Vertical Rollerskating


Message 14205 (18. Aug. 2011 08:43) (Tree)

Rollerskate session, 2011, August 1
Hi Gambin,

I will tell Sven that you want to post pics in your blog. I have only the ones posted here plus the one at the Steckborn bowl:

Would those be OK for you or do you need something else? I'm sure you remember how long it took to get pics of the boots to you! ;-)
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Bernhard: Rollerskate session, 2011, August 1 (7. Aug. 2011 15:31)
 On August 1, we where three (!) roller skaters on the LaWa ramp. I took a few pics of Sven and Alex.
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Bernhard: Rollerskate session, 2011, August 1 (7. Aug. 2011 15:38)
 number two
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Bernhard: Rollerskate session, 2011, August 1 (7. Aug. 2011 15:39)
 number three
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Bernhard: Rollerskate session, 2011, August 1 (7. Aug. 2011 15:41)
 number four
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Bernhard: Rollerskate session, 2011, August 1 (7. Aug. 2011 15:41)
 number five
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Gambin: Rollerskate session, 2011, August 1 (10. Aug. 2011 13:15)

Strickywear QUADS!!!

Bernhard, I need pics of the skates for my blog if is possible in the air!! and the weigth too!!!

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Bernhard: Rollerskate session, 2011, August 1 (18. Aug. 2011 08:43)
 Hi Gambin,

I will tell Sven that you want to post pics in your blog. I have only the ones posted here plus the one at the Steckborn bowl:

Would those be OK for you or do you need something else? I'm sure you remember how long it took to get pics of the boots to you! ;-)
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biffsk8er: Rollerskate session, 2011, August 1 (18. Aug. 2011 09:23)
 : Hi Gambin,
: I will tell Sven that you want to post pics in your blog. I have only the ones posted here plus the one at the Steckborn bowl:
: Would those be OK for you or do you need something else? I'm sure you remember how long it took to get pics of the boots to you! ;-)

What's the weight, man?!?!
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Bernhard: Rollerskate session, 2011, August 1 (18. Aug. 2011 09:38)
 : What's the weight, man?!?!

I have to admit: I do not know. But I have forwarded the question to Sven and I am confident that I can extract an answer from hin within the next few years. ;)

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joe90: Rollerskate session, 2011, August 1 (18. Aug. 2011 12:02)
 Rad shot MrB. Primate knee pads if I'm not mistaken as well,hand made in Oz by a good mate of Harry and mine. Thats a nice looking little bowl too.Radness.

cheers joe
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Bernhard: Rollerskate session, 2011, August 1 (18. Aug. 2011 12:46)
 Glad you like the shot! I mad quite a fool out of myaelf trying to ride this bowl. Got stuck in the deep end. But it's always fun watching Sven skate. He's just a natural talent.

And I believe that you could be right wrt the pads. At least Sven had Primate once and is possible that he still uses them.
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