Vertical Rollerskating


Message 2798 (24. Jun. 2007 21:51) (Tree)

Missing Skating
: The kryptos were great but they were miserable on the ramps. Very sticky. I might stick around 85a until I can do jumps and all and stick them pretty well. I really want to get some air one day soon!

I think 85a will still be too soft and sticky. 78a is very great for cruising the street and for downhill and stuff like that. For half pipe I prefer 95a or harder. Because you are very light, A bit softer could be OK for you. But I have to say that I once upon a time tried 93a wheels in an effort to create a compromise skate which a“would be suitable for ramp and for street. In the end, it wasn't good for neither.
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Allan McMeekin: Missing Skating (16. Jun. 2007 00:34)
 Ain't had the chance to have a good skate in over 8 months, dig my skates out and get back into it. Get sum new footage on the utube.
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irene: Missing Skating (16. Jun. 2007 03:24)
 : Ain't had the chance to have a good skate in over 8 months, dig my skates out and get back into it. Get sum new footage on the utube.

Right On! You go get sum'
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Bernhard: Missing Skating (16. Jun. 2007 23:23)
 : Ain't had the chance to have a good skate in over 8 months, dig my skates out and get back into it. Get sum new footage on the utube.

I'm looking forward to it! Where are you based?
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Allan: Missing Skating (17. Jun. 2007 05:03)
 Im in Scotland, seem to be the only guy around here who does aggressive quads. Its all good though.
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Allan: Missing Skating (17. Jun. 2007 05:05)
 Thx for the support, hopefully i can just get straight back into it.
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Bernhard: Missing Skating (18. Jun. 2007 08:28)
 : Im in Scotland, seem to be the only guy around here who does aggressive quads. Its all good though.

You are the first scottish vert roller skater I hear of. Jay Tubbs or Lee Yau must be geographically the next ones. Rollerskating must fit in well with the Scottish Highland Games. "Tossing the Half Pipe" would be a nice addition ... ;-)
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RollerSkater Dave: Missing Skating (19. Jun. 2007 19:46)
 : Im in Scotland, seem to be the only guy around here who does aggressive quads. Its all good though.

Say Allan. Do you skate with your kilt on??
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Allan: Missing Skating (20. Jun. 2007 16:37)
 Lol yea, hmmm skating with a kilt now thats an idea ;) We got a few really good skateparks round here, notably Evolution which aint far from me in North Ayrshire is good, and Kelvingrove in Glasgow is sweet in the summer.
Used to frequent the quadskating forums a while back, may have seen me on there Im the man with the hat. Hairs short now though, thats prob why ya didnt recognize me, lol. Al
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zorg: Missing Skating (20. Jun. 2007 18:07)
  Lol!! Invert kilt!!!!!! mmmm traditional wearing kilt with nothing under it ?? ;-));-)) Lol!!!!
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irene: Missing Skating (20. Jun. 2007 21:18)
 : Lol!! Invert kilt!!!!!! mmmm traditional wearing kilt with nothing under it ?? ;-));-)) Lol!!!!

Men in Skirts ... YES! Whaddya say ladies???
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Allan: Missing Skating (20. Jun. 2007 23:35)
 : U guys/girls r soooo cool. bernard is a legend and so is irene. u guys rock the kasbah. pretty humblin sometimes dudes. but then i remember we all skaters. ROCK ON
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Claudine: Missing Skating (22. Jun. 2007 03:56)
 : Lol yea, hmmm skating with a kilt now thats an idea ;) We got a few really good skateparks round here, notably Evolution which aint far from me in North Ayrshire is good, and Kelvingrove in Glasgow is sweet in the summer.
: Used to frequent the quadskating forums a while back, may have seen me on there Im the man with the hat. Hairs short now though, thats prob why ya didnt recognize me, lol. Al

Hey, cool video! I'm skating on the same type of ramps at the skatepark too. I just started tho. The only trick I've mastered so far is the assplant lol. I saw that at the end of the video and it cracked me up cause it reminds me of me. :-D

I'm the only person here with quads. Basically the only female also. Just got aggressive ones from Lisa and I LOVE em!! I keep looking for videos to watch of quad skaters so I can get all the basics down like transitions, grinds, stalls, etc. I just fly over stuff usually tho lol.
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Allan: Missing Skating (22. Jun. 2007 12:21)
: Hey, cool video! I'm skating on the same type of ramps at the skatepark too. I just started tho. The only trick I've mastered so far is the assplant lol. I saw that at the end of the video and it cracked me up cause it reminds me of me. :-D
: I'm the only person here with quads. Basically the only female also. Just got aggressive ones from Lisa and I LOVE em!! I keep looking for videos to watch of quad skaters so I can get all the basics down like transitions, grinds, stalls, etc. I just fly over stuff usually tho lol.

Where bouts u located?
When I first started I fell over a lot. Still do, lol. It is kinda hard when theres noone else who does it near u, basically hav to come up with your style all by yaself. Either that or watch people on forums like these, and try doin what they do.
Best ppl to hang with are skateboarders, as they ride trucks too, and they also seem to dig the quad look. Also help ya out with lip tricks. Rollerbladers are good for learning drop ins and air tricks, but they dont seem to get quads, always goin on about why dont ya inline.
Maybe if enuff of us do aggressive quad then we may get recognized more, lost count of how many times ive been at a skatepark and kids are like >????? wot are those they aint inline. can you grind with them???? how do u drop in with them???
Start puttin ma vids on my myspace when i get back into it.
Take it easy, Al
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claudine: Missing Skating (22. Jun. 2007 17:35)
: : Hey, cool video! I'm skating on the same type of ramps at the skatepark too. I just started tho. The only trick I've mastered so far is the assplant lol. I saw that at the end of the video and it cracked me up cause it reminds me of me. :-D
: :
: : I'm the only person here with quads. Basically the only female also. Just got aggressive ones from Lisa and I LOVE em!! I keep looking for videos to watch of quad skaters so I can get all the basics down like transitions, grinds, stalls, etc. I just fly over stuff usually tho lol.
: Where bouts u located?
: When I first started I fell over a lot. Still do, lol. It is kinda hard when theres noone else who does it near u, basically hav to come up with your style all by yaself. Either that or watch people on forums like these, and try doin what they do.
: Best ppl to hang with are skateboarders, as they ride trucks too, and they also seem to dig the quad look. Also help ya out with lip tricks. Rollerbladers are good for learning drop ins and air tricks, but they dont seem to get quads, always goin on about why dont ya inline.
: Maybe if enuff of us do aggressive quad then we may get recognized more, lost count of how many times ive been at a skatepark and kids are like >????? wot are those they aint inline. can you grind with them???? how do u drop in with them???
: Start puttin ma vids on my myspace when i get back into it.
: Take it easy, Al

Yeah, please post some videos because all I have to watch at my skatepark are usu. boarders. Sometimes inliners come but they keep to themselves and just mostly grind on things. I like the boarders a lot tho! I usu. hang around the 12 yr olds lol.

I live in Maryland, USA. It seems like everyone around here thinks you turn into glass or something once you hit 20. The first day I walked in I got some really strange looks. Not sure if it was cause I was a girl or my quads, its my quads. Now its fine. They still dont get why not inlines though.

But I"m going Monday. I think some of the boarders will think my new skates are really cool. The assplant I'm still working on lol. I hurt myself pretty good last time I did that! Then I did it again minutes later. :-O

But since you skate the same surface as I do, can I ask, what wheels/hardness do you use? Do you have your trucks tight, med, loose? Trying to ask around to see what most use but most vert skaters skate inside or on concrete it seems, not on asphalt too. I started with kryptos 70mm 78a, and they are too big/heavy and sticky for me. Makes spinning on the ramps hard. I still have regular trucks though too.

Thanks! I wasnt going to poke my head in here since I new but glad I did. :-D
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Bernhard: Missing Skating (22. Jun. 2007 19:11)
 Hey Allan,

thanky for sharing the video! You are some crazy Scotsman!

Nope, I didn't see it on Youtube. I rarely go directly to Youtube.

Keep it up and coming!

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Bernhard: Missing Skating (22. Jun. 2007 19:19)
 Hi Claudine,

great to see another female roller skater here. Now there are quite a few! As for the ass plant: I recommend putting some thick foam rubber in your trousers. It dampens the impact significantly.

: : Best ppl to hang with are skateboarders, as they ride trucks too, and they also seem to dig the quad look. Also help ya out with lip tricks. Rollerbladers are good for learning drop ins and air tricks, but they dont seem to get quads, always goin on about why dont ya inline.

Because roller skates are more fun? A what the heck. We don't need to do the things which conform to the masses. I also have been asked a lot when I will switch to inlines. I alway responded that I tried them out when the person asking didn't even know that there was such a thing and that I liked the roller skates better for ramp skating. For hockey I prefer inlines, though.

I'm glad that you poked your head in here and shared your experiences!
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claudine: Missing Skating (22. Jun. 2007 20:29)
 : Hi Claudine,
: great to see another female roller skater here. Now there are quite a few! As for the ass plant: I recommend putting some thick foam rubber in your trousers. It dampens the impact significantly.

Actually, I do have these bulky butt pads already from triple 8. Their foam is actually not that dense tho. I guess since I'm pretty tiny, they feel enormous and restrictive and dorky and freakin HOT, so I need to come up with something better lol.

Is the foam rubber like that stuff they use to put workout equipment on? I really just need the tailbone area mostly. I might try that and make something less restrictive later. Right now I added a plastic shield until I learn to fall better. Or I might just cast my butt in metal lol. I havent been to the skatepark in 3 weeks now because of this :-( so got to wear something. I really LOVE skating!!

: : : Best ppl to hang with are skateboarders, as they ride trucks too, and they also seem to dig the quad look. Also help ya out with lip tricks. Rollerbladers are good for learning drop ins and air tricks, but they dont seem to get quads, always goin on about why dont ya inline.
: Because roller skates are more fun? A what the heck. We don't need to do the things which conform to the masses. I also have been asked a lot when I will switch to inlines. I alway responded that I tried them out when the person asking didn't even know that there was such a thing and that I liked the roller skates better for ramp skating. For hockey I prefer inlines, though.
: I'm glad that you poked your head in here and shared your experiences!

Well, I dont like inlines myself. I tried on a pair of quads and never regretted it! They are just too much fun!!!! I dont say much, just that I like em. I've never been one to follow the crowd either. ;-) I like the skateboarders a lot though. And I respect them since I dont know how to flip a board myself.

But I"m glad I found this forum. Hopefully I can learn a lot.
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Bernhard: Missing Skating (22. Jun. 2007 21:30)
 : Is the foam rubber like that stuff they use to put workout equipment on?

I'm not sure about that. I went to rubber specialty shop here in Germany and asked for "Moosgummi" (the dictionary translated this to "rubber foam"). They showed me their offering and I selected some stuff which reminded me of the padding in knee pads with respect to its elasticity and damping properties. I've always been happy with this stuff.

An even better tip is not to fall on your butt. How to achieve this? Simple: Put your weight more in front. Bend your knees and lean forward, not backward.

: I really LOVE skating!!

That's the attitude!

: But I"m glad I found this forum. Hopefully I can learn a lot.

How did you find this place? BTW, it has to offer quite a bit more than just the forum. There are some How-To-s regarding building your own roller skates, there are some reports, some interviews and resource links and the forum has an image bowser and a video browser where you can browse the images and videos posted to the forum.
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Allan: Missing Skating (22. Jun. 2007 23:11)
 Bernhard: This site was where i learnt how to make my skates. I just cant believe i didnt join the forum earlier. very friendly atmosphere. i myself dont conform lol, jus annoys me when im tryin to enjoy skatin and ive got ppl hasslin me askin why im not ridin inline.
But as u say, its all about the fun, And ya cant carve wi inlines like ya can on skates. Keep it up man, your skatin is awesome, jus wish i could do side stance. Can only hold it for a bit, then i have to switch back to parallel.

Claudia: If you've ever seen the film roll bounce, theres a bit in it where he goes 'if ya dont fall, how will ya learn to pick yaself back up again'. I personally practised slidin onto my kneepads before i started ramp ridin. better to fall on ya kneepads than crack ya tailbone, lol. as Bernhard says lput more weiht on ya front. My setup is bauer impact hockey boots with wooden plates made out of an old skateboard, aluminium tucks off 2 micro skateboards, and a pair of rollerblade wheels that ive worn the edges flat. theyre 97 hardness. I used to use lower but had higher traction and less speed. but u wanna start low and build up, as once ya balance is better ya dont really need the traction of the wheel. gotta learn to walk b4 ya run lol.
Cant wait to see sum vids of u in action.
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Allan: Missing Skating (22. Jun. 2007 23:20)
 My grind plates are the chassis off a pair of rollerblades too, total cost was like £30. I used the wood as plates as opposed to the aluminium as im crap at drilling metal. lol
They seem to have stood the test of time. Any you other guys got pics of ya set up? love to see em. help me modify mine. had toestoppers on b4, to run up ramps but took em off as kept catchin em when i was vert ridin.
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claudine: Missing Skating (23. Jun. 2007 02:02)
 : : Is the foam rubber like that stuff they use to put workout equipment on?
: I'm not sure about that. I went to rubber specialty shop here in Germany and asked for "Moosgummi" (the dictionary translated this to "rubber foam"). They showed me their offering and I selected some stuff which reminded me of the padding in knee pads with respect to its elasticity and damping properties. I've always been happy with this stuff.

So are you German? I'm basically German! My Mom goes to Germany a couple times a year. Is that place near Berlin? Thats where she goes. Most my family is still there although I havent ever been.
: An even better tip is not to fall on your butt. How to achieve this? Simple: Put your weight more in front. Bend your knees and lean forward, not backward.

Yes, thats my goal. So think its been good that I got injured because I've been watching tons of videos to "get it." I only started skating this winter. I'm now cant believe I went my whole life without roller skates!! And only started outside this spring. But I'm still getting the whole balance thing for the ramps. Think I understand it now because my brain wanted to try to remain perpendicular to the ground when going vertical and I was too tight in my knees. In my head its really freaky when I look down and see the ground lol. Just need some practice time to get used to this so I dont feel the need to lean backwards.

: : I really LOVE skating!!

I do!!!! Really, I think I'm obsessed rofl! :-D
: That's the attitude!
: : But I"m glad I found this forum. Hopefully I can learn a lot.
: How did you find this place? BTW, it has to offer quite a bit more than just the forum. There are some How-To-s regarding building your own roller skates, there are some reports, some interviews and resource links and the forum has an image bowser and a video browser where you can browse the images and videos posted to the forum.

I found this site by surfing. I was really reading up on Irene because I think shes one of the best skaters ever! I just got my skates from Lisa, but I really want to build my own one day. Out of skateboard trucks. I was a studio art major, so my hands can turn anything into gold. Just my learning curve can be expensive (right now finances arent good) and I'm still learning about equipment. But building is def. my thing!! Just sometimes I get carried away on that too lol.

I really love the pictures of the vert skaters, but those dont so much teach me how to react on the ramps if you understand what I'm saying. But right now I need to stop fearing falling after the last time. I sit at my job all day and that wasnt fun.
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claudine: Missing Skating (23. Jun. 2007 02:14)
 : Bernhard: This site was where i learnt how to make my skates. I just cant believe i didnt join the forum earlier. very friendly atmosphere. i myself dont conform lol, jus annoys me when im tryin to enjoy skatin and ive got ppl hasslin me askin why im not ridin inline.
: But as u say, its all about the fun, And ya cant carve wi inlines like ya can on skates. Keep it up man, your skatin is awesome, jus wish i could do side stance. Can only hold it for a bit, then i have to switch back to parallel.
: Claudia: If you've ever seen the film roll bounce, theres a bit in it where he goes 'if ya dont fall, how will ya learn to pick yaself back up again'. I personally practised slidin onto my kneepads before i started ramp ridin. better to fall on ya kneepads than crack ya tailbone, lol. as Bernhard says lput more weiht on ya front. My setup is bauer impact hockey boots with wooden plates made out of an old skateboard, aluminium tucks off 2 micro skateboards, and a pair of rollerblade wheels that ive worn the edges flat. theyre 97 hardness. I used to use lower but had higher traction and less speed. but u wanna start low and build up, as once ya balance is better ya dont really need the traction of the wheel. gotta learn to walk b4 ya run lol.
: Cant wait to see sum vids of u in action.

Yeah, got to lean forward more, thats for sure! Not sure why I do that lol. But I have this fear of smashing my face I guess. I'll get it!! I'm going next week although I might go tomorrow lol. I'm dying to go back to the skatepark now. I really want to try out my skates. The kryptos were great but they were miserable on the ramps. Very sticky. I might stick around 85a until I can do jumps and all and stick them pretty well. I really want to get some air one day soon!

I dont have a video camera. Might ask for one this Christmas. But I'm sure they would be humorous cause even when I suck, I fall laughing and find myself rather humorous!!

I tried to do side stance also but didnt do so good. At the rink I'm the best at it. I can side surf by rocking my hips all the way around the rink and noone else can. I'm super flexible. But I guess I need wider trucks for that. Plus I would think I would look like a frog, lol, especially since I already do somewhat since I'm on the skinny side with long legs for a female. But I want a camera cause if I could see myself, the light bulb would go off what I'm doing wrong.
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claudine: Missing Skating (23. Jun. 2007 03:23)
 : My grind plates are the chassis off a pair of rollerblades too, total cost was like £30. I used the wood as plates as opposed to the aluminium as im crap at drilling metal. lol
: They seem to have stood the test of time. Any you other guys got pics of ya set up? love to see em. help me modify mine. had toestoppers on b4, to run up ramps but took em off as kept catchin em when i was vert ridin.
: Al

So how do the skateboard trucks compare to roller skating plates with wide trucks? Any difference? I heard the skateboard trucks were heavier. I just have the probe plates for now. They are pretty light.
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Allan: Missing Skating (23. Jun. 2007 04:49)
 not really sure, all i kno is if ya feel comfy ridin em then do it ;) My Setup does me. wot does every1 else think?
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claudine: Missing Skating (24. Jun. 2007 03:16)
 : not really sure, all i kno is if ya feel comfy ridin em then do it ;) My Setup does me. wot does every1 else think?

I went to the skatepark today! :-D <-yeah, BIG smile!! I'm a pretty happy women today, injuries are healed and I'm pumped! Back to where I was when I left off but now I seem to have the falling down part. Either I slide or I ball up and roll it out. Fallings easy nowl! Now I need to work on my balance when I go vertical.

Also, you gave me a great idea. I had some Simms aggressive inline wheels here for when I was thinking of trying inlines. I put them on. Screwed my nuts on backwards, but it worked. The regular way with my narrow trucks didnt leave any threads so I thought I would play safe then sorry. At the park I kinda got why today for the hard wheels. Faster, harder wheels means you go further up the ramp. So now I'm trying 89a. They are pretty skinny so might have to think about wider trucks now, but they spin REALLY well!! I'll test them out on the ramps tomorrow and see if my transitions are easy.

Wow, I'm feelin great today!! I really love the skatepark.
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RollerSkater Dave: Missing Skating (24. Jun. 2007 05:28)
 : : not really sure, all i kno is if ya feel comfy ridin em then do it ;) My Setup does me. wot does every1 else think?
: I went to the skatepark today! :-D <-yeah, BIG smile!! I'm a pretty happy women today, injuries are healed and I'm pumped! Back to where I was when I left off but now I seem to have the falling down part. Either I slide or I ball up and roll it out. Fallings easy nowl! Now I need to work on my balance when I go vertical.
: Also, you gave me a great idea. I had some Simms aggressive inline wheels here for when I was thinking of trying inlines. I put them on. Screwed my nuts on backwards, but it worked. The regular way with my narrow trucks didnt leave any threads so I thought I would play safe then sorry. At the park I kinda got why today for the hard wheels. Faster, harder wheels means you go further up the ramp. So now I'm trying 89a. They are pretty skinny so might have to think about wider trucks now, but they spin REALLY well!! I'll test them out on the ramps tomorrow and see if my transitions are easy.
: Wow, I'm feelin great today!! I really love the skatepark.

Way to go Dudette!! :-)
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Bernhard: Missing Skating (24. Jun. 2007 21:36)
 : So are you German? I'm basically German! My Mom goes to Germany a couple times a year. Is that place near Berlin?

I live in Freiburg. That's about as far from Berlin as you can get in Germany. Berlin is (more or less) in the north-east corner, Freiburg in the south-west.

: Yes, thats my goal. So think its been good that I got injured because I've been watching tons of videos to "get it."

From your description I see that you "got it". Now you have to get used to it. ;-)

: : : I really LOVE skating!!
: I do!!!! Really, I think I'm obsessed rofl! :-D

Yes, rolling is really addictive. When you really do get around to building your own skates, don't forget to post a foto. Heck, you can also post a foto of your current set-up!

: I really love the pictures of the vert skaters, but those dont so much teach me how to react on the ramps if you understand what I'm saying.

That's right. This site has next to nothing to offer with regard on how to do it. Maybe you can learn a bit from the videos. Surely you can learn something by asking the people here on the forum. Best would be to meet in person, but that's a rare opportunity because we are dispersed so widely.

: But right now I need to stop fearing falling after the last time. I sit at my job all day and that wasnt fun.

Ouch. I feel what you mean. Speedy recovery!
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Bernhard: Missing Skating (24. Jun. 2007 21:46)
 : Bernhard: This site was where i learnt how to make my skates.

That's awesome! So the site actually did achieve its original intention. Wow!

: I just cant believe i didnt join the forum earlier. very friendly atmosphere.

Indeed. Roller skaters seem to bee the nicest people on earth. Especially with repect to other (vertical) roller skaters. ;-))

: i myself dont conform lol, jus annoys me when im tryin to enjoy skatin and ive got ppl hasslin me askin why im not ridin inline.

Let them be. They are trying so hard to conform. Sometime I think this is just a very basic difference in character.

: But as u say, its all about the fun, And ya cant carve wi inlines like ya can on skates. Keep it up man, your skatin is awesome, jus wish i could do side stance. Can only hold it for a bit, then i have to switch back to parallel.

I do ride parallel myself. I do very little side stance.
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Bernhard: Missing Skating (24. Jun. 2007 21:51)
 : The kryptos were great but they were miserable on the ramps. Very sticky. I might stick around 85a until I can do jumps and all and stick them pretty well. I really want to get some air one day soon!

I think 85a will still be too soft and sticky. 78a is very great for cruising the street and for downhill and stuff like that. For half pipe I prefer 95a or harder. Because you are very light, A bit softer could be OK for you. But I have to say that I once upon a time tried 93a wheels in an effort to create a compromise skate which a“would be suitable for ramp and for street. In the end, it wasn't good for neither.
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claudine: my skates (25. Jun. 2007 01:35)
 : : So are you German? I'm basically German! My Mom goes to Germany a couple times a year. Is that place near Berlin?
: I live in Freiburg. That's about as far from Berlin as you can get in Germany. Berlin is (more or less) in the north-east corner, Freiburg in the south-west.
: : Yes, thats my goal. So think its been good that I got injured because I've been watching tons of videos to "get it."
: From your description I see that you "got it". Now you have to get used to it. ;-)
: : : : I really LOVE skating!!
: :
: : I do!!!! Really, I think I'm obsessed rofl! :-D
: Yes, rolling is really addictive. When you really do get around to building your own skates, don't forget to post a foto. Heck, you can also post a foto of your current set-up!
: : I really love the pictures of the vert skaters, but those dont so much teach me how to react on the ramps if you understand what I'm saying.
: That's right. This site has next to nothing to offer with regard on how to do it. Maybe you can learn a bit from the videos. Surely you can learn something by asking the people here on the forum. Best would be to meet in person, but that's a rare opportunity because we are dispersed so widely.
: : But right now I need to stop fearing falling after the last time. I sit at my job all day and that wasnt fun.
: Ouch. I feel what you mean. Speedy recovery!

I'm pretty much healed! So I'm very happy and back to the skatepark. Still not to the point where I can go vertical yet on the ramps so I might ask about that but I think like most things, its just time and practice.

Here are my skates. I dont have wide trucks yet and need better wheels but I'm not sure what type yet. Tried some aggressive inlines today and they were quite bumpy and not nearly as stable. I think the larger wheels work better. I guess if I get ramp trucks they would work OK, but not sure if I'm ready for ramp trucks yet.

*yeah, no rules in my apartment about wearing skates in the house lol!*
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claudine: Missing Skating (25. Jun. 2007 02:00)
 : : The kryptos were great but they were miserable on the ramps. Very sticky. I might stick around 85a until I can do jumps and all and stick them pretty well. I really want to get some air one day soon!
: I think 85a will still be too soft and sticky. 78a is very great for cruising the street and for downhill and stuff like that. For half pipe I prefer 95a or harder. Because you are very light, A bit softer could be OK for you. But I have to say that I once upon a time tried 93a wheels in an effort to create a compromise skate which a“would be suitable for ramp and for street. In the end, it wasn't good for neither.

Would an art wheel work? I was thinking a freestyle wheel like the panther that I have on now (they make these cool airplane sounds when you ride them! I like NOISE!) but seems to me that small wheels yield a bumpy ride and are lousy if you hit a small rock even. So now I'm thinking of a narrow jam wheel like the zodiacs. I ride a 95a indoors and most others like the 101a so 92-96 might work for me. I dont think I can handle the wide ramp trucks since I'm not that wide built and also ride parallel so might have to stick to roller wheels.
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claudine: Missing Skating (25. Jun. 2007 02:03)
 : : : not really sure, all i kno is if ya feel comfy ridin em then do it ;) My Setup does me. wot does every1 else think?
: :
: : I went to the skatepark today! :-D <-yeah, BIG smile!! I'm a pretty happy women today, injuries are healed and I'm pumped! Back to where I was when I left off but now I seem to have the falling down part. Either I slide or I ball up and roll it out. Fallings easy nowl! Now I need to work on my balance when I go vertical.
: :
: : Also, you gave me a great idea. I had some Simms aggressive inline wheels here for when I was thinking of trying inlines. I put them on. Screwed my nuts on backwards, but it worked. The regular way with my narrow trucks didnt leave any threads so I thought I would play safe then sorry. At the park I kinda got why today for the hard wheels. Faster, harder wheels means you go further up the ramp. So now I'm trying 89a. They are pretty skinny so might have to think about wider trucks now, but they spin REALLY well!! I'll test them out on the ramps tomorrow and see if my transitions are easy.
: :
: : Wow, I'm feelin great today!! I really love the skatepark.
: Way to go Dudette!! :-)'ll blow my cover lol. ;-D

Inline wheels didnt fair so well. Didnt seem faster and the ride was bumpy. The narrow trucks made them seem unstable. But they could work I think with wider trucks to yield a bigger grinding area.

Hey, I finally nailed my jumps at the rink this morning, woo-hoo!!!!!!! I'm higher then a kite lol! :-D It was all in the head. Just needed to land looser. Now I need to figure out how to go vert.
  Write reply
Bernhard: my skates (25. Jun. 2007 08:12)
 : Here are my skates. I dont have wide trucks yet and need better wheels but I'm not sure what type yet. Tried some aggressive inlines today and they were quite bumpy and not nearly as stable. I think the larger wheels work better. I guess if I get ramp trucks they would work OK, but not sure if I'm ready for ramp trucks yet.

That's right. Larger wheels are better for the ramp. Smaller ones turn better, but on the ramp you want the speed of a larger wheel.

: *yeah, no rules in my apartment about wearing skates in the house lol!*

And hopefully no problems with the other inhabitants neither!
  Write reply
Bernhard: Missing Skating (25. Jun. 2007 08:15)
 : Would an art wheel work?

I never tried them. The hardness of those wheels looks OK, but I don't know if they come with a sufficient diameter for the ramp. I also don't know how well they take a not-so-smooth surface.
  Write reply
Bernhard: Missing Skating (25. Jun. 2007 08:17)
 : I dont think I can handle the wide ramp trucks since I'm not that wide built and also ride parallel so might have to stick to roller wheels.

I'm also riding parallel and I use wide trucks. I think one gets used to it. They provide mors stability and are more versatiale with respect to lip tricks.
  Write reply
zorg: Missing Skating (25. Jun. 2007 08:38)
 He Roller_Dudette, be carefull with RollerSkater Dave, he knows everything and he blew up my cover also LOL:

BTW, for learning vert:
Each session:
-Pads up (all armor) and warm up slowly skating smoothly on flat/vert,
-learn to fall on your knee pads on the flat then on the curve, to slide with them
-make large turns higher and higher on the ramp, make front/rear back and forth learn how to "pump" and gain speed
-when you turn on the curve, try to jump a bit and to catch your skate with your hands and to land a bit higher (don't have to success, just try)
Practicing few hours twice a week, you will learn fast and keep enough energy for the next sessions!!!!
Have fun!!!
To help you, try to see some vids of my kids on

  Write reply
Allan: Missing Skating (25. Jun. 2007 09:33)
 Yea it took me a while to get a setup i was comfy with. Ive heard either kryptos or street bones are good wheels to go for, aint had the time or money, what with having a kid and all. Soon as she's old enough she's getting quadded up and taught the ways, lol.
Also what bearings are you using? Street bones also make sweeet bearings, although anything above an abec 3 seems to do me. Im currently running on abec 5s. Theres so much you can change that it's mostly just trial and error, cos evryones different.
Yea most of it is in ya head, learnt tht when i first dropped into a 5ft ramp. Stood there for ages looking down, and it just seems higher when ya up there.

Lol @ Zorg, that is one quality picture.

I myself need the exercise, become a bit unfit. Went for a skate yesterday and i was knackered after 10 minutes. Also made the mistake of not wearing kneepads. Not a good idea.
  Write reply
Craig: Missing Skating (25. Jun. 2007 15:17)
 Meh, I haven't skated since a nasty accident a few years back, been misisng it ever since. I just like aggresive skating learning new tricks and anything stupid i'd do. Scotland here also m/
  Write reply
zorg: Missing Skating (25. Jun. 2007 16:27)
 You are welcome Craig!!! So we have now 2 kilters (at least)!!!!!! Did you try again rollerskating after your accident?
  Write reply
Bernhard: Missing Skating (25. Jun. 2007 16:32)
 : Meh, I haven't skated since a nasty accident a few years back, been misisng it ever since. I just like aggresive skating learning new tricks and anything stupid i'd do. Scotland here also m/

Wow, this is the invasion of the scotsmen. Welcome to you too, Craig!
  Write reply
claudine: my skates (25. Jun. 2007 19:53)
: : *yeah, no rules in my apartment about wearing skates in the house lol!*
: And hopefully no problems with the other inhabitants neither!

Oh, no problem here. :-D My inhabitants LOVE me! I have 6 rescued/adopted bunnies/guinea pigs and as long as I bring home lots of good food, give them lots of attention and let them play hard, they are pretty darn happy. We are all pretty easy to please that way.

But I think one day my kitchen floor might be trashed lol.
  Write reply
claudine: Missing Skating (25. Jun. 2007 19:54)
 : : I dont think I can handle the wide ramp trucks since I'm not that wide built and also ride parallel so might have to stick to roller wheels.
: I'm also riding parallel and I use wide trucks. I think one gets used to it. They provide mors stability and are more versatiale with respect to lip tricks.

So they really do make riding ramps easier? Well, might have to give it a try! I noticed when I messed with the skinny inline wheels, that made riding ramps VERY unstable.
  Write reply
claudine: Missing Skating (25. Jun. 2007 20:05)
 The trucks I'm going to try are the narrow ramp trucks which dont take skateboard wheels unless I take out the axel and put in a heavy bolt. I dont think thats such a good idea? I'm pretty small person so I dont think I could handle the wide ramp trucks without killing myself.

So I'm left with roller skating wheels and lost here. I was thinking about art wheels, but dont know.

So far I like REDS best, never tried more expensive bearings but I heard they feel the same. I'm skating with ABEC 1s now outside. When I get new wheels, I'll upgrade. I read ABECs are all the same. The ratings arent geared towards rollerskating so Bones are better.

I"m fairly fit now! I go skating almost everyday. :-D I def. need more power though and always can get stronger. I used to be a competitive distance runner so I always have had stamina. Mostly I need better balance on the ramps right now. Half of its in my head I think lol.

But nope, havent dropped in on vert. yet! :-O Once I can pump it then............yeah! Right now I look down and its pretty scary.......

I just need to get the balance part on vert. Hey, 4 more hours til skating lol!!!! :-D

: Yea it took me a while to get a setup i was comfy with. Ive heard either kryptos or street bones are good wheels to go for, aint had the time or money, what with having a kid and all. Soon as she's old enough she's getting quadded up and taught the ways, lol.
: Also what bearings are you using? Street bones also make sweeet bearings, although anything above an abec 3 seems to do me. Im currently running on abec 5s. Theres so much you can change that it's mostly just trial and error, cos evryones different.
: Yea most of it is in ya head, learnt tht when i first dropped into a 5ft ramp. Stood there for ages looking down, and it just seems higher when ya up there.
: Lol @ Zorg, that is one quality picture.
: I myself need the exercise, become a bit unfit. Went for a skate yesterday and i was knackered after 10 minutes. Also made the mistake of not wearing kneepads. Not a good idea.
  Write reply
claudine: Missing Skating (25. Jun. 2007 20:13)
 : He Roller_Dudette, be carefull with RollerSkater Dave, he knows everything and he blew up my cover also LOL:

Oh, I should have gone with SuperGirl!! Darn, next time huh?
: BTW, for learning vert:
: Each session:
: -Pads up (all armor) and warm up slowly skating smoothly on flat/vert,
Check! I think if I added shoulder pads, I could then go to football practice lol.
: -learn to fall on your knee pads on the flat then on the curve, to slide with them
: -make large turns higher and higher on the ramp, make front/rear back and forth learn how to "pump" and gain speed

Working on it still. So pump is going down and up like you are about to jump, right? I guess before the transition go down, up, jump and spin 180?

: -when you turn on the curve, try to jump a bit and to catch your skate with your hands and to land a bit higher (don't have to success, just try)

Yeah, this one is slow. I think I'm OK now with not fearing falling off the ramp lol.

: Practicing few hours twice a week, you will learn fast and keep enough energy for the next sessions!!!!

How about almost everyday lol? I love to skate. I go unless my body is shot, I have to work an extra job, or this fall, have a night classes, ugh. Not looking forward to that one. So trying to skate as much as poss. now. During the week I only go an hour a day. I find if I start to get tired, I'm more likely to hurt myself.

: Have fun!!!

Thats EASY! I always have fun. :-D

: To help you, try to see some vids of my kids on
Hey, been watching them on and off at work. It helps! Thanks!! :-D
  Write reply
irene: Kilters (25. Jun. 2007 20:56)
 : Meh, I haven't skated since a nasty accident a few years back, been misisng it ever since. I just like aggresive skating learning new tricks and anything stupid i'd do. Scotland here also m/

This pic is really of you and Allan, isn't it?
  Write reply
zorg: Kilters (25. Jun. 2007 22:27)
 : This pic is really of you and Allan, isn't it?
They were training. Now they have to perform the real stunt: "kilt base jumping the Grand Canyon with quads on Bob Burnquist mega ramp"

  Write reply
Bernhard: my skates (25. Jun. 2007 22:50)
: : : *yeah, no rules in my apartment about wearing skates in the house lol!*
: :
: : And hopefully no problems with the other inhabitants neither!
: Oh, no problem here. :-D My inhabitants LOVE me! I have 6 rescued/adopted bunnies/guinea pigs and as long as I bring home lots of good food, give them lots of attention and let them play hard, they are pretty darn happy. We are all pretty easy to please that way.

Sound's like a lively household! I don't have any animals at home since I am away from home far too long. But I love those critters!
  Write reply
RollerSkater Dave: Missing Skating (26. Jun. 2007 00:11)
 : : He Roller_Dudette, be carefull with RollerSkater Dave, he knows everything and he blew up my cover also LOL:
: :
: Oh, I should have gone with SuperGirl!! Darn, next time huh?

She's also a sex addict but we won't go on about that stuff. ;-)
  Write reply
claudine: Whaa??????? (26. Jun. 2007 02:20)
 : : : He Roller_Dudette, be carefull with RollerSkater Dave, he knows everything and he blew up my cover also LOL:
: : :
: :
: : Oh, I should have gone with SuperGirl!! Darn, next time huh?
: She's also a sex addict but we won't go on about that stuff. ;-)
OK, I just spit water all OVER my computer, lol! Now whats up with that? Tryin to ruin my rep? Better be careful, I may be little but I sure as heck can grind your face with my new plates then stick your inlines up your butt, rofl! :-D

BTW, who is the lucky guy? Would like to meet him. Right now I'm married to my skates tho and they do quite excite me. :-D
  Write reply
claudine: my skates (26. Jun. 2007 02:24)
 : :
: : : : *yeah, no rules in my apartment about wearing skates in the house lol!*
: : :
: : : And hopefully no problems with the other inhabitants neither!
: :
: : Oh, no problem here. :-D My inhabitants LOVE me! I have 6 rescued/adopted bunnies/guinea pigs and as long as I bring home lots of good food, give them lots of attention and let them play hard, they are pretty darn happy. We are all pretty easy to please that way.
: Sound's like a lively household! I don't have any animals at home since I am away from home far too long. But I love those critters!

You'll laugh, for my bunnies I'm making a cardboard skatepark! My bunny Oliver was the one who first gave me the idea of skating. They have a 6 x 9 foot play area. He would take some leaps then slide into the other side of the cage. It just looked like too much fun. So now I'm having MORE fun and I feel sorry for them. So hopefully I can teach my bunnies to skate!
  Write reply
claudine: your kids? (26. Jun. 2007 03:12)
 I noticed your boys are on a skateboard and inlines. Is this because they arent big enough for quads with wide trucks or was it their choice?

Just because right now I'm wondering if the narrow ramp trucks wouldnt be wide enough to do some of the tricks. The wide ramp trucks if I put them together would be as wide as I am. I'm just wondering this because if I am too small for appropriate ramp trucks, I'm wondering since this is something I really love and want to master, I might have to think about another skate. :-( Seems to me this would also limit then potential professional quad skaters because if they have to wait until about the age of 13 to start, thats kinda late for pro status.
  Write reply
RollerSkater Dave: Whaa??????? (26. Jun. 2007 03:36)
 : : : : He Roller_Dudette, be carefull with RollerSkater Dave, he knows everything and he blew up my cover also LOL:
: : : :
: : :
: : : Oh, I should have gone with SuperGirl!! Darn, next time huh?
: :
: :
: : She's also a sex addict but we won't go on about that stuff. ;-)
: OK, I just spit water all OVER my computer, lol! Now whats up with that? Tryin to ruin my rep? Better be careful, I may be little but I sure as heck can grind your face with my new plates then stick your inlines up your butt, rofl! :-D

I don't think you could lift one of my inlines dudette dear.

: BTW, who is the lucky guy? Would like to meet him. Right now I'm married to my skates tho and they do quite excite me. :-D
  Write reply
claudine: well (26. Jun. 2007 04:05)
 Dont know when someones messing with your mind huh? Dont read into it more then it is, jokin around. Hey, thats not very nice. I dont appreciate it honestly.
  Write reply
RollerSkater Dave: well (26. Jun. 2007 05:38)
 : Dont know when someones messing with your mind huh? Dont read into it more then it is, jokin around. Hey, thats not very nice. I dont appreciate it honestly.

I was joking too Claudine. I really enjoy your spunk. Too bad we live so far from each other. I'd enjoy skating with you.
  Write reply
Bernhard: my skates (26. Jun. 2007 09:14)
 : You'll laugh, for my bunnies I'm making a cardboard skatepark! My bunny Oliver was the one who first gave me the idea of skating. They have a 6 x 9 foot play area. He would take some leaps then slide into the other side of the cage. It just looked like too much fun. So now I'm having MORE fun and I feel sorry for them. So hopefully I can teach my bunnies to skate!

Keep us updated on the skating progress of your bunnies. I can hardly imagine a skating bunny, but who knows? At least there is a skating bulldog!
  Write reply
zorg: your kids? (26. Jun. 2007 11:55)
 "I noticed your boys are on a skateboard and inlines. Is this because they arent big enough for quads with wide trucks or was it their choice?"
It is their choise, and it's also easier to find cheap/lite inlines that you can adjust in length to their growing feet.
But my oldest son still prefer quads for long distances (he's 13 years old and have now is own quads. I must confess he learned at 3 with fisherprice/worn kryptonics)

"Just because right now I'm wondering if the narrow ramp trucks wouldnt be wide enough to do some of the tricks. "
Lisa narrow 3" trucks should be fine for you, with about 60mm wheels. Using centered cores( or not centered) wheels (and wide or not) enables you to tune the final real width of your setup.
  Write reply
claudine: well (26. Jun. 2007 19:41)
 : : Dont know when someones messing with your mind huh? Dont read into it more then it is, jokin around. Hey, thats not very nice. I dont appreciate it honestly.
: I was joking too Claudine. I really enjoy your spunk. Too bad we live so far from each other. I'd enjoy skating with you.

OK, I dont stay mad for long. But no more sleezy jokes. I'm a nice girl. And I plan on rollerskating til the day I die so dont want to give people here the wrong impression. :-D

But yes, I do like goofing around!
  Write reply
claudine: LOL! (26. Jun. 2007 19:55)
 : : You'll laugh, for my bunnies I'm making a cardboard skatepark! My bunny Oliver was the one who first gave me the idea of skating. They have a 6 x 9 foot play area. He would take some leaps then slide into the other side of the cage. It just looked like too much fun. So now I'm having MORE fun and I feel sorry for them. So hopefully I can teach my bunnies to skate!
: Keep us updated on the skating progress of your bunnies. I can hardly imagine a skating bunny, but who knows? At least there is a skating bulldog!

Thats too funny! Well, I'll put up the ramp soon and see what happens. Oliver likes to play big and bad, but shhhhhh, hes actually a wimp lol. Just Sandy (his companion) likes to keep him thinking hes the boss cause it strokes his ego and then she gets lot of kisses back lol. When she decks him (she can!), he wont give her any attention.

Well, if I were to walk him on my rollerskates, guess we would BOTH need helmets! :-D Now that would really be funny!
  Write reply
claudine: your kids? (26. Jun. 2007 20:06)
 : "I noticed your boys are on a skateboard and inlines. Is this because they arent big enough for quads with wide trucks or was it their choice?"
: It is their choise, and it's also easier to find cheap/lite inlines that you can adjust in length to their growing feet.
: But my oldest son still prefer quads for long distances (he's 13 years old and have now is own quads. I must confess he learned at 3 with fisherprice/worn kryptonics)
: "Just because right now I'm wondering if the narrow ramp trucks wouldnt be wide enough to do some of the tricks. "
: Lisa narrow 3" trucks should be fine for you, with about 60mm wheels. Using centered cores( or not centered) wheels (and wide or not) enables you to tune the final real width of your setup.

I was looking at aggressive inlines, and you are right, they are much cheapier, etc. But after thinking about it, even if the wide trucks dont work out for me, I really prefer the ramps, airs, stalls and grabs the most rather then grinding. So I'll stick with my quads.

Well, I will give the narrow ramp trucks a try eventually to see if they are more stable and then think about wheels. I might try art wheels but dont know if that would work on asphalt.

Thanks! You were quite helpful. :-D
  Write reply
RollerSkater Dave: well (26. Jun. 2007 20:28)
: OK, I dont stay mad for long. But no more sleezy jokes. I'm a nice girl. And I plan on rollerskating til the day I die so dont want to give people here the wrong impression. :-D
: But yes, I do like goofing around!

Can we kiss and make up now???? ;-()
  Write reply
zorg: grinds (26. Jun. 2007 21:03)
 You have also all kinds of grindings with quads!!!! at the last gathering in Lyon, Nelo showed us many many kinds!!!!
  Write reply
Irene: Whaa??????? (26. Jun. 2007 21:20)
 : : : : : He Roller_Dudette, be carefull with RollerSkater Dave, he knows everything and he blew up my cover also LOL:
: : : : :
: : : :
: : : : Oh, I should have gone with SuperGirl!! Darn, next time huh?
: : :
: : :
: : : She's also a sex addict but we won't go on about that stuff. ;-)
: : OK, I just spit water all OVER my computer, lol! Now whats up with that? Tryin to ruin my rep? Better be careful, I may be little but I sure as heck can grind your face with my new plates then stick your inlines up your butt, rofl! :-D
: I don't think you could lift one of my inlines dudette dear.
: :
: : BTW, who is the lucky guy? Would like to meet him. Right now I'm married to my skates tho and they do quite excite me. :-D

IS THERE SUCH A THING AS "The Perfect Screw" ???
  Write reply
irene: well (26. Jun. 2007 21:22)
 : :
: : OK, I dont stay mad for long. But no more sleezy jokes. I'm a nice girl. And I plan on rollerskating til the day I die so dont want to give people here the wrong impression. :-D
: :
: : But yes, I do like goofing around!
: Can we kiss and make up now???? ;-()

I THINK IT'S TRUE LOVE....not sure about the perfect screw, though....
  Write reply
Irene: Kilters (26. Jun. 2007 21:27)
 : : This pic is really of you and Allan, isn't it?
: They were training. Now they have to perform the real stunt: "kilt base jumping the Grand Canyon with quads on Bob Burnquist mega ramp"

That's sick! When will we see the video of Allen and Craig?
  Write reply
Bernhard: Whaa??????? (26. Jun. 2007 21:47)
 : IS THERE SUCH A THING AS "The Perfect Screw" ???

Definitely not. It depends an what the screw is needed for.
  Write reply
claudine: well (27. Jun. 2007 04:27)
: Can we kiss and make up now???? ;-()

pssst! LOL! Well, I dont know what my 12 year old skater boyfriend would say about THAT! I mean he might take his board and smack it across UR face, hehehehe! He does weigh all of 2 digits you know.....but hes one of the best skaters there!!

Yeah, today he showd me his new new high top shoes and his awesome new skateboard, then promised me one of his old ones. So what U got to compete?

I was thinking homemade jumpin skates! Yeah, I want skateboard trucks, narrow/lightweight, with super duper springs, pink of course but not hot pink (let me be the HOT one lol), more of a pastel pink, then the boots just come up above the ankle, not too high but breatheable and solid mesh with metal in places like the FLY boot, white with plastic/metal toe guards and matching pink strips, just 2. Then I can set them at the skatepark which is next to the water park. They got to jump 12 feet up tho! I need to land on the other side of the fence. And since I'm SuprSk8rgrl, they got to be water proof and make me invisible when I put them on if I want so I can jump into the pool to cool off in this freakin 100 degree weather! Got it? So how long will it take?
*wink-wink!* ;-D

  Write reply
claudine: well (27. Jun. 2007 04:29)
 : : :
: : : OK, I dont stay mad for long. But no more sleezy jokes. I'm a nice girl. And I plan on rollerskating til the day I die so dont want to give people here the wrong impression. :-D
: : :
: : : But yes, I do like goofing around!
: :
: : Can we kiss and make up now???? ;-()
: I THINK IT'S TRUE LOVE....not sure about the perfect screw, though....

.....I think hes after my chocolate fudge pies lol! :-D
  Write reply
claudine: grinds (27. Jun. 2007 04:45)
 : You have also all kinds of grindings with quads!!!! at the last gathering in Lyon, Nelo showed us many many kinds!!!!

Even on the narrow ramp trucks, I can still do them? I sure hope so! After today, I've decided its quads all the way.

But I've decided to wait a bit on the trucks until I master all the basics. Still checking out wheel poss. but the ramps I ride are this rubber material, its kinda slipery so theres no rush.

But I really have to thank you for the videos tho! UR videos and Irenes advice really hit me today. I can pump the ramps and do transitions now! WOO-HOO! Yeah, got 2/3rds up, back and forth, back and forth, and I've never been so excited!!!! Finally! I had to lean back more going up to vert and pump my body like I was going to jump, swung my arms up the around on the transitions. Not vertical yet, but it almost gets there at the top. The ramp I'm on is tight and the slope transition is quick since its not a huge ramp. Think this might be harder in a sense since you have to react quicker to the changes. But I finally can see myself up there! No rush, dont want to hurt myself. It really takes it out of you pumpin tho. After 15 mins, my body was shot and I started to get lazy on the transitions, my wheels strated to stick some from stallin, and I started to fall backwards. I'm fine but think I should limit this to when I'm fresh until I get in better shape.

Oh man, I've been bouncing up and down still super high all evening! :-D The skateboarders thought I was the coolest girl around too. No other girl can pump the ramps at my park. OK, there are only 2 others but I'm the only regular! Life is GREAT! OK, now just need to get higher.......faster, better, cooler, lol. :-D Cant wait til tomorrow! I hope its not 100 degrees again.
:-O I was sweatin buckets today! The ramp felt like a skillet lol.

  Write reply
RollerSkater Dave: well (27. Jun. 2007 05:42)
: :
: : Can we kiss and make up now???? ;-()
: pssst! LOL! Well, I dont know what my 12 year old skater boyfriend would say about THAT! I mean he might take his board and smack it across UR face, hehehehe! He does weigh all of 2 digits you know.....but hes one of the best skaters there!!

When is he taking you to meet his parents? That ought to be eventful.

: Yeah, today he showd me his new new high top shoes and his awesome new skateboard, then promised me one of his old ones. So what U got to compete?

I've got some real nice Powell Bones 84A 65 mm. Best wheels I've ever rolled on. Fast yet really grippy.

: I was thinking homemade jumpin skates! Yeah, I want skateboard trucks, narrow/lightweight, with super duper springs, pink of course but not hot pink (let me be the HOT one lol), more of a pastel pink, then the boots just come up above the ankle, not too high but breatheable and solid mesh with metal in places like the FLY boot, white with plastic/metal toe guards and matching pink strips, just 2. Then I can set them at the skatepark which is next to the water park. They got to jump 12 feet up tho! I need to land on the other side of the fence. And since I'm SuprSk8rgrl, they got to be water proof and make me invisible when I put them on if I want so I can jump into the pool to cool off in this freakin 100 degree weather! Got it? So how long will it take?
: *wink-wink!* ;-D

Oh. So you're easy to please, eh?
  Write reply
RollerSkater Dave: well (27. Jun. 2007 05:44)
: .....I think hes after my chocolate fudge pies lol! :-D

I prefer pumpkin pie actually. Not much on chocolate fudge.
  Write reply
claudine: well (27. Jun. 2007 17:36)
 : :
: : :
: : : Can we kiss and make up now???? ;-()
: :
: : pssst! LOL! Well, I dont know what my 12 year old skater boyfriend would say about THAT! I mean he might take his board and smack it across UR face, hehehehe! He does weigh all of 2 digits you know.....but hes one of the best skaters there!!
: When is he taking you to meet his parents? That ought to be eventful.
: :
: : Yeah, today he showd me his new new high top shoes and his awesome new skateboard, then promised me one of his old ones. So what U got to compete?
: I've got some real nice Powell Bones 84A 65 mm. Best wheels I've ever rolled on. Fast yet really grippy.
Oh, SWEET! I want some!!
: :
: : I was thinking homemade jumpin skates! Yeah, I want skateboard trucks, narrow/lightweight, with super duper springs, pink of course but not hot pink (let me be the HOT one lol), more of a pastel pink, then the boots just come up above the ankle, not too high but breatheable and solid mesh with metal in places like the FLY boot, white with plastic/metal toe guards and matching pink strips, just 2. Then I can set them at the skatepark which is next to the water park. They got to jump 12 feet up tho! I need to land on the other side of the fence. And since I'm SuprSk8rgrl, they got to be water proof and make me invisible when I put them on if I want so I can jump into the pool to cool off in this freakin 100 degree weather! Got it? So how long will it take?
: : *wink-wink!* ;-D
: :
: Oh. So you're easy to please, eh?

Easy to please, yes, easy to impress, HECK NO!

So no super skates huh? Darn! Even Lisa fixed mine up good. She even put in some extra special cushions for me and gave it wings. I was touched! Yeah, I'm the fastest one on girls on quads that I know of I bet! :-D

Well, if you cant give me super jumpin skates, you still got to impress the heck out of me first.

How about skating up a ramp, least 6 feet high, then you jump in the transition, land on ONE foot and go down into shoot the duck position. No using 2 feet when squatting down! That would disqualify you lol.

THEN, you've got to go halfway up or more on an 8 foot ramp, during transition put your right hand palm facing the coping, flat on the ramp. Spin your body around on that one handstand position doing a 360 around and land on both skates with your feet underneath you. This isnt on the coping but on the actual ramp! Can you do this? Got to post videos of it too, lol, then I'll kiss your skates too! ;-D
  Write reply
claudine: well (27. Jun. 2007 17:38)
 : :
: : .....I think hes after my chocolate fudge pies lol! :-D
: I prefer pumpkin pie actually. Not much on chocolate fudge.

I'll eat the chocolate! U cook for yourself lol.
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RollerSkater Dave: well (27. Jun. 2007 17:49)
: Well, if you cant give me super jumpin skates, you still got to impress the heck out of me first.
: How about skating up a ramp, least 6 feet high, then you jump in the transition, land on ONE foot and go down into shoot the duck position. No using 2 feet when squatting down! That would disqualify you lol.

Sorry sweetie. 48 year old knees don't do shoot the ducks anymore.

: THEN, you've got to go halfway up or more on an 8 foot ramp, during transition put your right hand palm facing the coping, flat on the ramp. Spin your body around on that one handstand position doing a 360 around and land on both skates with your feet underneath you. This isnt on the coping but on the actual ramp! Can you do this? Got to post videos of it too, lol, then I'll kiss your skates too! ;-D

You would be kissing more than my skates, sunshine. ;-)
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Bernhard: well (27. Jun. 2007 17:53)
 : Sorry sweetie. 48 year old knees don't do shoot the ducks anymore.

Aw, come ON, Dave! A little bit of excercise to impress Claudine would be asking too much, would it?

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Bernhard: grinds (27. Jun. 2007 18:00)
 : : You have also all kinds of grindings with quads!!!! at the last gathering in Lyon, Nelo showed us many many kinds!!!!
: Even on the narrow ramp trucks, I can still do them? I sure hope so! After today, I've decided its quads all the way.

The question is: What do you mean by "the narrow ramp trucks"? But you can decide the question very easily: Just put the skates on the coping and see if you can get metal to metal.

And congrats on your progress in the ramp!
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claudine: well (27. Jun. 2007 20:11)
: :
: : Well, if you cant give me super jumpin skates, you still got to impress the heck out of me first.
: :
: : How about skating up a ramp, least 6 feet high, then you jump in the transition, land on ONE foot and go down into shoot the duck position. No using 2 feet when squatting down! That would disqualify you lol.
: Sorry sweetie. 48 year old knees don't do shoot the ducks anymore.
: :
: : THEN, you've got to go halfway up or more on an 8 foot ramp, during transition put your right hand palm facing the coping, flat on the ramp. Spin your body around on that one handstand position doing a 360 around and land on both skates with your feet underneath you. This isnt on the coping but on the actual ramp! Can you do this? Got to post videos of it too, lol, then I'll kiss your skates too! ;-D
: You would be kissing more than my skates, sunshine. ;-)

Well, sorry, my mans got to be able to keep up with me! ;-D

So guess I'll have to wait until my 12 yr old turns 18 lol.
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RollerSkater Dave: well (27. Jun. 2007 21:39)
 : : Sorry sweetie. 48 year old knees don't do shoot the ducks anymore.
: Aw, come ON, Dave! A little bit of excercise to impress Claudine would be asking too much, would it?

Believe me Bern, I do plenty of exercise.
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RollerSkater Dave: well (27. Jun. 2007 21:42)
: So guess I'll have to wait until my 12 yr old turns 18 lol.

You better hope his parents don't find out in the meantime.

: -Demi

Oh, so it's Demi now, eh! You just can't decide on a name for yourself, can you?
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RollerSkater Dave: well (27. Jun. 2007 21:43)
: So guess I'll have to wait until my 12 yr old turns 18 lol.

You better hope his parents don't find out in the meantime.

: -Demi

Oh, so it's Demi now, eh! You just can't decide on a name for yourself, can you?
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Bernhard: well (27. Jun. 2007 21:58)
 : Believe me Bern, I do plenty of exercise.

Sheesh, seems to be not enough. Or not the right kind ...

Gotta get that Duck shot!
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claudine: well (28. Jun. 2007 04:42)
: :
: : So guess I'll have to wait until my 12 yr old turns 18 lol.
: You better hope his parents don't find out in the meantime.

Well, supergirl wants superMAN. not superboy, lol, so he'll have to wait. I seem to like my guys twice my size, lol. His parents will LOVE me though. I'm easily well liked. I talk to everyone, lol.

BTW, in my family, the whole idea of age has been shattered. My stepmom is younger then I am! She chases my old pop around and hes young, healthy and happy cause of it. Hes a charmer so he lucked out! I visited them in Florida a couple years ago. My dad let us go out clubbing together. It was helarious!! People in my family do whatever the hell they want lol.
: : -Demi
: Oh, so it's Demi now, eh! You just can't decide on a name for yourself, can you?

Demi gave all women the same rights as men! I was told boy toys are kinda fun........hum. :-D I cant find a guy my age now that isnt glued to the remote and 6 pack or totally mest up rofl. Thats pretty boring if you ask me! I'm not kicking my feet up anytime soon. I still want to play hard.
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RollerSkater Dave: well (28. Jun. 2007 06:55)
 : : Believe me Bern, I do plenty of exercise.
: Sheesh, seems to be not enough. Or not the right kind ...
: Gotta get that Duck shot!

I figure I'm not doing too bad. With arthritis in my back, hips and right foot, bursitis in both shoulders, tendonitis in my right arm and cartilage in both knees I still manage to skate practically everyday and do a little bit on the weights twice a week.
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Bernhard: well (28. Jun. 2007 13:39)
 : I figure I'm not doing too bad. With arthritis in my back, hips and right foot, bursitis in both shoulders, tendonitis in my right arm and cartilage in both knees I still manage to skate practically everyday and do a little bit on the weights twice a week.

Probably now you have got Claudine really impressed ... I think she will wait some years for her 12-years-old ...
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claudine: well (28. Jun. 2007 15:38)
 : : I figure I'm not doing too bad. With arthritis in my back, hips and right foot, bursitis in both shoulders, tendonitis in my right arm and cartilage in both knees I still manage to skate practically everyday and do a little bit on the weights twice a week.
: Probably now you have got Claudine really impressed ... I think she will wait some years for her 12-years-old ...

Well, I guess if he wanted to see my supergirl undies, hes out of luck lol.

Oh Dave, UR a nice guy though. :-D
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