Vertical Rollerskating


Message 14562 (25. Dec. 2012 10:17) (Tree)

Merry Christmas!
Good to hear things are comming good MrB, havnt rolled much this year myself either but am gonna try and get a few seshes next year if work allows. Hope you and all the usual suspects had a great chrisy and a very healthy and happy new year.
Take it easy

cheers joe
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Bernhard: Merry Christmas! (24. Dec. 2012 19:46)
 A Merry Christmas to all roller skaters, whereever on the world they may be and whatever their current situation may be.

Looking back, I haven't been skating much this year. For one, the ramps I liked to skate have been torn down. On the other hand, my health wasn't very suited to skating. Constant pain at my tailbone and a broken hand weren't helpful. The hand is very much OK now and the tailbone problem is being solved. So, the future looks bright, fruitful and positive.

Out local ramp also has undergone a lot of renovation. It is skateable at the moment but Axel isn't 100 % satisfied. He did most of the work and can't be thanked enough. There was also a lot of help by local skaters and all in all, the project took very long and at the end, only a few brave would continue supporting Axel. Thanks to all having helped and especially to those staying in.

I hope to read from you all around the world. Keep on skating and don't get hurt!

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joe90: Merry Christmas! (25. Dec. 2012 10:17)
 Good to hear things are comming good MrB, havnt rolled much this year myself either but am gonna try and get a few seshes next year if work allows. Hope you and all the usual suspects had a great chrisy and a very healthy and happy new year.
Take it easy

cheers joe
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biffsk8er: Merry Christmas! (25. Dec. 2012 15:32)
 Thanks, Bernhard! Thanks, Joe!

Merry X-mas to all!! I hope everyone rolls in the new year safely and happily. May skate parks be built all around where you all live, and may brand new roller skates find you.

Cheers from the
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Gambin: Merry Christmas! (26. Dec. 2012 11:48)
 Feliz Navidad a todos igualmente!!!!

Bernhard espero que te recuperes del todo pronto y que puedas patinar a tope!!

Un abrazo desde Espaņa !!
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biffsk8er: Merry Christmas! (5. Jan. 2013 08:27)
 And a late Happy Birthday to you, Gambin!!!
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cephalopoid: Merry Christmas! (21. Jan. 2013 14:21)
 And a merry solstice to all of you from me as well. Okay, so it was a month ago, but hey, better late than never.
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