Vertical Rollerskating


Message 14079 (28. Jun. 2011 00:20) (Tree)

forum feature request:
Sure, near the (All) link would do fine. Would improve my browsing vastly.
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cephalopoid: forum feature request: "Next" URL (18. May. 2011 01:26)
 Even though I know I'm not the most faithful visitor of the forum, I still have a feature request. A "Next" URL, right next to the "Reply" one. Better even, near the top of the page, before the message. The reason to place it there, would be to ease my browsing of threads using Pentadactyl's mouseless link opening feature, aka hints. That way every time I want to go to the next message in the thread it'll be the same combination of keys, not searching for the new combination every time.

So, Bernhard, if you ever feel like doing some coding, here's a little suggestion.

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Bernhard: forum feature request: (18. May. 2011 09:06)
 Hi Ceph,

I'm always open to new ideas and suggestions. I'm sure, however, that I won't get around to doing it before the 9th of June.

But I do have two questions: What do you mean by "next message"? The normal view of a message thread is the hierarchical tree view and it is not entirely clear what "next" means in such a context. There are several ways to traverse a tree ... But I suspect that you mean "next" ion a chronological sense, like the messages are ordered in the linear "All" view. Is this the case?

The second question would be, if "next" is meant chrononologically, then there is the "All" view. So it would be a short-cut to represent the "All" view one message after the other, right?

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cephalopoid: forum feature request: (18. May. 2011 21:23)
 Actually I meant "next" within the tree you're currently viewing, and suppose it's the last it could jump to the next tree.
Chronological order doesn't make much sense around here, imo.
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Bernhard: forum feature request: (20. May. 2011 12:17)
 I think I get now what you want. This would be a "depth traversal" through the tree like it is displayed in the forum. I was probably thinking too complicated. The URL would make sense in the title line, maybe near the "All" link.
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cephalopoid: forum feature request: (28. Jun. 2011 00:20)
 Sure, near the (All) link would do fine. Would improve my browsing vastly.
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Bernhard: forum feature request: (28. Jun. 2011 09:00)
 Good thing that you remind me. I have already forgotten your request but now I thought about it for a minute and I think I have an idea how to do it. Keep on nagging me!
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Bernhard: forum feature request: (29. Jun. 2011 17:48)
 Hi Ceph,

I have implemented a next and previous message feature to navigate the messages in a discussion thread. Located near the 'All' link. Check if it is useful and/or to your liking.
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biffsk8er: forum feature request: (29. Jun. 2011 20:05)
 Awesome!!! I love it!!! Good job, guys.
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Bernhard: forum feature request: (29. Jun. 2011 20:23)
 Glad you like it!

This shows again how important user feedback is. I'd never thought of this feature myself. I'm way too minimalistic! But I try to listen to the forum inhabitants to understand what is useful.
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biffsk8er: forum feature request: (6. Jul. 2011 21:46)
 I have a forum feature request. I'd like to be able to preview my post before posting it. Is that possible? And if it is not possible, then the next best thing would be allowing post-ers to edit their own posts afterwards.
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Bernhard: forum feature request: (6. Jul. 2011 22:12)
 I think a preview function should be doable.

Editing one's own postings is more involved. This requires authentication, which I have put off since countless years. But nowadays people are used to autheticated themselves everywhere on the web.
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Bernhard: forum feature request: (10. Jul. 2011 16:50)
 Preview should now be working. Please try it out and report any problems so I can fix them.
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biffsk8er: forum feature request: (11. Jul. 2011 00:19)
 I am testing it now. It appears to be working very well!! Thanks, Bernhard!

It is of note to mention that one need not type in the RECAPTCHA phrase for the preview function. After you 'preview' the post, you can then enter the Recaptcha phrase to enter your post.
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Bernhard: forum feature request: (11. Jul. 2011 07:20)
 Yep, I thought it better not to require the ReCAPTCHA for 'Quote' and 'Preview' but only for 'Post'. One might go through several 'Preview' cycles before posting and it would be very tedious to enter a ReCAPTCHA every time.
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cephalopoid: forum feature request: (16. Jul. 2011 12:20)
It works flawlessly. Now I just need two (or three on longer threads) fixed keystrokes to see the next post.
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