Vertical Rollerskating


Message 13157 (20. Jul. 2010 03:22) (Tree)

Decent inexpensive vertskate plates.
if anyone just needs the truck 4" wide for suregrip plates, i've got 4 that i'm not gonna use. the plates are pretty small, but got those, too.
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Jay: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (17. Jul. 2010 04:49)
 Broke the aluminum base plate on my sk8s 2 days ago & have been trying to figure out best/cheapest/fastest way to get them replaced or repaired before RollerCon in less than 2 weeks. Well, has hooked me up. They are selling the Sure-Grip Super-X plate WITH 4' wide trucks (you need these specific trucks for these plates) for LESS than $50!! now you still need wheels, bearings & boots, but DAMN! That's a good deal. I ordered 3 sets for myself before they go the way of the Dodo....sorry the Tracker.
Anyway, here's the link.

They also sell "mounting kits" for a few bucks that have all the nuts bolts & washers to attach plates to boots. And you need to buy toestops for a few dollars more...if you want 'em. Anyway, I've been riding these for about 18 months & REALLY like 'em. They're a GREAT platform you can attach ANY boot & wheels you want to fairly inexpensively.

I've been kinda frantic since breaking my sk8 the other day. Especially when I tried to order a new pair & found the largest size was a Men's 8 (I'm a 10) & I got my sk8s from THEM less than 2 years ago. After talking to a couple people on the phone I was told they were discontinuing them & just selling off existing stock, hence no 10's. But the plates are available still & pretty inexpensive. I know I broke one, but I had another issue with a stripped kingpin that I should've addressed & didn't. I paid a price. But they're still quality.
Anyway, thought you guys oughtta know while they were still available. If you wait too long, I'll probably buy the rest of their stock myself! LOL!
Wish me luck on getting my plates here AND installed onto my boots safely & quickly. RC starts in LESS than 2 weeks!
And, Bernard, will we have to wait til 2011 for this year's contest pics?!? :P Just razzin you, Mr. B. :D
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biffsk8er: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (17. Jul. 2010 08:47)
 Glad to hear you found a cure. :)

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Bernhard: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (17. Jul. 2010 09:05)
 : And, Bernard, will we have to wait til 2011 for this year's contest pics?!? :P Just razzin you, Mr. B. :D

Ah, the real reason is that I waited in vain for reports being written by some othert guys. They didn't arrive and so I published the photos without them. I think I get this years skateboard written by someone more dependable. That still levaes the inline report ...
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Robert: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (17. Jul. 2010 16:40)
 Jay, I am a little confused from your post. Are you saying they are discontinuing the Super X plates? Also, you mention that you need to buy the 4" trucks to fit the plates. I have a feeling I misunderstood you. I am guessing they come with the small trucks, but you can put the wider trucks on? I use wider trucks on mine and I thought you did as well. Also, if you end up using the Super X plates instead of a custom set up, then I highly recommend Rollergirl's new slide bar. I am not much of a slider, but love them for plate stahls. You would kill on these things.
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Jay: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (17. Jul. 2010 17:09)
  Hey Robert,
according to what they told me, they've already discontinued the COMPLETE vert sk8 they were selling (which I currently ride) & just selling out the remaining backstock inventory.
I DO ride the 4" trucks. Until 18 months ago I was on stock speed sk8s that I just put slider blocks on, remember? I hope this answers your questions.
Are you (and/or) Jamie coming to RC? Just over a week now. You'll want to be here, Bro. :D
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claudine: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (17. Jul. 2010 19:34)
 It looks like you can get the XK-4 doubler plate to fit those trucks too.

Its sad they discontinue all the vert skating parts. :-(
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Robert: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (18. Jul. 2010 00:32)
 Jay, are the 4" trucks the wide vert trucks? If I could get plates and wide trucks for $50, I would be all over it. At first I thought you were talking about their stock tiny trucks, but realized 4" trucks are quite wider. If those are the wider trucks and come with the plates, that is a steal. It does not look like we will make Rollercon bro. If i had someone to go with, I would attend, but it is too expensive to go alone.
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Jay: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (18. Jul. 2010 05:33)
  Yes, it's a bummer, but $50 is a MAJOR steal for plates AND trucks.
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claudine: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (18. Jul. 2010 05:55)
 Yep, stash up on all you can for a low price! Just wanted to show others there are still options. I like the sk8board trucks. Homemade skates are best if you ask me.
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biffsk8er: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (18. Jul. 2010 08:18)
 : I like the sk8board trucks. Homemade skates are best if you ask me.

Hear, hear!! Sing it from the mountain top, sister!!

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Robert: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (20. Jul. 2010 02:48)
 Jay, sorry to be a little slow, but did the plates come with wide trucks? You said 4 inches and that seems a lot wider than the stock ones.
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ireNe: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (20. Jul. 2010 03:22)
 if anyone just needs the truck 4" wide for suregrip plates, i've got 4 that i'm not gonna use. the plates are pretty small, but got those, too.
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biffsk8er: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (20. Jul. 2010 08:42)
 : if anyone just needs the truck 4" wide for suregrip plates, i've got 4 that i'm not gonna use. the plates are pretty small, but got those, too.

Yes! Buy local!!
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Jay: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (21. Jul. 2010 01:18)
  Well, it's 430pm Tuesday, 8 days before RC, says plates are due for delivery today. I DON;T know if they have the 4" trucks with or not, YET.
Irene, I would LOVE those trucks, whether the ones I bought have 'em or not. I just bought 3 sets for christ sake!
So name your price & I'll send you some green. :P
Or better yet, YOU bring 'em & come to RC! Or send 'em w/Ufra. Whatever.
Much Love,
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ireNe: Decent inexpensive vertskate plates. (21. Jul. 2010 02:55)
 the plates and trucks will be in Ufra's luggage. too bad i can't get in the bag, too. sorry, i gotta miss this yr's rc raging madness. life just won't be the same without seeing and skating with my peeps.
there's always rc 2011 to look forward to. i hope to get out to cali before then, tho'
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