Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12997 (6. Jul. 2010 19:55) (Tree)

Germany hears you
Great job. I am happy you are having fun!
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claudine: I did it, finally, new TRICK! YES!! (4. Jul. 2010 20:44)
 WOW, haha, just learned a new trick today! I"m at least 1" taller, YES!

I got the T stalls! 3 times so far. 1st time was like a 2 step deal, 2nd time I dropped in the deep end, carved around, nailed it perfectly, no step deal, came back down, around, slide onto my knee pads and screamed, YES! I was so happy!! Did you guys hear me? I'm sure at least Irene did. :-D Thanks Jay for the videos. II'll post on the other board too just too many forums now for me lol. My 1st time learning something new since the accident. I also was able to jump through the kiddie section, come up and jump right into the bowl today and got 75% of the back stalls down which I havent attempted recently. Need a little bit more confidence there. I am NOT scared of the coping now, very happy. I need to get to the kiddie park and practice almost daily!!

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biffsk8er: I did it, finally, new TRICK! YES!! (4. Jul. 2010 20:54)

Wtg Claudine. :D
I'm very happy for you!
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Jay: I did it, finally, new TRICK! YES!! (4. Jul. 2010 21:19)
  That's AWESOME, Claudine!
I'm so happy for you! There is NO rush like learning a brand-new trick. Good for you!
And, the coping is not something to ever fear!The coping is your FRIEND! LOL! You will eventually love the coping. :P And it will love you back! Keep it up. Love to see some video/pics etc on RS World when you get a chance.
Keep @ it. And wear your pads!
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Bernhard: Germany hears you (4. Jul. 2010 22:01)
 That was heard even in Germany! Congrats, Claudine, I'm so happy that you did it. Also very happy to hear you used your knee pads.

I've been pushing the big ramps today, myself. A friend has been visiting with his four year old daughter. She is so adorable and already can ride her bicycle on her own! So we went to the Landwasser ramp and he ripped it and I pushed around a bit, too. We have the best Summer weather now!
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Jay: Germany hears you (4. Jul. 2010 23:31)
  That's cool you're riding the big stuff, Bernard. Glad to hear it. I'm not skating today myself, it's a Holiday in the States & I'm spending it with my family & some friends.
But I skated big stuff yesterday & I'm skating big stuff again tomorrow morning. :P
Let's see some pics/vids next time, Mr.B, please.
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Ufra: Germany hears you (4. Jul. 2010 23:36)
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Bernhard: Germany hears you (4. Jul. 2010 23:37)
 Thanks for the kind words, Jay!

Sorry, I don't have any pics or vids. But there is also nothing happening when I'm skating ...

But I did some noteworthy feat on Friday evening: I rode my bicycle across mount Schauinsland. First time this years and I did it first try. Woohoo!
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Jay: Germany hears you (4. Jul. 2010 23:43)
  WOW. That sounds impressive, Bernard. I haven't been on a bike in years. & I NEVER rode across any mountains!
Keep it up. Love to see that big ramp in deutchland though. :P
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Bernhard: Germany hears you (4. Jul. 2010 23:49)
 Oh, you can see the ramp. There are lots of contest reports about the Hot LaWa contest at, e.g the last two years:

Hot LaWa 09,
Hot LaWa 08
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cephalopoid: I did it, finally, new TRICK! YES!! (5. Jul. 2010 00:55)
 The Netherlands definetly heard you, as windows shattered all over because of the sonic blast.

I tried the t-stalls, which I could do with the inlines as a "soul" stall(not much of a sole left to stall on, when it's trucks now), a few times today, but I didn't even come close, so good job on you doing them!
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claudine: I did it, finally, new TRICK! YES!! (5. Jul. 2010 05:43)
 Yeah, I might take the camera next time. Maybe some of the "old folks" lol will be there. But when I drop in the deep end, I squat still and want to stand and be more confident on it before the video. I could put the camera up on the ledge but that will suck. I hope to get money soon, then I will get the thing for the camera to put on my helmet and I can look at my feet for you all, lol! But soon, yep. I am making progress. Dang, just want to get the back stalls now so I can SLIIIIIIDE, yes, that will be a treat!

New tricks = awesome!
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claudine: Germany hears you (5. Jul. 2010 05:46)
 I was SMILING big time Ufra! I heard and I listened and its my quote now. ;-D!!

Bernhard, glad you are doing the big ones. I will do them this winter. I want to control and coquer the lil guys first hehehehe. I'm proud I was heard all the way in Germany!!! hehehe
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claudine: I did it, finally, new TRICK! YES!! (5. Jul. 2010 05:48)
 Yippee! The whole world heard me. ;-D!

So was the change a big deal? I'm sure in a month you will be up to par and beyond. Were you digging the roller skates? I cant wait to see a video of you! This is so much fun. :):):):):)

Happy me!
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biffsk8er: Germany hears you (5. Jul. 2010 07:30)
 : But I did some noteworthy feat on Friday evening: I rode my bicycle across mount Schauinsland. First time this years and I did it first try. Woohoo!

Ah.....bicycling....the other admirable sport.
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claudine: Germany hears you (5. Jul. 2010 08:45)
 I love to jump things with my bike! I like one wheel bikes too lol. Bernhard is the trekker though! Admirable. Germany is a great place for that from what I've seen in pics.
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Vertic_Al: I did it, finally, new TRICK! YES!! (5. Jul. 2010 17:31)
 Good job! You get any pics?
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Robert: Germany hears you (6. Jul. 2010 19:55)
 Great job. I am happy you are having fun!
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claudine: I did it, finally, new TRICK! YES!! (7. Jul. 2010 01:29)
 No no pics. I've got to bring my camera with me. Just now trying some new things. Still wearing a splint too lol. One more month? I'll do a video once I get out of the splint.
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