Vertical Rollerskating


Message 13699 (29. Dec. 2010 23:16) (Tree)

News from Beule
From Jason Shrieves:

Tony visited Beule this morning and was able to spend about 2 hours with him.
He said that Beule is in good spirits and as positive and light-hearted as ever. He says the prison is a nice one and Beule is able to keep fit with the exercise equipment and is acutally taking an English class to perfect his written and spoken English. He has access to a library where he is reading all he can to learn about the Aussie legal system and how it will effect him.
He's trying to look beyond all this and keep a positive outlook that he'll soon be walking a free man again once the dust settles. The legal process is painfully slow.

Beule is super stoked on the support that everyone here has shown, and very grateful for the donations. He asked if people could send him pictures, so I thought that if anyone has some photos (recent or old, hard or soft) they could send them to me and I will pass them to Tony to hand deliver during one of his visits (which should be more frequent now). If anyone is or will be in Oz and wants to visit him, shoot me a message for details.

Free Beule!
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Bernhard: News from Beule (29. Dec. 2010 23:16)
 From Jason Shrieves:

Tony visited Beule this morning and was able to spend about 2 hours with him.
He said that Beule is in good spirits and as positive and light-hearted as ever. He says the prison is a nice one and Beule is able to keep fit with the exercise equipment and is acutally taking an English class to perfect his written and spoken English. He has access to a library where he is reading all he can to learn about the Aussie legal system and how it will effect him.
He's trying to look beyond all this and keep a positive outlook that he'll soon be walking a free man again once the dust settles. The legal process is painfully slow.

Beule is super stoked on the support that everyone here has shown, and very grateful for the donations. He asked if people could send him pictures, so I thought that if anyone has some photos (recent or old, hard or soft) they could send them to me and I will pass them to Tony to hand deliver during one of his visits (which should be more frequent now). If anyone is or will be in Oz and wants to visit him, shoot me a message for details.

Free Beule!
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Bernhard: News from Beule (31. Dec. 2010 12:32)
 From Joerg Sander:

Dear Friends.

Beule called me last night.

He wishes everybody a "Happy New Year"

Letīs concentrate all our energy and send him a positiv "Happy New Year" too.

Free Beule!
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biffsk8er: News from Beule (2. Jan. 2011 01:32)
 Happy New Year, Beule!
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claudine: News from Beule (3. Jan. 2011 00:22)
 Legal process is painfully slow and unfair in the US also. Glad things are ok in jail. I'll have to remember this if I ever become homeless. Maybe they teach sculpture in jail? Esp. if they have roller skating there too. If so I"m sooo guilty.

I hope he gets out soon. I wish our world were a better place.
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