Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12776 (18. Jun. 2010 00:20) (Tree)

Bag O Tricks number 8
: If we create a trick list that is strictly for quads, we could still use a vast majority of what they have on toxboe to make our list. Could there be a tricktionary that we could make here where more than one person could write it? So as to not make any one person have to do a ton of work.

I believe this is commonly known as a wiki.
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Rollerball: Bag O Tricks number 8 (17. Jun. 2010 14:05)
 Ok...well didnt have the best skate tonight...ramp was a little wet as well..
But did get this on Video for you guys....
NO idea what you would call this grab...anyway here you go...
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Vertic_Al: Bag O Tricks number 8 (17. Jun. 2010 18:17)
 Sweet air dude. I don't know what you'd call that grab either.

Is there a standardized trick name list for aggro rollerskating?
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biffsk8er: Bag O Tricks number 8 (17. Jun. 2010 22:26)
 I would think it is a Japan Air.

Japan: One of your legs are more straightened out than the other, while the other is bend as much as it can. The one that is bend is touching the other leg, and that skate is also grabbed with the opposite side's hand behind your back. For instance, if you are grabbing with your right hand, you should grab your left skate. A sort of karate kick formation is done.

But Judo sounds very similar, though it does not say if you grab your leg in front or behind you.

Judo: One of your legs are straightened out, while the other is bend. The one that is bend is touching the other leg, and that skate is also grabbed with the opposite side's hand. For instance, if you are grabbing with your right hand, you should grab your left skate. A sort of karate kick formation is done.

You can find these trick definitions on toxboe. The trick guide there is for inlines, but a lot of the trick names work for quads as well.

Maybe Bernhard should link this on his front page?
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Vertic_Al: Bag O Tricks number 8 (17. Jun. 2010 22:47)
 Might be an idea to build our own rollerskaters trick list, we'd share some skateboard trick names too I'd assume (like 50-50 grinds?). Be handy to have a page here with the definitions listed.
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biffsk8er: Bag O Tricks number 8 (17. Jun. 2010 23:02)
 : ..we'd share some skateboard trick names too I'd assume (like 50-50 grinds?)

Don't you mean 50-50-50-50 grinds?? Ha!

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Bernhard: Bag O Tricks number 8 (17. Jun. 2010 23:18)
 Erm, roller skate links go to the resources page. But Toxboe isn't a roller skating page.
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Bernhard: Bag O Tricks number 8 (17. Jun. 2010 23:20)
 That's definitely a good idea. It would also further roller skating culture. But I suspect that it would be quite some work to do this.
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biffsk8er: Bag O Tricks number 8 (17. Jun. 2010 23:46)
 : Erm, roller skate links go to the resources page. But Toxboe isn't a roller skating page.

Actually, I'll have to correct you on that. Toxboe 'is' a roller skating page. However, they are inline roller skates and not quad roller skates. At least, in English, we consider both to be roller skates. Maybe it is not considered that way in all languages.

If we create a trick list that is strictly for quads, we could still use a vast majority of what they have on toxboe to make our list. Could there be a tricktionary that we could make here where more than one person could write it? So as to not make any one person have to do a ton of work.
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cephalopoid: Bag O Tricks number 8 (18. Jun. 2010 00:20)
 : If we create a trick list that is strictly for quads, we could still use a vast majority of what they have on toxboe to make our list. Could there be a tricktionary that we could make here where more than one person could write it? So as to not make any one person have to do a ton of work.

I believe this is commonly known as a wiki.
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Bernhard: Bag O Tricks number 8 (18. Jun. 2010 00:43)
 : : Erm, roller skate links go to the resources page. But Toxboe isn't a roller skating page.
: Actually, I'll have to correct you on that. Toxboe 'is' a roller skating page. However, they are inline roller skates and not quad roller skates. At least, in English, we consider both to be roller skates. Maybe it is not considered that way in all languages.

I do not think this to be a question of language. Perhaps more of culture. And I think I don't use the term "Quads" not only because I do not like the word but also because there are inline skaters telling roller skaters to get "real" inlines.

: If we create a trick list that is strictly for quads, we could still use a vast majority of what they have on toxboe to make our list. Could there be a tricktionary that we could make here where more than one person could write it? So as to not make any one person have to do a ton of work.

With the technology used on it would be no problem to collaborate on single pages. I keep on wanting to fuse this technology with the forum, but I think I won't have the time in the foreseeable future. Another option is to do something with a forum thread or via E-Mail and to publish the result from time to time and link it to the front page.
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Bernhard: Bag O Tricks number 8 (18. Jun. 2010 00:46)
 I would think to use a content management system (like the one I did for A wiki would also be an option, being a light-weight content management system.
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Vertic_Al: Bag O Tricks number 8 (18. Jun. 2010 01:47)
 : I do not think this to be a question of language. Perhaps more of culture. And I think I don't use the term "Quads" not only because I do not like the word but also because there are inline skaters telling roller skaters to get "real" inlines.

I had some kids say to me 'nice rollerblades hahahaha' today when i went to the skatepark. (I responded with 'aye aye very good') I don't know whats worse, the fact they were comparing my skates to inlines or the fact they used the trademarked name. Their ignorance was overshadowed by their stupidity. So yea, i think it's a culture thing.

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claudine: Bag O Tricks number 8 (18. Jun. 2010 03:44)
 Thanks, loving it!
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bnwsk88: Bag O Tricks number 8 (18. Jun. 2010 04:58)
 Yeah that's a tough one, some kids at the park tonight were asking me if I had specific names for each of my stalls and such and I said no except for the ones that resemble skateboard tricks and then I use those names, never really got into naming them. Nice shot though Paul, good to see you ripping!
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biffsk8er: Bag O Tricks number 8 (18. Jun. 2010 07:30)
 : : If we create a trick list that is strictly for quads, we could still use a vast majority of what they have on toxboe to make our list. Could there be a tricktionary that we could make here where more than one person could write it? So as to not make any one person have to do a ton of work.
: I believe this is commonly known as a wiki.

Good idea!!
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biffsk8er: Bag O Tricks number 8 (18. Jun. 2010 07:56)
 To change culture, you must create your own culture.

When others ask about my inlines, I respond in two ways:
1) I ignore them (momentarily), for effect.
2) Then, when I acknowledge that they must be talking to me, I tell them I do not ride inlines...I ride quads.

Most of the time, they admit that they were not thinking when they said 'inlines'.

Small victories lead to bigger ones.
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joe90: Bag O Tricks number 8 (18. Jun. 2010 09:51)
 Nice one dood,my moneys on a lein variation.
We just had a thread on charliedontskate about nameing rights,inventers and ripoffs of tricks like the Indy air being done a couple of years before Duane Peters claimed and named it.Moves like the layback air and todd twist being the same,calling 540's Mctwists and visa versa.I base everything on skateboard terms as most everything I saw or heard first was done on a skateboard,but call em what you will as most folks get get the idea anyhoo.
Anyway I gota go,split,bail,take off,hit the road,fuck off,do a runner,get going,obscond,take a hike,get the fuck outa here,fly,waddle, make tracks,get trucking and vacate.

cheers joe
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ireNe: Bag O Tricks number 8 (29. Jun. 2010 01:13)
 : NO idea what you would call this grab...anyway here you go...

I think Indy grab, my buddy sez Mute
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