Vertical Rollerskating


Message 13086 (14. Jul. 2010 04:15) (Tree)

Mixed hardness bushings
I ride these and they are awesome...if you are going straight they are stable due to the "hardcore" but when you turn the urethane turns smoothly and rebounds like a champ. Highly recommended!
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cephalopoid: Do bushings get "worn in"? (9. Jul. 2010 11:38)
 During my first two sessions, I've found out I could benefit from softer bushings than those I have now. They're just the stock bushings from Tracker, and actually I just wanted to know if they wouldn't be fine before wasting ten bucks on new bushings.
Now it seems that they're that tiny bit too hard to get around the corners without lifting up my feet, which quite disrupts the carving experience and the reason why we use trucks in the first place.
I remember riding medium bushings when I skateboarded six years ago, and I wonder whether there'd be a difference for quadskating, or whether bushings could get a little softer from using them.

Any ideas?
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Vertic_Al: Do bushings get (9. Jul. 2010 11:48)
 Have you tried loosening your trucks? Just loosen the kingpin nut off and tighten til it just bites.
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cephalopoid: Do bushings get (9. Jul. 2010 12:25)
 Yup. It's already at the limit of the "locking nylon". Any looser and I'll lose my trucks in mid-air. *laughs masochistically*
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claudine: Do bushings get (9. Jul. 2010 15:20)
 Get softer bushings, for me that made a HUGE difference! ;-D
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Vertic_Al: Do bushings get (9. Jul. 2010 17:09)
 Yep, if you got your trucks loose already you'll just have to fork out and get softer bushes. They wont wear in, just wear down. When that happens you can flip them round to get a little more life outta em. But yea put softer bushes on yer shopping list.
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biffsk8er: Do bushings get (9. Jul. 2010 17:26)
 I just replaced my bushings. They literally crumbled apart from all the abuse that I've put them through.

I used to use soft bushings. Over the years, my wheels and my bushings keep getting harder. Control is a lot better with harder bushings (especially at high speeds), and I've also learned that the benefits far outweigh the negatives.

However, I would say that everyone should do what feels right for them. That IS why we skate anyway, right?! We do it for ourselves!
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bnwsk88: Do bushings get (12. Jul. 2010 06:55)
 I think some bushings do break in over time. It seems like to me that softer bushings definitely make it easier to carve and as long as you are not getting speed wobbles then softer is better. Powell makes an awesome bushing, all urethane, and they always snap back and keep your trucks straight. I ride the soft ones on my skates and the medium hardness on my board. They cost a little more but last very well.
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bnwsk88: Do bushings get (12. Jul. 2010 06:58)
 I recently tossed all my bushing washers and am counting on the hard core to keep them in place properly. And if you are riding inverted kingpins then they will hang up less also.
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cephalopoid: Mixed hardness bushings (12. Jul. 2010 15:08)
 Has anyone experimented with different hardness before? Like having medium uppers and soft lowers?
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biffsk8er: Mixed hardness bushings (12. Jul. 2010 19:24)
 Yes. I used to have the harder bushings against my base plate and the medium hardness bushings on top. That was when I used to play hockey.
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cephalopoid: Mixed hardness bushings (13. Jul. 2010 00:38)
 : Yes. I used to have the harder bushings against my base plate and the medium hardness bushings on top. That was when I used to play hockey.

Did you also use it in the ramps? How did they feel?
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ireNe: Mixed hardness bushings (13. Jul. 2010 01:33)
 I have a combo, medium near baseplates and hard ones near the hangars. I generally like harder bushings, as they seem to respond quickly. I think how much you weigh is a factor. I've yet to try those Bones bushings which seem to not need the metal retaining cap. Alot of my buddies are skateboarding on them and rave about them. I really want to try a set of their SPF formula wheels, I hear they're great!
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biffsk8er: Mixed hardness bushings (13. Jul. 2010 19:08)
 : : Yes. I used to have the harder bushings against my base plate and the medium hardness bushings on top. That was when I used to play hockey.
: Did you also use it in the ramps? How did they feel?

I\\\'m sure that I must have used them in the ramps at one point. It was the skating of ramps that caused me to go with harder bushings. I found myself tightening my trucks down too much in order to het more control on ramps. So, I ended up going with harder and harder bushings. In fact, I went skating just last night with my new bushings, and I had to tighten my trucks down even more, as they felt a bit to loose. But, they are not over tightened, like when I had softer bushings on them.
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biffsk8er: Mixed hardness bushings (13. Jul. 2010 19:16)
 : I've yet to try those Bones bushings which seem to not need the metal retaining cap.

I\'m using these bushings now, and they seem to be working very well so far.

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bnwsk88: Mixed hardness bushings (14. Jul. 2010 04:15)
 I ride these and they are awesome...if you are going straight they are stable due to the "hardcore" but when you turn the urethane turns smoothly and rebounds like a champ. Highly recommended!
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bnwsk88: Mixed hardness bushings (14. Jul. 2010 04:19)
 I know I probably sound like a commercial but I must tell you that I love my SPF, super fast, smooth, sometimes almost too grippy, did I say fast and I don't really flat them unless I preform an improper T stop which we already discussed in Rollerskate world, ie...toe stops no toe stops.
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cephalopoid: Mixed hardness bushings (14. Jul. 2010 12:31)
 Ghehe, am I lucky to have bought spf wheels without being familiar with the wheel brands.
As for the bushings, maybe getting those wouldn't be a bad idea.
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biffsk8er: Mixed hardness bushings (14. Jul. 2010 20:07)
 I just realized that the bushings I posted were the soft ones. Heh heh. Actually, I use the ones pictured here on the right.....HARD bushings.

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claudine: Mixed hardness bushings (14. Jul. 2010 23:17)
 These are the only ones I'll use right now cause I need x-soft, 73a lol.

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cephalopoid: Mixed hardness bushings (15. Jul. 2010 12:16)
 I've dreamt of going to some shifty bushings dealer a few nights ago. He had this collection, amongst others. Bushings start to creep me out. I start to think the blue 88's are too soft, indeed. I had to go for medium, stupid me.
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biffsk8er: Mixed hardness bushings (15. Jul. 2010 19:11)
 Claudine, you're just a softy!
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claudine: Mixed hardness bushings (15. Jul. 2010 19:21)
 Hehehe, YEP! And a lighty lol.
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bnwsk88: Mixed hardness bushings (16. Jul. 2010 06:39)
 I am a soft cushion man but how wide are your trucks Biff? That could totally change the need for harder bushings with all that extra leverage of a wide truck.
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biffsk8er: Mixed hardness bushings (16. Jul. 2010 08:16)
 : I am a soft cushion man but how wide are your trucks Biff? That could totally change the need for harder bushings with all that extra leverage of a wide truck.

109mm wide. I think the pic below is the truck I use.

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