Vertical Rollerskating


Message 13267 (12. Aug. 2010 17:54) (Tree)

The RollerCon Sk8Park Tour
Hey Claudine,
Unfortunately, @ 23 minutes in length that video is WAY too large for me to email. When I get some time I intend to make another movie from the 2010 RC footy comprising ALL the sk8parks, but I'll keep it under 20 minutes! But I don't know when I'll get to that.
I hope you can view the video in it's entirety, because it's pretty fug'n awesome when you see that many quad skaters together on a 1/2 pipe.

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Jay: The RollerCon Sk8Park Tour "Area 702" Movie (11. Aug. 2010 05:05)
  Hey, everybody.
Sorry I've been away for awhile. I've been busy with RC & exhausted after. I've finally finished all my RC Movies. I'm embedding the Best one here. It's comprised of footy from "Area 702", the Tropicana's pool & our suite. I made several edits before settling on this one. And it's pretty long (23min) but well worth watching. Duke busts out the 540 Invert & I caught it from 3 different angles! AWESOMENESS on Film! Unfortunately shortly after this I deleted ONE little clip & caused my text to be off (late) by one clip for rest of film. :-( Desi Jones sk8s on vert ramp with his daughter but text doesn't appear until next clip....then Ufra does plate stall on my sk8 on vert ramp & I call it on next clip. Sorry, just learning my editing software & can't claim to be Spielberg or Raven (Biff's son), I'm trying though. The skating is BadASS regardless.

Vertical RollerSkating @ Area 702 from RollerCon SK8Park Tour 2010 from Jay Cloetens on Vimeo.

And just in case the embed didn't work, here's the link to that video:

Also, I invite AGAIN everyone to come scope out where I've got the videos for all the other stops including the Super Secret, Vert-Dogs ONLY session @ the PAIR of private pools

Wagon Wheel Pools

known locally as Wagon Wheel. The only REAL pool coping in Vegas! There's alot of cool content on there & I'm ALWAYS wanting more from people like YOU! This is NOT an alternative to Bernard's Beloved Forum here. It's intended to inspire my derby friends.
Speaking of which, I met some AWESOME girls (& 1 guy) from OZ who came out to ALL FIVE parks with me! In fact, I gave one girl, Deborah Hill aka "Bambi Von Smash'er" a newly invented Skatepark Tour Title "MVP". Joe90, RollerBall & Ludi, I know it's a BIG Country Down Under there, but this girl (& her posse)are from Canberra & you watch the video(s) & you'll see she's a GO-er! If you ever get 'round Canberra, look her up! She's on now if you wanna get in touch w/her.

Guess I'll link up other videos for you guys while I'm @ it.....

Stops 1 & 2 :

Stop 3 (Hollywood):

& Secret Session @ my friend Kirk's house aka "Wagon Wheel":

Hope you guys like the videos. Like I said, still figuring out what the F I'm doing on the editing. I had a GREAT time this RC. Ufra & Marta were super cool & brought just the right amount of international Flavor to the festivities. I hope/think they enjoyed what hospitality I was able to offer them.

Direkt link to Vimeo.
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ireNe: The RollerCon Sk8Park Tour (11. Aug. 2010 05:51)
 Jay.... YOU'RE THE MAN. Rockin' out with this one!
thx for all u do for all of us in da virtual world...
with ya all the way, in spirit and passion... u know what's up ;-)
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Jay: The RollerCon Sk8Park Tour (11. Aug. 2010 06:09)
  Awww, Shucks, Ma'am! :-)
Serious;y, Thanks. ALOT. I really TRY for RC, so if it's not up to snuff then, it never WILL be! LOL!
You better be here next year! In Body!
Much Love
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biffsk8er: The RollerCon Sk8Park Tour (11. Aug. 2010 08:11)
 Where do I start. I missed it.
This helps a little.

I need my RC fix. I miss skating with other quadders.
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Jay: The RollerCon Sk8Park Tour (11. Aug. 2010 17:02)
  We missed you too. So did the Vertramp @ 702!
In fact, we missed EVERYBODY who didn't make it this year!!!
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claudine: The RollerCon Sk8Park Tour (12. Aug. 2010 04:22)
 That is so cool Jay! I'm so stoked on wanting to go next year, somehow, even if I have to stand on the streets and beg for money lol. I'm GOING! I've gonna be healthy and ripping next year. ;-D!

Jay, can you email me this video cause I have dial up and it sucks lol? If not I'll go to the library.
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Jay: The RollerCon Sk8Park Tour (12. Aug. 2010 17:54)
  Hey Claudine,
Unfortunately, @ 23 minutes in length that video is WAY too large for me to email. When I get some time I intend to make another movie from the 2010 RC footy comprising ALL the sk8parks, but I'll keep it under 20 minutes! But I don't know when I'll get to that.
I hope you can view the video in it's entirety, because it's pretty fug'n awesome when you see that many quad skaters together on a 1/2 pipe.

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claudine: The RollerCon Sk8Park Tour (13. Aug. 2010 06:03)
 I watched it, just choppy cause i have slow connection. Loved it man! Thanks dude.
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Bernhard: The RollerCon Sk8Park Tour (13. Aug. 2010 08:06)
 Hey Jay,

thanks for the coverage of Rollercon. I loved seeing all the nice people I already met in person and also those I didn't have the chance to meet yet. I didn't know Desi had a skating daughter! All I can say is: Wow! You keep the roller skating world spinning.
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biffsk8er: The RollerCon Sk8Park Tour (13. Aug. 2010 08:31)
 Thanks. I appreciate the sentiment.
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biffsk8er: The RollerCon Sk8Park Tour (13. Aug. 2010 08:32)
 : That is so cool Jay! I'm so stoked on wanting to go next year, somehow, even if I have to stand on the streets and beg for money lol. I'm GOING! I've gonna be healthy and ripping next year. ;-D!

Hear, hear! I concur!!

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biffsk8er: The RollerCon Sk8Park Tour (13. Aug. 2010 08:38)
 I also did not realize her skating potential!! Blew me away as well.

Btw, my birthday is now officially over. It was awesome! Woke up to Holly playing hooky from work! Got to sleep in with her....very nice. We went to breakfast afterwards, then to see \"Inception\" (rad movie!!). Later, we went swimming. After that, I had a quick lunch followed by a tres leches birthday cake. I then had to go to work, but they treated me to a b-day margarita after work. Over all.......a super cool day!
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Bernhard: Happy birthday, Biff! (13. Aug. 2010 09:30)
 Happy belated birthday to you, Biff! Sorry I missed it!

Btw, hereabouts it's the birthday kids who have to treat their colleagues. In my current company, it's usually enough cake at least for the work group (no harm if it's sufficient for the whole company) and at previous places an after-work apéro (a Swiss custom) was what was called for normally.
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biffsk8er: Happy birthday, Biff! (13. Aug. 2010 20:54)
 : Happy belated birthday to you, Biff! Sorry I missed it!

Thanks, Bernhard!! Now, back to daily life and all that it entails.

Btw, it is common here too, (at least in offices) to have a cake and/or either a lunch party with coworkers and/or after work drinks at some bar or restaurant.

Depends on how much the others like you. :P~~
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claudine: Happy birthday, Biff! (15. Aug. 2010 15:05)
 Happy birthday! Everyone has it in the summer? ;-D
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biffsk8er: Happy birthday, Biff! (15. Aug. 2010 16:49)
 : Happy birthday! Everyone has it in the summer? ;-D

Thanks!! Most people have their birthday, at least in the U.S., during the months of July through August. Usually due to shacking up during the winter months.
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claudine: Happy birthday, Biff! (15. Aug. 2010 21:38)
 But at thanksgiving its not that cold to be in bed lol.

Oh well, I'm a Christmas baby, my mom just purchased me lol.
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biffsk8er: Happy birthday, Biff! (16. Aug. 2010 19:00)
 : Oh well, I'm a Christmas baby, my mom just purchased me lol.

You must have been expensive!
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