Vertical Rollerskating


Message 2947 (6. Jul. 2007 09:43) (Tree)

I made it to the TOP! Now what?
: : Actually the ramp in Kirchzarten is symmetric. It only appears of differnet height and somewhat elongated because of the extreme wide angle lens I used for the pic.
: :
: Hey, thats a pretty cool camera! Once money isnt tight, I'm definitely going to be checking into some camera/video equipment. By that time too, I'll have some cool stuff to show and remember from!!

I do have a quite extensive photo equipment. SLR body (for film), four lenses, two flashes (well I lent one to a friend who fails to give it back since years), tripod, remote control and more nice stuff.

: Would it be OK to start to learn to jump ONto the rail?

That's also a useful excercise. You can also try to jump 180s and 360s on flat ground.

: Grass messes me up somehow. I could practice stall first there too?

You can do this. Will be different in the ramp, though. The fun box is probably better suited to come closer to stalls in the ramp.

: I hope it doesnt rain tomorrow. Its been on/off drizzly. I think that would mess up my grind plate.

The weather ist wet and cold her since two weeks. I'm starting to get the blues. I Want to try out my re-shaped skates!
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claudine: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (4. Jul. 2007 02:14)
 Yeah, I basically made it to the top of the ramp pumping. :-D I was only a foot away. So I jumped on top and tried to drop in, but I did a butt plant instead! I squatted since it looked scary down and wasnt leaning forward enough I guess. They were all egging me on so had to do it!! The inliners seem to stand straight up but do I "kiss my knees" once I drop in? Thats kinda what I do when I transition. I swing my arms up, go up, around, then compress - kiss my knees, and stand up again. Any good videos for this?

What about when I hit the coping? For some reason that looks scary.....

What about spines? I can pump up that high now but what do I do if I get my trucks stuck lol? Do I just lean forward or do I smash my face then lol?

What about jumping over rails? Theres one about 10-12 inches high and they were telling me I should jump it. I jumped standing still to see how high I could jump and my skates only got up about that high so I chickened out. They said if I skated fast I would jump it. Any hints how to jump higher? I want to get another 3 inches before I try. Stomach muscles?

This is pretty exciting! I'm pretty darn PUMPED! But now I dont know what to do lol. I cant wait to get my hard wheels. I'm gonna take off!

Sorry for so many questions. I'm just THERE now! :):):):):):) WOO-HOO!!!!!
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Bernhard: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (4. Jul. 2007 08:23)
 : Yeah, I basically made it to the top of the ramp pumping. :-D I was only a foot away. So I jumped on top and tried to drop in, but I did a butt plant instead!

Congratulations! Took me several years till I did a drop-in.

: I squatted since it looked scary down and wasnt leaning forward enough I guess.

You are probably right about that. Can you drop into a smaller transistion? It's about the same for the bigger ones.

: They were all egging me on so had to do it!!

Bad kids! Alway the same ...

: What about when I hit the coping? For some reason that looks scary.....

There are several ways to hit the coping. When doing an air, the coping is your friend because it gives you an impulse into the ramp therefore minimizing the risk of doing a hang-up. When doing a lip-trick, the coping is also useful because it eases sliding and grinding and gives you more control. Finally, when doing an invert, the coping is also easier to grab than a bare edge.

: What about spines? I can pump up that high now but what do I do if I get my trucks stuck lol? Do I just lean forward or do I smash my face then lol?

Do you fear a hang-up?

: What about jumping over rails? Theres one about 10-12 inches high and they were telling me I should jump it. I jumped standing still to see how high I could jump and my skates only got up about that high so I chickened out. They said if I skated fast I would jump it. Any hints how to jump higher? I want to get another 3 inches before I try. Stomach muscles?

Try to jump up when speeding. Then try it beside the rails. Let someone look if you are high enough.
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claudine: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (4. Jul. 2007 15:07)
: Congratulations! Took me several years till I did a drop-in.

Yeah, I was really psyched!! :-D Wow, several years? I'm only 8 months old, lol. But I've got to prove that my skates arent disco skates!! So I've got to get cookin.

: You are probably right about that. Can you drop into a smaller transistion? It's about the same for the bigger ones.

Should I try the higer ramps that are straight down instead of concave first? It was only a 5 foot ramp but it starts almost vertical. Thats whats scary. But I just need to be more commited to drop in I guess. The fear causes me to lean back, stand up. And strattle my legs some? I might wait another 2 weeks until I get my new wheels and adjust to them. I ususally watch the others for a bit til I get it. Seems to have a few roller bladers now and they are better to watch for this one.
: : They were all egging me on so had to do it!!
: Bad kids! Alway the same ...

Yeah, they are EVIL! So I'll probably end up dropping in again today lol.
: There are several ways to hit the coping. When doing an air, the coping is your friend because it gives you an impulse into the ramp therefore minimizing the risk of doing a hang-up. When doing a lip-trick, the coping is also useful because it eases sliding and grinding and gives you more control. Finally, when doing an invert, the coping is also easier to grab than a bare edge.
Its a big bump so thats why I though rolling over the top might mess me up somehow. OK, I guess next week wih the faster wheels I'll know!

: Do you fear a hang-up?
Some of the skateboarders go over the spine and get their boards stuck. They can just leave the board and run down. I cant. So not sure if all I got to do is lean forward or if this could get ugly.... I can skate that high so if I skate those ramps I'll be there.

: Try to jump up when speeding. Then try it beside the rails. Let someone look if you are high enough.

My friend said I jumped the SAME height. I have a 10-80 rail. Its only a wimpy 8 inches high cause for some reason I'm really afraid of jumping ON things. Dont know why. Even if its lower then the height I can jump. Its mental!

So I thought I would take that in the grass and jump on it. Then raise it later. Dirt hurts less then asphalt! Guess thats the way to ease into it. Just like I slowly went up the ramps. I wish I could jump much higher though! But I never did sports where jumping was involved. I'm 5'1", so that means I'm vertically challenged to begin with lol.
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zorg: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (4. Jul. 2007 16:12)
 For your first drop-in:
- stand on the coping on one feet, the 2nd on the platform,
- bend your knees
- when your are ready to go, put your 2nd feet on the coping (knees always bent), put your upper body forward and you go down
For the first tries, stay focused on knee bent, upper body forward during the descent and till you reach the other curved side (try to even to keep your hands down)
In order to cope with the coping:
-try to land on one feet, then the other and roll on the plateform
-then you can try to combine coping/rolling/dropin, etc
As a next step on small ramps/curbs, you can try to put your 2 foot on the coping at the same time, stand, jump turn and dropin. For the first tries, very often you have too much speed and continue rolling on the platform, so bend your knees before you reach the coping, jump a bit, and land knees bent (a bit) on the coping, hands at the vertical of the coping.
Hope this helps!!! Then you can learn slides/grinds!!!!

Don't hesitate to take movies of your run and others, by analysing them you will see what are your errors (head, shoulders and hand placements are very important)

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claudine: thank you! :-) (4. Jul. 2007 19:09)
 This is very helpful! For hands down, you mean close to the ramp?
I think I get it. Feet slightly strattled too? OK, holding my breathe now hoping that it doesnt rain today and I can skate! I think I'm turning blue lol. I might watch, but I might try again. When I feel ready, I'll do it!

I really wish I had a video camera. Even my digital camera is messed up right now. I have to take the battery out each time for it to work. My brother has an old camera and I'll ask him about that but right now he just got married and I'm sure hes rather "busy" lol.

I wish there were older people there cause when I finally do get one, I worry that they kids might mess it up. For them, money has no value. They skate talking on their cell phones even! I dont even have one lol.

I'll have to check into cheap ones. But also the inliners seem more erect when they skate. I feel like I get down much lower. Or maybe I just feel that way just like when I would go down from the 3 foot tall fun boxes I felt like I was diving at first! Otherwise I would smack my butt when I first tried that. Now I dont feel that forward. But I guess I'll have to feel that way dropping in.

: For your first drop-in:
: - stand on the coping on one feet, the 2nd on the platform,
: - bend your knees
: - when your are ready to go, put your 2nd feet on the coping (knees always bent), put your upper body forward and you go down
: For the first tries, stay focused on knee bent, upper body forward during the descent and till you reach the other curved side (try to even to keep your hands down)
: In order to cope with the coping:
: -try to land on one feet, then the other and roll on the plateform
: -then you can try to combine coping/rolling/dropin, etc
: As a next step on small ramps/curbs, you can try to put your 2 foot on the coping at the same time, stand, jump turn and dropin. For the first tries, very often you have too much speed and continue rolling on the platform, so bend your knees before you reach the coping, jump a bit, and land knees bent (a bit) on the coping, hands at the vertical of the coping.
: Hope this helps!!! Then you can learn slides/grinds!!!!
: Don't hesitate to take movies of your run and others, by analysing them you will see what are your errors (head, shoulders and hand placements are very important)
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Bernhard: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (5. Jul. 2007 00:08)
 : Yeah, I was really psyched!! :-D Wow, several years? I'm only 8 months old, lol. But I've got to prove that my skates arent disco skates!! So I've got to get cookin.

They will continue to insist that you are riding disco skates. I know it is painful, but try to just ignore it. When they notice you get steamed up by calling your skates disco skates they will just use this to get you riled up. I made this experience again in January when discussing with the mother of a friend at his birthday party. I really lost my temper. :-( Maybe you should ask if they have Pom Poms for you. ;-)

: Should I try the higer ramps that are straight down instead of concave first?

I think a mini ramp is psychologically easier to master.

: It was only a 5 foot ramp but it starts almost vertical.

Sounds too steep to me. 5 feet transition radius definitely is too steep.

: Yeah, they are EVIL! So I'll probably end up dropping in again today lol.

The kids at the local skate park are also to blame that I started ramp skating.

: Its a big bump so thats why I though rolling over the top might mess me up somehow. OK, I guess next week wih the faster wheels I'll know!

There is some danger lurking up there, that's for sure! Hang-ups can be nasty. But as I said: The coping should help to avoid hang-ups.

: Some of the skateboarders go over the spine and get their boards stuck. They can just leave the board and run down. I cant. So not sure if all I got to do is lean forward or if this could get ugly.... I can skate that high so if I skate those ramps I'll be there.

Rollerskating is more dangerous than skateboarding. As you said: You can't get leave your skates ... But then, BMX is more dangerous still. You can fall into your bike and get hurt seriously.

: My friend said I jumped the SAME height. I have a 10-80 rail. Its only a wimpy 8 inches high cause for some reason I'm really afraid of jumping ON things. Dont know why. Even if its lower then the height I can jump. Its mental!

Be patient. You can't have everything at once.
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claudine: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (5. Jul. 2007 01:56)
: They will continue to insist that you are riding disco skates. I know it is painful, but try to just ignore it. When they notice you get steamed up by calling your skates disco skates they will just use this to get you riled up. I made this experience again in January when discussing with the mother of a friend at his birthday party. I really lost my temper. :-( Maybe you should ask if they have Pom Poms for you. ;-)
LOL! Well this kid actually helped me out yesterday when I finally got up the ramp! So it has its benefits. I was pretty stoked yesterday. I know its going to be another year at least, but I will make him eat his words!! Yeah I'll show him and show him good. Did I mention I'm mostly German? We can be stubborn lol!
: Sounds too steep to me. 5 feet transition radius definitely is too steep.
Thats are lowest ramp we have unless you talk about the fun boxes. I can already do those. Most are 5-6 feet and some 8 feet, but there are fun boxes in between those. I guess I just got to lean forward and GO FOR IT! We dont have super beginner stuff at the park, nor the real vert either. Lisa mentioned to me how that the small ramps arent so good to start off on cause the transitions are too tight. I wish there were like 3 feet ramps with transitions, not flat, to start.

So : : Yeah, they are EVIL! So I'll probably end up dropping in again today lol.
: The kids at the local skate park are also to blame that I started ramp skating.
Yeah, when you are standing there and everyone is waiting for you to go, stairing at you, egging you on, all is lost lol. But it rained today and tomorrow I cant skate after work. So right now I'm MAD. :-( Had I known I would have skated the streets earlier. It was a holiday today and no skating, bummer. I just dont want to skate the park tired cause thats when I risk hurting myself. Well, next time they say risk of storms, I'll consider it meaning it WILL rain.
: : My friend said I jumped the SAME height. I have a 10-80 rail. Its only a wimpy 8 inches high cause for some reason I'm really afraid of jumping ON things. Dont know why. Even if its lower then the height I can jump. Its mental!
: Be patient. You can't have everything at once.

I'll take the jumping slowly. A lot of its mental. But if you have any hints on how to jump higher and with more power, I'm all ears! ;-D I think I need to work on stomach muscles. I'm just kinda, um-well, lazy lol. Sometimes I do plyometrics but the recovery time on those is long and my calf muscles turn into knots. I need to get in better shape somehow!
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Bernhard: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (5. Jul. 2007 08:56)
 : LOL! Well this kid actually helped me out yesterday when I finally got up the ramp! So it has its benefits.

Its good that you are getting along. Where I skate there is on one else most of the times. And when there is, it's mostly teenagers practising drinking alcohol. :-( The last time at least there was a biker. That was nice!

: Did I mention I'm mostly German? We can be stubborn lol!

Yup. There seem to be a lot of Americans with a German heritage. When I went to woodward in 2004 I also visited a friend of my mother. She did not speak German, but said "we Germans are pretty resourceful".

: Thats are lowest ramp we have unless you talk about the fun boxes. I can already do those.

Then you probably have got the technique about right. Dropping bigger ramps is not much different. It's a mental thing.

: I'll take the jumping slowly. A lot of its mental. But if you have any hints on how to jump higher and with more power, I'm all ears!

Maybe you don't need to jump that high but rather pull up your undercarriage. That would get you over the rail. To be more precise: Your center of gravity hasn't to go up as high as the obstacle, you just have to get your skates that far off the ground.

: ;-D I think I need to work on stomach muscles.

That definitely help. Also useful in the ramp, esp. for lip tricks.
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claudine: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (5. Jul. 2007 15:35)
: Its good that you are getting along. Where I skate there is on one else most of the times. And when there is, it's mostly teenagers practising drinking alcohol. :-( The last time at least there was a biker. That was nice!

Really, no skaters???? Wow, my park has lots of them. But on boards mostly. Just no one out of high school nor really ever a girl. I saw 2 girls one day and that was that. I've been going now for a good 2 months.

Well, this kid didnt actually help me in a nice way, just made me more determined lol! Everyone else there is nice to me tho.
: Then you probably have got the technique about right. Dropping bigger ramps is not much different. It's a mental thing.

Yeah, it is MENTAL mostly I think, lol, OK, how much for therapy lol? ;-D

: Maybe you don't need to jump that high but rather pull up your undercarriage. That would get you over the rail. To be more precise: Your center of gravity hasn't to go up as high as the obstacle, you just have to get your skates that far off the ground.

Tell me about it, women and their center of gravity, it only goes DOWN. Yeah, we all have these enormous butt magnets that sucks them down bigtime lol. Its really funny in a dance class lol, oh well, never mind. Trust me on this one.

Well, least my legs are long for my height. So I got 32 inches, woo-hoo! Now to get my knees up beyond my hips. I think that is mostly stomach muscles. OK, will do some killer situps now. If you know of specifics, I'll do em. No more lazies anymore...... :-D
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Bernhard: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (5. Jul. 2007 15:50)
: Really, no skaters???? Wow, my park has lots of them. But on boards mostly. Just no one out of high school nor really ever a girl. I saw 2 girls one day and that was that. I've been going now for a good 2 months.

Well, the place I am skating st the moment is the miniramp at Kirchzarten

Not much of a skate park, but I like the ramp.

: Well, this kid didnt actually help me in a nice way, just made me more determined lol! Everyone else there is nice to me tho.

It seemd that there always has to be such a sicko. If he is happy in his ways ...

: : Then you probably have got the technique about right. Dropping bigger ramps is not much different. It's a mental thing.
: :
: Yeah, it is MENTAL mostly I think, lol, OK, how much for therapy lol? ;-D

Therapy would be free for you. But the expenses would be vast! Just think of the flight!

: Tell me about it, women and their center of gravity, it only goes DOWN. Yeah, we all have these enormous butt magnets that sucks them down bigtime lol. Its really funny in a dance class lol, oh well, never mind. Trust me on this one.

ROTFL! Sit-Ups are a good idea to get you started. Also just doing some jumps on skates. For the first tries, something very insignificant will do perfectly. Just something small lying around, e.g. a bottle. Or better even, ask one of the kids if you can jump over his skateboard. Then you can pile of more of those.
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irene: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (5. Jul. 2007 16:19)
  : : Really, no skaters???? Wow, my park has lots of them. But on boards mostly. Just no one out of high school nor really ever a girl. I saw 2 girls one day and that was that. I've been going now for a good 2 months.
: Well, the place I am skating st the moment is the miniramp at Kirchzarten
: Not much of a skate park, but I like the ramp.
: : Well, this kid didnt actually help me in a nice way, just made me more determined lol! Everyone else there is nice to me tho.
: It seemd that there always has to be such a sicko. If he is happy in his ways ...
: : : Then you probably have got the technique about right. Dropping bigger ramps is not much different. It's a mental thing.
: : :
It is mental. Straddling your feet helps and lean forward, stay compressed. I'd rather fall forward than backwards to my butt. Not much difference on smaller ramps. You will get it real soon! ;-)
: :
: : Yeah, it is MENTAL mostly I think, lol, OK, how much for therapy lol? ;-D
: Therapy would be free for you. But the expenses would be vast! Just think of the flight!
: : Tell me about it, women and their center of gravity, it only goes DOWN. Yeah, we all have these enormous butt magnets that sucks them down bigtime lol. Its really funny in a dance class lol, oh well, never mind. Trust me on this one.
: ROTFL! Sit-Ups are a good idea to get you started. Also just doing some jumps on skates. For the first tries, something very insignificant will do perfectly. Just something small lying around, e.g. a bottle. Or better even, ask one of the kids if you can jump over his skateboard. Then you can pile of more of those.

When jumping, concentrate on getting your knees up towards your stomach/chest area. For rails, etc. try a curb (to grass if you can). Start by stalling one foot, just step up and back down. Then plant one foot, then the other til you can jump and stall both feet. Then it's just comfort level and progression.
Don't let those kids razz you into doing stuff your are not ready for. Go for it and have fun. Big fat ego problems there, I see....
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claudine: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (5. Jul. 2007 17:59)
 :: Well, the place I am skating st the moment is the miniramp at Kirchzarten

Hey, that ramp looks similar to mine! But both sides are the height of the right side, its rubber and the flat isnt as long. That ramp is really popular since its lower and all one piece so its smooth, no asphalt. Its also a little more slippery then the others so you can roll faster. I love it!

: Therapy would be free for you. But the expenses would be vast! Just think of the flight!

Yeah, therapy starts this weekend with bringin my wimpy 8 inch p-rail into the grass where I learn to jump and fall/roll when I mess up. :-D And I shall roll away with a smile! I hope.......

: ROTFL! Sit-Ups are a good idea to get you started. Also just doing some jumps on skates. For the first tries, something very insignificant will do perfectly. Just something small lying around, e.g. a bottle. Or better even, ask one of the kids if you can jump over his skateboard. Then you can pile of more of those.

Yep, time to get some serious knee lifting going on! Great idea about the skateboard tho.
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claudine: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (5. Jul. 2007 18:13)
 : When jumping, concentrate on getting your knees up towards your stomach/chest area. For rails, etc. try a curb (to grass if you can). Start by stalling one foot, just step up and back down. Then plant one foot, then the other til you can jump and stall both feet. Then it's just comfort level and progression.
: Don't let those kids razz you into doing stuff your are not ready for. Go for it and have fun. Big fat ego problems there, I see....

Yeah, my knees only go up to my hips for now. :-( So thats the prob. But I guess I need more stomach and quad strength. But I'll work on that! I did do stalls on a 5 inch curb, rofl, its a start right? It was a lot of fun too so think once I get over my "mental" problems, lol, I'll really dig some of this stuff.

Hey, once I build up to jumpin that rail in secret, I'm going to do a 360 over it, then jump and slide down the rail, then I'm going to put my skate up to that kids face and laugh and tell him to kiss my skates, lol! Now that would be really sweet!! Uh-oh, now I'm acting like a 12 yr old......opps. :-D

But I'll show them sum REAL stuff, just give me a year.......thats only fair.
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Bernhard: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (5. Jul. 2007 23:46)
 : :: Well, the place I am skating st the moment is the miniramp at Kirchzarten
: Hey, that ramp looks similar to mine! But both sides are the height of the right side, its rubber and the flat isnt as long. That ramp is really popular since its lower and all one piece so its smooth, no asphalt. Its also a little more slippery then the others so you can roll faster. I love it!

Actually the ramp in Kirchzarten is symmetric. It only appears of differnet height and somewhat elongated because of the extreme wide angle lens I used for the pic.

: Yeah, therapy starts this weekend with bringin my wimpy 8 inch p-rail into the grass where I learn to jump and fall/roll when I mess up. :-D And I shall roll away with a smile! I hope.......

The grass is OK for checking how high you can jump, but not for practicing the jump over the rail. For this, you just jump off the floor, the forward movement comes from speeding on the skates and is preserved because of inertia. If you practice jumping over the rail on the grass you actually learn the wrong thing.
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claudine: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (6. Jul. 2007 02:41)
 : : :: Well, the place I am skating st the moment is the miniramp at Kirchzarten
: :
: : Hey, that ramp looks similar to mine! But both sides are the height of the right side, its rubber and the flat isnt as long. That ramp is really popular since its lower and all one piece so its smooth, no asphalt. Its also a little more slippery then the others so you can roll faster. I love it!
: Actually the ramp in Kirchzarten is symmetric. It only appears of differnet height and somewhat elongated because of the extreme wide angle lens I used for the pic.
Hey, thats a pretty cool camera! Once money isnt tight, I'm definitely going to be checking into some camera/video equipment. By that time too, I'll have some cool stuff to show and remember from!!

: : Yeah, therapy starts this weekend with bringin my wimpy 8 inch p-rail into the grass where I learn to jump and fall/roll when I mess up. :-D And I shall roll away with a smile! I hope.......
: The grass is OK for checking how high you can jump, but not for practicing the jump over the rail. For this, you just jump off the floor, the forward movement comes from speeding on the skates and is preserved because of inertia. If you practice jumping over the rail on the grass you actually learn the wrong thing.

Would it be OK to start to learn to jump ONto the rail? I got home not that long ago and was checking out the area. I could put it by the sidewalk too to get a rolling start...... I think I need to practice how to fall from a dive in the air too, into a roll. If I can get that down, then I wont have any fears. I guess I can jump onto it a couple times in the grass, then move it to my concrete patio or find an empty lot, somewhere, somehow lol. I know when I hit the grass I will most likely fall. Usu. do. Grass messes me up somehow. I could practice stall first there too?

I hope it doesnt rain tomorrow. Its been on/off drizzly. I think that would mess up my grind plate.
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Bernhard: I made it to the TOP! Now what? (6. Jul. 2007 09:43)
 : : Actually the ramp in Kirchzarten is symmetric. It only appears of differnet height and somewhat elongated because of the extreme wide angle lens I used for the pic.
: :
: Hey, thats a pretty cool camera! Once money isnt tight, I'm definitely going to be checking into some camera/video equipment. By that time too, I'll have some cool stuff to show and remember from!!

I do have a quite extensive photo equipment. SLR body (for film), four lenses, two flashes (well I lent one to a friend who fails to give it back since years), tripod, remote control and more nice stuff.

: Would it be OK to start to learn to jump ONto the rail?

That's also a useful excercise. You can also try to jump 180s and 360s on flat ground.

: Grass messes me up somehow. I could practice stall first there too?

You can do this. Will be different in the ramp, though. The fun box is probably better suited to come closer to stalls in the ramp.

: I hope it doesnt rain tomorrow. Its been on/off drizzly. I think that would mess up my grind plate.

The weather ist wet and cold her since two weeks. I'm starting to get the blues. I Want to try out my re-shaped skates!
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claudine: suns out finally here :-D (6. Jul. 2007 18:37)
 Yep, I'm lucky!!

But that really is one cool camera! Well, hopefully one day soon I'll at least have a cheapo video camera so I can see myself skate. Nothing expensive, those kids might break it lol.

I'll start practing jumping tomorrow.

I just got my rat-bones wheels and they MIGHT actually fit! :-D They arent quite centered for the bearings, so now I'm way too excited!!!!!!!

I just asked my coworker if I could take an hour or 2 vacation today. sun is out, no rain, I'm ready to go! She laughed and said no cause I guess shes leaving early already. Oh man, oh man, oh man. I'm ready to start jumping and bouncing off the sides of the walls here lol. New wheels and I'm pretty excited!!
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Bernhard: suns out finally here :-D (6. Jul. 2007 18:53)
 The sun's finally back here, too. Nevertheless, my skates have to wait. I probably will go running this evening.

: But that really is one cool camera! Well, hopefully one day soon I'll at least have a cheapo video camera so I can see myself skate. Nothing expensive, those kids might break it lol.

I never had a video camera. Way too many pics/second for me! ;-)
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claudine: suns out finally here :-D (7. Jul. 2007 23:19)
 : The sun's finally back here, too. Nevertheless, my skates have to wait. I probably will go running this evening.
: : But that really is one cool camera! Well, hopefully one day soon I'll at least have a cheapo video camera so I can see myself skate. Nothing expensive, those kids might break it lol.
: I never had a video camera. Way too many pics/second for me! ;-)

You've motivated me to start running (some) again and get back into shape! Thanks!! :-D
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Bernhard: suns out finally here :-D (9. Jul. 2007 23:38)
 : You've motivated me to start running (some) again and get back into shape! Thanks!! :-D

Great! Friday was the last time I have been running. Sunday I biked over the Schauinsland, which is Freiburg's local mountain (the tour comprises about 1000 m in height difference and is about 40 km long). I hope I can run again tomorrow and go skating on Wednesday.
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