Vertical Rollerskating


Message 13527 (20. Oct. 2010 16:52) (Tree)

I am focusing on the back since that is the hardest. I am using myself for some of this since I have good bone structure (skinny lol) but will build it up. I think I still need to work on the shoulder?
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claudine: sculpture (20. Oct. 2010 16:52)
 I am focusing on the back since that is the hardest. I am using myself for some of this since I have good bone structure (skinny lol) but will build it up. I think I still need to work on the shoulder?
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claudine: sculpture (20. Oct. 2010 16:55)
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claudine: sculpture (20. Oct. 2010 16:57)
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Robert: sculpture (20. Oct. 2010 17:48)
 Very cool.
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claudine: sculpture (21. Oct. 2010 01:58)
 Thanks!! I'll build her up some, just need to get the structure right first. I'm enjoying it! Irene is gonna look so awesome, yay!
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VerticAllan: sculpture (25. Oct. 2010 20:50)
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