Vertical Rollerskating


Message 13255 (10. Aug. 2010 13:10) (Tree)

Happy borthday, Joe!
Hey old fart....congrats...and on the move...
we need to roll together again soon mate..maybe the shed..

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Bernhard: Happy borthday, Joe! (9. Aug. 2010 08:15)
 I trust on Biff that it is true: A happy birthday to you!
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joe90: Happy borthday, Joe! (10. Aug. 2010 04:24)
 Thanx dooooods moved into my new house on the weekend so was busy but exhiting weekend.

cheers joe
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rollerball: Happy borthday, Joe! (10. Aug. 2010 13:10)
 Hey old fart....congrats...and on the move...
we need to roll together again soon mate..maybe the shed..

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biffsk8er: Happy borthday, Joe! (10. Aug. 2010 17:14)
 : Thanx dooooods moved into my new house on the weekend so was busy but exciting weekend.
: cheers joe

Awesome! Hopefully someone at least took you out for your birthday? Are you buying your new house or are you just squatting?

(You didn't drink anything during this exciting weekend, did you???)
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joe90: Happy borthday, Joe! (10. Aug. 2010 23:16)
 Sounds rad Paul,,got plenty of room to crash at the new gaf.The word is the shed is bulk rad.

cheers joe
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hludi: Happy birthday, Joe! (11. Aug. 2010 08:49)
 happy birthday mate and congrats on the new home,
that came round quickly.
cheers, H.
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