Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12979 (5. Jul. 2010 17:19) (Tree)

Distance to skateparks
I got evolution outdoor skatepark about 20mins drive from my house, a little metal park with a decent halfpipe at the base of a castle about 5mins drive. Only indoor one i know of in scotland is in dumbarton which is about an hour and a half drive. Life is so much easier having a car, i wouldnt have found some of the parks i have if i didnt drive
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cephalopoid: Distance to skateparks (4. Jul. 2010 13:18)
 I'm curious as to your situations on how you get to skateparks. Do you skate to them? Drive a car? Public transports? Bicycles? Fly a helicopter? Hijack a submarine?

Here in The Hague I can do most things by bicycle.
There's the malieveld with lots of things I can't do jack with, a narrow spine and an "open bowl" with a so-called cradle which barely deserves the name.
Then there's the Zuiderpark with a nice broad spine. It was renovated a little time ago, which meant good things and bad things. But because of its location I don't go there very often. I don't consider it safe to go alone.
Of course there's the Mient, featured in my video from a year ago. The tranny of the halfpipe there runs slightly steeper than at the spuybowl, which makes it that deciding bit better for straight-up airs. Unfortunately, it isn't safe there, either. If I'd ignore political correct speech, I'd say there's immigrant teens making it unsafe, as I was beaten up there when I was 15 and a friend of mine met the same fate a few months ago.
I go to Ypenburg, the deepest pool in the area, by public transports, although I could do that one on my bike, too. So far I've only been twice to Ypenburg anyway, and that was a year ago.
And of course, there's the Spuybowl, which I consider to be "home". It's the skatepark closest to my place, and actually, considering the reachability of Ypenburg, it's the best.
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Jay: Distance to skateparks (4. Jul. 2010 16:26)
  Good Thread Ceph! I like it.
I have to admit, as an American, I drive EVERYWHERE. I DO have 1 sk8park (Silverado Ranch I'm sure I've posted videos of it in the past here) that's about 1/2 mile from my house. It's pretty small for me though & I don't frequent it very often.
We have well over a dozen decent parks in greater Vegas & probably more than that many NOT decent parks (like Silverado)
so I'll just list the RC Sk8Park Stops.
Stop 1 "Anthem" 4.5 Stars & about 6 Miles from house.
Stop 2 "Freedom" 4 Stars & about 12 Miles from house.
Stop 3 "Hollywood" 4.5 Stars & about 15 Miles from house.
Stop 4 "Area 702" 5 Stars & about 20 miles from house.
Stop 5 "Duck Creek" 2.5 Stars & about 1.5 Miles from house.
As to "safe", I don't worry about that AT ALL. I grew up a white boy in a VERY black 'hood in DETROIT. If being in the minority bothered me I don't think I would've become a vertical rollerskater! And, everybody knows how I handled the Washington Street Nazis. If I wanna sk8 someplace, they better lock it up GOOD if they want to stop me!
So, go sk8 where you want to, Ceph! You know that your sk8s are probably more of a weapon than anything some punk is likely to pull out of his pocket, don't you?!? LOL!
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Robert: Distance to skateparks (4. Jul. 2010 17:59)
 Yeah, I drive everywhere as well. I am pretty happy to have a great park just two miles away. I do drive 30 miles to Coronado just to spend the day out there. It is a harbor so it is really beautiful.
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biffsk8er: Distance to skateparks (4. Jul. 2010 19:10)
 Is this the Spuybowl??

I usually drive my car to the Round Rock bowl, which is a good 20+ minute drive away. Once, they have the House Park skate park built, I'll be able to bike there, skate there, bus there, etc..

The problem here in Texas is that urban sprawl is common. Only now, are people starting to think about the benefits of Urban density. Density helps to preserve land for farming, ecology, water, etc.. Density also makes public transportation more feasible. With sprawl, way too many bus lines are needed for way too few people. The infrastructure just is not there to support it.

Anyone hear about 10-10-10??
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Bernhard: Distance to skateparks (4. Jul. 2010 19:56)
 Normally, I skate in Kirchzarten, which is about 12 km from my house. The Landwasser vert ramp is about 4 km from my house and I been there today (a friend dropped by with his little daughter and we went to two skate spots with her). Transportation is mostly by motorbike. The next indoor spot is Pumpwerk in Basel, which is 60 km from my house. But I go to Basel anyhow everday because I work there. Though it's been some time that I've been skating there. Another big vert ramp is in Strassbourg, but I never skated there till now.
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claudine: Distance to skateparks (4. Jul. 2010 20:53)
 I have to drive because the public transportation here SUCKS. It takes 2 hrs to go a 15 minute ride and the most obese person has to sit next to me so they can take half my seat too. I dont like people sitting ON TOP of me. :(

I want to ride my bike because the kiddie park is a mile away but the others are 45 mins. Thats a problem now due to my lack of funds. I wish I could go via helicopter! lol! But how do others carry all their stuff? I skate looking like the Michelin girl.

I live in a low income neighborhood, and have for a long time. Actually my neighbor got arrested last night for fighting, throwing stuff and assaulting someone in his apartment. Usually its for drugs. SO I have to deal with the lack of safety in all areas. I find skateparks safe.
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Bernhard: Distance to skateparks (4. Jul. 2010 22:04)
 : The problem here in Texas is that urban sprawl is common. Only now, are people starting to think about the benefits of Urban density. Density helps to preserve land for farming, ecology, water, etc.. Density also makes public transportation more feasible. With sprawl, way too many bus lines are needed for way too few people. The infrastructure just is not there to support it.

Wise words!

: Anyone hear about 10-10-10??

What does this mean? I only know about 10-10-11 ...
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biffsk8er: Distance to skateparks (5. Jul. 2010 07:27)
 : : Anyone hear about 10-10-10??
: What does this mean? I only know about 10-10-11 ...

Go HERE to find out more.
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Bernhard: Distance to skateparks (5. Jul. 2010 08:07)
 : : : Anyone hear about 10-10-10??
: :
: : What does this mean? I only know about 10-10-11 ...
: Go HERE to find out more.

Great stuff! I'm glad to see this. Alas, there's still to many people denying the problem. :-(
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cephalopoid: Distance to skateparks (5. Jul. 2010 09:59)
 : Is this the Spuybowl??

That was the Spuybowl, like, six years ago, alright. Note the ocean of sand, the playground and the trees. The trees drop leaves, nuts and twigs into the pool, the sand gets blown into the pool, the kids come from the playground, their clothes and skin carrying another sand castles worth of sand, just to come slide into the bowl and spread all of it.
If you've seen dune, you'll understand why I think it's a miracle there's not gigantic worms and spice harvesters in the pool yet.
Gotta take a broom, dustpan and brush with me and clean for 20 minutes before I can put on my skates.
Without mentioning the kids misbehaving and claiming the pool for their sliding, running and soccerplaying purposes. It doesn't matter whether you say it nicely or just chase them by "almost" rolling into them, they keep coming back and their retard parents buy them fuckin' ice cream and other treats to reward them. Some parents even tell them not to listen to us, the skaters, and just go in there. As they put it, it's a public place and we should all just share. Retards.

: The problem here in Texas is that urban sprawl is common. Only now, are people starting to think about the benefits of Urban density. Density helps to preserve land for farming, ecology, water, etc.. Density also makes public transportation more feasible. With sprawl, way too many bus lines are needed for way too few people. The infrastructure just is not there to support it.
: Anyone hear about 10-10-10??

Myeah, I'm very skeptic of the climate/global warming movement. Yes, some things can be done differently. Sure, more efficient is a good idea, as well as independent from Middle-East countries. But some ex-vice president spreading dvd's featuring shots of him on his macbook in his huge mansion isn't something that inspires me to follow that man's ideas.
A few years ago there was a nice, skeptical article in Wired magazine about the climate hype. They said things like "screw organic", why would your berries from Peru change anything if it took a plane and three trucks for them to get to you instead of one truck from the local, insecticide-using farms? "Cut the trees", they stated that trees, passing a certain age, don't filter CO2 anymore, producing oxygen, but instead they rot and spread it. And they, indeed, also mentioned urban density. With everyone having their houses against each other, wall to wall, heat would be shared and radiators wouldn't need to be set at such a high level as when you would live in a house standing on its own.

I've also heard a theory that some brilliant person invented hydrogen cars way before, but when he wanted to publish it, he was murdered and his work disappeared.
Speculations aside, if the governments really wanted it, they would've already spent that extra billion bucks on science and R&D, forced their new standard onto gas pumps and car manufacturers, and the transition to non-petrol options would've already begun years ago. It's not because Al Gore generated a wave of mass media hype that the authorities didn't know what to do.

So that's my opinion. Fuck mass media hypes, just invest in science and R&D and stop screwing around.
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Bernhard: Distance to skateparks (5. Jul. 2010 12:45)
 Hm, too me there is no way out of accepting that human activity is a big driving force behind global warming (which also can't be denied any more and most "skeptics" don't try to do that anymore). I'm a physicist by education and my impression is that the "global warming skeptics" don't seem to grasp the consequences of basic physical laws like the law of energy conservation on a big scale.

It's just like putting a lid on a pot full of water and turning on the heat. The water inside will get warmer, the time scale is only affected by the heat capacity of the pot.
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Vertic_Al: Distance to skateparks (5. Jul. 2010 17:19)
 I got evolution outdoor skatepark about 20mins drive from my house, a little metal park with a decent halfpipe at the base of a castle about 5mins drive. Only indoor one i know of in scotland is in dumbarton which is about an hour and a half drive. Life is so much easier having a car, i wouldnt have found some of the parks i have if i didnt drive
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cephalopoid: Global Warming debate (5. Jul. 2010 21:56)
 : Hm, too me there is no way out of accepting that human activity is a big driving force behind global warming (which also can't be denied any more and most "skeptics" don't try to do that anymore). I'm a physicist by education and my impression is that the "global warming skeptics" don't seem to grasp the consequences of basic physical laws like the law of energy conservation on a big scale.
: It's just like putting a lid on a pot full of water and turning on the heat. The water inside will get warmer, the time scale is only affected by the heat capacity of the pot.

Opinions differ, also among academics. Your physics degree doesn't mean you're a geologist, and you don't represent all the physicists either. It's not for nothing that the British board of education banned Al Gores crap from schools.
If it can't be denied that it's the humans fault anymore, then it's because everyone who did got beheaded by the sheeple, cheering along with what the media said.
Our planet already survived many kinds of climatical changes and it's always fluctuating anyway. I've heard they've found papers in France, documenting climatical change in the 17th century. That's before we started massively burning coals and gas.

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cephalopoid: Distance to skateparks (5. Jul. 2010 22:02)
 : I got evolution outdoor skatepark about 20mins drive from my house, a little metal park with a decent halfpipe at the base of a castle about 5mins drive. Only indoor one i know of in scotland is in dumbarton which is about an hour and a half drive. Life is so much easier having a car, i wouldnt have found some of the parks i have if i didnt drive

Don't they have an archive anywhere on the interblag documenting parks in your region? Amongst others, there's for the entire Netherlands, which seemed like a fairly complete and good one uptil now.

By the way, driving a car? Shoo! We'll never stop manbearpig with people like you driving cars!

Just kidding. ;)
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Bernhard: Global Warming debate (5. Jul. 2010 22:11)
 It's all based on physics and the argument for the clima change is just basic thermodynamics. Geology changes nothing in the basic physical equations telling us how the temperature on earth behaves, It does, however, contribute values for the albedo and for the heat capacity of the oceans and the continents. Our knowledge in those parameters gets refined, but that changes nothing in the basic physics. No scientific discipline denies the laws of Thermodynamics.

I would rather like not to have human induced climate change myself, but I knew about it more than 20 years ago. Back then, people just though about acid rain and it would have been much easier to do something about it.
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biffsk8er: Global Warming debate (5. Jul. 2010 22:19)
 : I usually drive my car to the Round Rock bowl, which is a good 20+ minute drive away. Once, they have the House Park skate park built, I'll be able to bike there, skate there, bus there, etc..
: The problem here in Texas is that urban sprawl is common. Only now, are people starting to think about the benefits of Urban density. Density helps to preserve land for farming, ecology, water, etc.. Density also makes public transportation more feasible. With sprawl, way too many bus lines are needed for way too few people. The infrastructure just is not there to support it.
: Anyone hear about 10-10-10??

Ceph, I am offended that you are turning this into a political discussion. I try to avoid that with friends. You'll also notice that in my original comments (above), I was not trying to start any kind of Global Warming dialogue.

My point was, and still is, conservation. Water, energy, and natural resources need to be secured. We need to be careful, as curators of our own Earth, to keep our farms viable, our lands clean, oceans/waters clear, different species of animals alive, and above all to make sure that we can all live on this big rock in a safe healthy way. Surely, you agree with that?!

Turning this into a rant about Gore, or your personal belief or disbelief in Global Warming, is disrespectful to all that come here to enjoy the camaraderie of fellow vert skaters. As are your attacks on Bernhard's education and character.

Please, let's move on.
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cephalopoid: Global Warming debate (5. Jul. 2010 23:48)
 : Ceph, I am offended that you are turning this into a political discussion. I try to avoid that with friends. You'll also notice that in my original comments (above), I was not trying to start any kind of Global Warming dialogue.
: My point was, and still is, conservation. Water, energy, and natural resources need to be secured. We need to be careful, as curators of our own Earth, to keep our farms viable, our lands clean, oceans/waters clear, different species of animals alive, and above all to make sure that we can all live on this big rock in a safe healthy way. Surely, you agree with that?!
: Turning this into a rant about Gore, or your personal belief or disbelief in Global Warming, is disrespectful to all that come here to enjoy the camaraderie of fellow vert skaters. As are your attacks on Bernhard's education and character.
: Please, let's move on.

I agree with the idea of conservation of the earth and survival is certainly better than thermonuclear war. I just don't like to see the consequences of the recent environmental hype.
Decisions the EU took, like making factories pay for CO2 emission, don't solve anything. The only thing these kind of measures do is kill the smaller enterprises and make the monopolies only richer. Coca cola can live without that extra billion.

You're right this is the worst place imaginable for a political discussion, not that me or anyone really incited it.
I hate politics anyway, it always gets in the way of friendship and other useful things.

I'm sorry, Biff. I didn't mean to offend you.
My apologies to Bernhard, too, if he felt offended by what I said. I was by no means trying to undermine your education and character.

Move along, nothing to see here. ;)
Just click another link down there.
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biffsk8er: Global Warming debate (6. Jul. 2010 00:04)
 Yet, you persist in furthering your own political agenda by saying the following, as a "got the last word" jab.....

: I just don't like to see the consequences of the recent
: environmental hype.
: Decisions the EU took, like making factories pay for CO2
: mission, don't solve anything. The only thing these kind
: of measures do is kill the smaller enterprises and make
: the monopolies only richer. Coca cola can live without
: that extra billion.

You should have just posted your sentence below and ended it :

: You're right this is the worst place imaginable for a
: political discussion.
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cephalopoid: Global Warming debate (6. Jul. 2010 00:13)
 : Yet, you persist in furthering your own political agenda by saying the following, as a \"got the last word\" jab.....
: : I just don\'t like to see the consequences of the recent
: : environmental hype.
: : Decisions the EU took, like making factories pay for CO2
: : mission, don\'t solve anything. The only thing these kind
: : of measures do is kill the smaller enterprises and make
: : the monopolies only richer. Coca cola can live without
: : that extra billion.
: You should have just posted your sentence below and ended it :
: : You\'re right this is the worst place imaginable for a
: : political discussion.

Honestly, I didn\'t see it as a \"last word jab\".
Surely you see why monopolies can make things worse in this world and I also think we can agree on how authorities like EU ministers sometimes really seem to care more about their sixth house, their third ferrari and their very own golf course than your and my future.
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