Vertical Rollerskating


Message 13833 (26. Feb. 2011 00:03) (Tree)

Couple of pics from the weekend...

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Rollerball: Couple of pics from the weekend... (25. Feb. 2011 23:59)
 My foot was good enough for a quick roll when I was away on holidays...
Friend of mine BORIS too a couple of pics....
anyway here you go....
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rollerball: Couple of pics from the weekend... (26. Feb. 2011 00:03)

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Bernhard: Couple of pics from the weekend... (26. Feb. 2011 00:13)
 Wow, congratulations on riding your skates again! It's way too long since I rode mine.

Is Boris the guy with Harry I snapped at the after contest party where we met in Sydney?
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rollerball: Couple of pics from the weekend... (26. Feb. 2011 02:10)
 Yep thats him....LOVE his shirt...
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biffsk8er: Couple of pics from the weekend... (26. Feb. 2011 17:22)
 Love it!!
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joe90: Couple of pics from the weekend... (26. Feb. 2011 23:29)
 Bulk radness.What park is that?Good to see you rolling mate
I'm out for a bit too,,fugged my shoulder at the Shed on Thursday and cant move the thing to well at the mo.
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Bernhard: Couple of pics from the weekend... (27. Feb. 2011 00:30)
 Joe, I'm so sorry to hear that your hurt yourself, Heal well and fast!
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biffsk8er: Couple of pics from the weekend... (27. Feb. 2011 08:47)
 : Joe, I'm so sorry to hear that your hurt yourself, Heal well and fast!

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joe90: Couple of pics from the weekend... (27. Feb. 2011 10:07)
 Thanx blokes, shouldn't be out for long.

cheers joe
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