which I think included every one of these videos. Great job documenting!! My hat goes off to Nora!!
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zorg: Report with picts and vids (1. Jun. 2010 21:08)
 Thanks Jay!!
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zorg: Report with picts and vids (1. Jun. 2010 21:12)
 and found Noons too:

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Bernhard: Report with picts and vids (1. Jun. 2010 22:04)
 So cool! Congrats!
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zorg: Report with picts and vids (2. Jun. 2010 12:04)
 Thanks Bernhard!!

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cephalopoid: Report with picts and vids (2. Jun. 2010 13:03)
 Darn! Why do I have to miss these sort of events when they're in Europe?

Ah, well, my skates aren't ready yet, anyhow... better luck next time.
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