Vertical Rollerskating


Message 13820 (11. Feb. 2011 09:34) (Tree)

New video of JAWS
Just went skating at the JAWS skatepark in New Braunfels today. Cold, sunny, and lots of fun trying new things. Enjoy.
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biffsk8er: New video of JAWS (11. Feb. 2011 09:34)
 Just went skating at the JAWS skatepark in New Braunfels today. Cold, sunny, and lots of fun trying new things. Enjoy.
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h ludi: New video of JAWS (11. Feb. 2011 11:45)
 nice park, and thats some snappy sk8ing too.
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biffsk8er: New video of JAWS (11. Feb. 2011 21:35)
 : nice park, and thats some snappy sk8ing too.

Thanks! Did you like my snappy outfit? *chuckles*
I was wearing microfiber thermals under my shorts
and shirt, as it was pretty cold.

That is a real nice park, though. Soon, we'll have one better near my house!
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h ludi: New video of JAWS (11. Feb. 2011 23:12)
 cool, we dont have that extreme cold here.
what isnt flooded is usually burning.
cheers, H.
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claudine: New video of JAWS (12. Feb. 2011 02:11)
 Nice! I miss skating...... :`(
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Robert: New video of JAWS (12. Feb. 2011 03:40)
 Very nice!
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biffsk8er: New video of JAWS (13. Feb. 2011 08:06)
 Thanks Robert.

Thanks Claudine. Hope you get to skate soon.
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