Vertical Rollerskating


Message 14481 (6. Jul. 2012 15:49) (Tree)

Breaking the silence
: : Biff and me snapped our quadriceps tendons and as we can see, Biff is not in the least impressed by his injury.
: *** I was lucky, as my tendon did not snap all the way. I tore my quad tendon about 25mm (close to an inch). So, medically was a #2 tear. A #3 tear is full separation, which must hurt like crazy!! Is that what you had, Bernhard?

My tendon didn't snap all the way, neither. So I guess it would also only qualify as a #2, although it did hurt like crazy. I can't tell how many mm exactly, but it was almost completely torn. I should have gone to a doctor immediately, but for one month I thought it was just a severely pulled muscle. And then it took another month till I finally gut my surgery.
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biffsk8er: Breaking the silence (2. Jul. 2012 22:43)
 My latest clips muddled together.
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Bernhard: Breaking the silence (2. Jul. 2012 23:20)
 Ah, here's a roller skater who knows how to deal with pool coping.

Biff, great concrete skating!
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biffsk8er: Breaking the silence (3. Jul. 2012 21:42)
 Thanks! Now let's see some more videos. Come on everyone and post your latest.
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cephalopoid: Breaking the silence (5. Jul. 2012 12:29)
 Wow! I loved how you rode both the small and the deep cradles.
What was the song you stuck in the background?

Unfortunately, Marcio Wood, the guy with the camera, has busted up his knee big time. It was hanging on a thin thread of tendon until recently, then that snapped too. He even has trouble walking longer distances at the moment. Of course, I could ask him to come film me, but I've been really busy myself, not skating all that much either. He'll have an operation in August, iirc. Let's hope for the best.

By the way, I loved your narration, Biff. I'll quote the most impressive part:

"Ah shi-"
- Biff Riley
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Bernhard: Breaking the silence (5. Jul. 2012 12:37)
 : Unfortunately, Marcio Wood, the guy with the camera, has busted up his knee big time. It was hanging on a thin thread of tendon until recently, then that snapped too.

Welcome to the club. Which tendon did he snap?

Biff and me snapped our quadriceps tendons and as we can see, Biff is not in the least impressed by his injury.
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biffsk8er: Breaking the silence (6. Jul. 2012 08:13)
 : Wow! I loved how you rode both the small and the deep cradles.

: What was the song you stuck in the background?
I always list the song credits in my videos (check the video description section below the video).
---Music : Fleetwood Mac - \'Tusk\'

: Unfortunately, Marcio Wood, the guy with the camera, has busted up his knee big time. It was hanging on a thin thread of tendon until recently, then that snapped too. He even has trouble walking longer distances at the moment. Of course, I could ask him to come film me, but I've been really busy myself, not skating all that much either. He'll have an operation in August, iirc. Let's hope for the best.
*** That is terrible! I hope that he can get the proper care and/or surgery to fix that! Tell him that there are those here in Texas that wish him the very best, and hope that he can once again get the mobility that I am sure that he misses.

: By the way, I loved your narration, Biff. I'll quote the most impressive part:
: "Ah shi-"
*** Oddly enough, that quote is VERY common. :P
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biffsk8er: Breaking the silence (6. Jul. 2012 08:17)
 : Biff and me snapped our quadriceps tendons and as we can see, Biff is not in the least impressed by his injury.

*** I was lucky, as my tendon did not snap all the way. I tore my quad tendon about 25mm (close to an inch). So, medically was a #2 tear. A #3 tear is full separation, which must hurt like crazy!! Is that what you had, Bernhard?
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Bernhard: Breaking the silence (6. Jul. 2012 15:49)
 : : Biff and me snapped our quadriceps tendons and as we can see, Biff is not in the least impressed by his injury.
: *** I was lucky, as my tendon did not snap all the way. I tore my quad tendon about 25mm (close to an inch). So, medically was a #2 tear. A #3 tear is full separation, which must hurt like crazy!! Is that what you had, Bernhard?

My tendon didn't snap all the way, neither. So I guess it would also only qualify as a #2, although it did hurt like crazy. I can't tell how many mm exactly, but it was almost completely torn. I should have gone to a doctor immediately, but for one month I thought it was just a severely pulled muscle. And then it took another month till I finally gut my surgery.
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