Vertical Rollerskating


Message 13341 (29. Aug. 2010 14:29) (Tree)

Bag O Tricks number 11
Yeah its been a while...
Ive had a bad heel for a while now..still not 100%
Damn heel spur...
Anyway my heel felt good enough for a roll...
Video camera wasnt charged so I gave the digital camera a go at doing the video...came out ok I think...
anyway here you go...Straight legged airs...

see you at the shed sometime
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Rollerball: Bag O Tricks number 11 (29. Aug. 2010 14:29)
 Yeah its been a while...
Ive had a bad heel for a while now..still not 100%
Damn heel spur...
Anyway my heel felt good enough for a roll...
Video camera wasnt charged so I gave the digital camera a go at doing the video...came out ok I think...
anyway here you go...Straight legged airs...

see you at the shed sometime
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Bernhard: Bag O Tricks number 11 (29. Aug. 2010 16:36)
 I think this is called a rocket air. Well done!
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joe90: Bag O Tricks number 11 (30. Aug. 2010 12:04)
 I'll call it bulk rad.Been off my skates for a few months too,moving house and wotnot but had a roll at vertmont sunday morn with my brother,,felt so rad.

cheers joe
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Bernhard: Bag O Tricks number 11 (30. Aug. 2010 12:51)
 Your brother is skating too? Cool, didn't remember that. I will get a visit from Or in two weeks. Tim and Sonja will come to Germany with their one year old daughter.
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joe90: Bag O Tricks number 11 (31. Aug. 2010 02:14)
 Yeah i'm rapped he's skating again,,skateboard that is but I still let him skate with me.

cheers joe
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biffsk8er: Bag O Tricks number 11 (3. Sep. 2010 22:49)
 Wow. I might break if I tried to do a "straight" legged air. I need to take Yoga first to get limber enough.
Nice trick.
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