Vertical Rollerskating


Message 13015 (7. Jul. 2010 13:22) (Tree)

Roller skate evolution 2010
Nice. Can I see more of your vids?
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Rubio: Roller skate evolution 2010 (7. Jul. 2010 07:42)
 hello friends, here you have a quad video made in malaga
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cephalopoid: Roller skate evolution 2010 (7. Jul. 2010 12:14)
 Slick riding, dude! Those long grinds and that "soul to mizu" switchup impressed me. How long have you been at it?
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Rubio: Roller skate evolution 2010 (7. Jul. 2010 13:20)
 I have a few years on the ramp that, in the bowl not so much, and adapting the skates a year or so

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cephalopoid: Roller skate evolution 2010 (7. Jul. 2010 13:22)
 Nice. Can I see more of your vids?
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Jay: Roller skate evolution 2010 (7. Jul. 2010 16:59)
  Great Video, Rubio!
I, too LOVED the long grinds around the corners AND down the escalator. Really PRO video edit as well. Keep 'em coming.
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biffsk8er: Roller skate evolution 2010 (7. Jul. 2010 20:16)
 Bravo! Encore! I love the lead in.
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biffsk8er: Roller skate evolution 2010 (7. Jul. 2010 20:22)
 : Nice. Can I see more of your vids?

Yes, you can. Go HERE to see more videos by Rubio.
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biffsk8er: Roller skate evolution 2010 (7. Jul. 2010 20:24)

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Robert: Roller skate evolution 2010 (7. Jul. 2010 21:53)
 That was great. Are you from Spain? You guys sure know how to slide.
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biffsk8er: Roller skate evolution 2010 (7. Jul. 2010 22:28)
 : That was great. Are you from Spain? You guys sure know how to slide.

The Spaniards are the slide-masters!
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cephalopoid: Roller skate evolution 2010 (8. Jul. 2010 00:52)

captcha: melanin Key
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Rubio: Roller skate evolution 2010 (8. Jul. 2010 07:22)
 and this is my you tube channel
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cephalopoid: Roller skate evolution 2010 (8. Jul. 2010 10:54)
 Nice background picture on your channel. Spain must be perfect for downhill.
In Holland, everything's flat.
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joe90: Roller skate evolution 2010 (8. Jul. 2010 14:48)
 Fuck yea,,rad grindage.

cheers joe
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Rubio: Roller skate evolution 2010 (11. Jul. 2010 07:11)
 in Holland is all flat, lol, there are some indoor? I'd like to visit Holland, as was once but not roller skate
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cephalopoid: Roller skate evolution 2010 (11. Jul. 2010 16:06)
 There's indoor parks here and there, yes. I've only been to one until now, and that one had, apart from the street course, a miniramp, a vert and a pool. Would be paradise, if it wouldn't be for those pesky inliners.

Oh yeah, there's a skateboard course and a seperate inline/bmx course. Which one do we do as quadskaters? All of them?
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