Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12476 (2. Jun. 2010 13:18) (Tree)

Hot LaWa 10
Just to remind you all: We are having our annual vert contest in Freiburg again! It takes place on July 17/18. We expect mostly skateboarder to come and also a few inline skaters. Probably also a streetboarder. Since I am the main organizer of the event, I want to stress that vertical roller skaters are explicitly welcome, too.
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Bernhard: Hot LaWa 10 (2. Jun. 2010 13:18)
 Just to remind you all: We are having our annual vert contest in Freiburg again! It takes place on July 17/18. We expect mostly skateboarder to come and also a few inline skaters. Probably also a streetboarder. Since I am the main organizer of the event, I want to stress that vertical roller skaters are explicitly welcome, too.
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cephalopoid: Hot LaWa 10 (2. Jun. 2010 19:32)
 Kannst du mir erzaehlen in welches Bundesland Freiburg sich befindet?
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Bernhard: Hot LaWa 10 (2. Jun. 2010 19:53)
 Wow, du kannst sogar Deutsch! Freiburg ist in Baden-Württemberg, im Südwesten, nicht weit von der Schweiz und von Frankreich.
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cephalopoid: Hot LaWa 10 (2. Jun. 2010 20:25)
 Ich habe die erste 7 jahre meines Lebens in Nord-Rhein Westfalen durchgebracht.
Leider ist das so weit von hier. Zugkarten sind teuer. :(
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claudine: Hot LaWa 10 (2. Jun. 2010 21:18)
 Hey no fair! My German sucks lol.
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cephalopoid: Hot LaWa 10 (2. Jun. 2010 22:32)
 For the non-germs. (pun intended)
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claudine: Hot LaWa 10 (3. Jun. 2010 03:35)
 Ah thanks dude!! :-D
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Jay: Hot LaWa 10 (3. Jun. 2010 04:37)
  Mr. B,
I wish I could make it but I'll be busy prepping for RC just a week after your HotLaWa.
Have fun & lots of pics vids for us on the Forum, please!
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