| : This is a photo from 1979. Skateboard City, Staten Island, NY
: My first skatepark experience. 2 hours by public transportation.
: All fiberglass on metal frames, no platforms. His name is JP and he's wearing Molly shorts. The bowl in the background had a channel and staircase. The halfpipe had roll-in's about halfway up the ramp on one side. It was cool to be able to see a skater carving around the bowl from the outside.
Hey, do you have any more pictures of this skatepark? ive been riding (bike) for 5 years and have always been going to jersey to ride due to lack of anything here in staten island.. me and my friends have tried very hard to get a skatepark built here, we finaly got an ok.. but they never acted and our hopes were crushed :( all thats here are some ramps in the woods that are falling apart fast