Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12710 (14. Jun. 2010 11:11) (Tree)

Good thing...
: That'd be great if it ain't too much trouble.
: Hoping to get my skates finished today xD
: Broke 2 hacksaw blades tryin to cut the ends off the skis, so ima go round my dads and use his angle grinder with cutting disc (evilface).
: Power tools solve everything xD

I thought that before, and I'm still not finished.
Well, okay, of course, I don't start from scratch and don't have the experience you have, but still, I thought that once I'd get to the drill press, all would be finished in no-time. I was wrong.
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biffsk8er: Good thing... (13. Jun. 2010 09:38)
 Good thing we expanded the Latest postings to 30!!!

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Vertic_Al: Good thing... (13. Jun. 2010 15:08)
 Indeed, loads of new posts :)

Decided to change my name to something more suited to skating, Wolf1ion is just too bleh.

Can't figure out how to do it on Gravity tho?? Maybe have to just close and reopen account?
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Bernhard: Good thing... (13. Jun. 2010 16:41)
 Indeed. Thanks for bringing it up.
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biffsk8er: Good thing... (13. Jun. 2010 19:21)
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Bernhard: Good thing... (14. Jun. 2010 09:37)
 If you want I can change the Wolflion occurrences here in the forum to Vertic_Al.
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Vertic_Al: Good thing... (14. Jun. 2010 10:26)
 That'd be great if it ain't too much trouble.

Hoping to get my skates finished today xD
Broke 2 hacksaw blades tryin to cut the ends off the skis, so ima go round my dads and use his angle grinder with cutting disc (evilface).

Power tools solve everything xD
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cephalopoid: Good thing... (14. Jun. 2010 11:11)
 : That'd be great if it ain't too much trouble.
: Hoping to get my skates finished today xD
: Broke 2 hacksaw blades tryin to cut the ends off the skis, so ima go round my dads and use his angle grinder with cutting disc (evilface).
: Power tools solve everything xD

I thought that before, and I'm still not finished.
Well, okay, of course, I don't start from scratch and don't have the experience you have, but still, I thought that once I'd get to the drill press, all would be finished in no-time. I was wrong.
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Vertic_Al: Good thing... (14. Jun. 2010 12:01)
 : I thought that before, and I'm still not finished.
: Well, okay, of course, I don't start from scratch and don't have the experience you have, but still, I thought that once I'd get to the drill press, all would be finished in no-time. I was wrong.

You don't give yourself enough credit dude, your just taking your time thats all. You got the right idea there, i especially love the way you worked around the problem of attaching the xsjado frames.

Only experience i have in this kinda stuff is i used to be a mechanic in the army.

One thing i will say about doing a build is you end up looking at everything as a part. I was going round the charity (thrift) shops looking at random crap thinking hmmm, if i cut here and drill here i could use this for something. I wasted a lot of time looking at nothing.
Better just to keep things simple.

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cephalopoid: Good thing... (14. Jun. 2010 20:57)
 : You don't give yourself enough credit dude, your just taking your time thats all. You got the right idea there, i especially love the way you worked around the problem of attaching the xsjado frames.

Thanks! :D

: One thing i will say about doing a build is you end up looking at everything as a part. I was going round the charity (thrift) shops looking at random crap thinking hmmm, if i cut here and drill here i could use this for something. I wasted a lot of time looking at nothing.
: Better just to keep things simple.

I can relate. I've even wondered if I can just keep the dust from the xsjado frames and melt it into something else, but maybe it's better off in the vacuum cleaner.

Hey, has anyone of you ever made your own grinding wax? I have. :D
But that was a few years ago. I think I still have a piece of it, though.
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Vertic_Al: Good thing... (14. Jun. 2010 21:03)
 : Hey, has anyone of you ever made your own grinding wax? I have. :D
: But that was a few years ago. I think I still have a piece of it, though.

I dunno if i wanna find out what you made it out of xD

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biffsk8er: Good thing... (14. Jun. 2010 22:51)
 Me love power grinder.
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biffsk8er: Good thing... (14. Jun. 2010 22:56)
 LOL!! So many details to flush out.
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biffsk8er: Good thing... (14. Jun. 2010 23:08)
 My son, Raven, made his own wax. Do you want the recipe?? Also, you can just buy gulf wax at a grocery store. Stuff is awesome for much cheaper than what they sell at skate shops.
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Bernhard: Good thing... (19. Jun. 2010 20:39)
 Hi Vertic_Al,

I've finally managed to rework the index generation for the forum so that the change to your new handle finally is in place. Was quite a bit of work, but it was necessary anyhow. Your name change was only a welcome motivation to do it. I'm quite satisfied with the improvement so far.
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