Vertical Rollerskating


Message 3102 (8. Aug. 2007 17:07) (Tree)

sascha fei
were are they
wow.this hits..specialy that arne is gone..when i grow up those two were my idols in deepest respect!!
i think i know sybille also from the 90th and i`m happy to hear that they are still together after all that time..lovin greetz to you two..
beule: wenn du auf fuerte landest lass dich bei mir blicken..wohn in la pared im süden gegenüber von costa calma..
to he rest: all my best an keep rollerskatin alive

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sascha fei: were are they (8. Aug. 2007 16:37)
 it would be awsome to hear news or havin contact again after all these years... so please.. were in hell are you now..
donde estas?
rene hulgreen
toto ghali
bo elsbo
marcos longares
da languth-twins
and all those people i met on contests..
massive greetz from la pared/fuerteventura/canary islands/spain

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Bernhard: were are they (8. Aug. 2007 16:53)
 : rene hulgreen

Is married to Sybille Löschmann now and they have a son (Emil Hulgreen). He also has a web site. Shows up in the forum sometimes.

: toto ghali

switched to inlines like renee. Don't know very much what has become of him.

: bo elsbol

Also switched to inlines. Probably the only inline side stance rider.

: marcos longares

Showed up here in the forum not so long ago.

: beule

Last thing I heard he had sailed to Barbados on his boat via the Canaries. Sometimes shows up in the forum.

: da languth-twins

Only Lars is still alive. R.I.P., Arne!
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sascha fei: were are they (8. Aug. 2007 17:07)
 wow.this hits..specialy that arne is gone..when i grow up those two were my idols in deepest respect!!
i think i know sybille also from the 90th and i`m happy to hear that they are still together after all that time..lovin greetz to you two..
beule: wenn du auf fuerte landest lass dich bei mir blicken..wohn in la pared im süden gegenüber von costa calma..
to he rest: all my best an keep rollerskatin alive

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claudine: were are they (8. Aug. 2007 18:11)
 Whats the reason for switching to inlines? Sponsors?? I think inlining is easier, but when I have my roller skates on, cant compare the happiness!

: : rene hulgreen
: Is married to Sybille Löschmann now and they have a son (Emil Hulgreen). He also has a web site. Shows up in the forum sometimes.
: : toto ghali
: switched to inlines like renee. Don't know very much what has become of him.
: : bo elsbol
: Also switched to inlines. Probably the only inline side stance rider.
: : marcos longares
: Showed up here in the forum not so long ago.
: : beule
: Last thing I heard he had sailed to Barbados on his boat via the Canaries. Sometimes shows up in the forum.
: : da languth-twins
: Only Lars is still alive. R.I.P., Arne!
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sascha fei: were are they (8. Aug. 2007 18:23)
  i never switched to inlines...i love my quadskates..oldskool rulez... but now i`m surfin or bodybordin most of my skatetimes were most in the 90th.. and still i love to roll.its an adiction.. and surfin is the extetion of it..
sittin here in my little paradise livin my endless summer..
hope all those friend from da good ol dayz are allright.. greetz to all..
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Bernhard: were are they (8. Aug. 2007 18:24)
 : Whats the reason for switching to inlines? Sponsors?? I think inlining is easier, but when I have my roller skates on, cant compare the happiness!

The switchings happened at the early phase of the inline boom. Inline was very new and exciting back then. One reason of switching to inlines back then I could imagine was that it was possible to make some money out of your talent. There never was a lot of money in vertical roller skating.
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claudine: were are they (8. Aug. 2007 19:23)
 Thats what I figured, money. I just cant imagine after you've mastered the basics, why else anyone would switch. You can carve/"surf" on roller skates, not on inlines. Not in the same way. The balance is easier on inlines/cant fall forward, you can watch people/take lessons easily with inlines, its socially accepted/in, they are much lighter for jumping high since the base is light, guess they are better if grinding is your thing since you can easily clasp onto round rails, so I see why beginners and kids would choose inlines. I feel the pressure and frustration myself not having any one to watch or learn from in person and my skates are made fun of at times. At times I think it would be easier to start out on them. But otherwise, I cant imagine stepping down from the fun of roller skates to static inlines without the trucks. Roller skates are just so much more fun!

: The switchings happened at the early phase of the inline boom. Inline was very new and exciting back then. One reason of switching to inlines back then I could imagine was that it was possible to make some money out of your talent. There never was a lot of money in vertical roller skating.
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claudine: were are they (8. Aug. 2007 19:30)
 One day I would like to surf! I've only boogie boarded lol. Quads remind me sort of like "surfing" on wheels. Same with skateboarding. If I had time, I would like to really learn that too.

: i never switched to inlines...i love my quadskates..oldskool rulez... but now i`m surfin or bodybordin most of my skatetimes were most in the 90th.. and still i love to roll.its an adiction.. and surfin is the extetion of it..
: sittin here in my little paradise livin my endless summer..
: hope all those friend from da good ol dayz are allright.. greetz to all..
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Bernhard: were are they (8. Aug. 2007 22:38)
 : Thats what I figured, money. I just cant imagine after you've mastered the basics, why else anyone would switch.

Indeed. Why would anyone.

: You can carve/"surf" on roller skates, not on inlines. Not in the same way. The balance is easier on inlines/cant fall forward,

Can be debated. I find it easier to balance on roller skates most of the time.

: guess they are better if grinding is your thing since you can easily clasp onto round rails,

Most skateboarder wouldn't term this as grinding but rather as sliding. The argument is that you need metal to grind.

: so I see why beginners and kids would choose inlines.

I'm sure the main reason for this is social. Although they would try to argue on a rational base. But IMHO it boils down to what's conforming and socially acceptable.

: Roller skates are just so much more fun!

Amen to that!
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Bernhard: were are they (8. Aug. 2007 22:39)
 : One day I would like to surf! I've only boogie boarded lol.

What's a boogie board? The same as a body board?
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claudine: were are they (9. Aug. 2007 02:22)
 : : One day I would like to surf! I've only boogie boarded lol.
: What's a boogie board? The same as a body board?

I think so! They are small foam surfboards with a strap to put around your wrist. A good analogy would be a skateboard is to a scooter what a surfboard is to a boogie board lol. They are TONS of fun!!
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claudine: were are they (9. Aug. 2007 02:31)
: : You can carve/"surf" on roller skates, not on inlines. Not in the same way. The balance is easier on inlines/cant fall forward,
: Can be debated. I find it easier to balance on roller skates most of the time.
Well, when I put on inlines, I can lean all the way forward and no matter how far or how much weight I put forward, I cannot fall forwards. This is not true on roller skates. Then again, I have normal length plates. I've been debating getting a full length sole plate since I believe this would eliminate this balance issues and make dropping in vertical much more easy and relaxed. I''m just not sure if I would lose maneuverability with this or what else.

: : so I see why beginners and kids would choose inlines.
: I'm sure the main reason for this is social. Although they would try to argue on a rational base. But IMHO it boils down to what's conforming and socially acceptable.
TRUE! But if you have people you can watch, lessons available, etc. its much easier to follow and pick up. I've been very frustrated recently because I have noone to watch how to drop in, etc. I usually pick up things best through direct observation. Very hard if you've never even seen another person on roller skates outside in your lifetime lol. Sad but true...

: : Roller skates are just so much more fun!
: Amen to that!

No arguement here lol! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my roller skates. :-D
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Robert Chase: were are they (9. Aug. 2007 04:15)
 It is pretty funny to hear that Toto Ghali switched to inline. I skated with him back when I was doing inline and I only saw rollerskaters when I was in Europe. Toto tried my skates and of course ripped! He is amazing on a skateboard, rollerskates, and inlines. I am sure Toto rides them all. I have some really great pictures of Toto, but last time I tried to scan my scanner did not work. Maybe I will give it another try.

: :
: : : You can carve/"surf" on roller skates, not on inlines. Not in the same way. The balance is easier on inlines/cant fall forward,
: :
: : Can be debated. I find it easier to balance on roller skates most of the time.
: :
: Well, when I put on inlines, I can lean all the way forward and no matter how far or how much weight I put forward, I cannot fall forwards. This is not true on roller skates. Then again, I have normal length plates. I've been debating getting a full length sole plate since I believe this would eliminate this balance issues and make dropping in vertical much more easy and relaxed. I''m just not sure if I would lose maneuverability with this or what else.
: : : so I see why beginners and kids would choose inlines.
: :
: : I'm sure the main reason for this is social. Although they would try to argue on a rational base. But IMHO it boils down to what's conforming and socially acceptable.
: :
: TRUE! But if you have people you can watch, lessons available, etc. its much easier to follow and pick up. I've been very frustrated recently because I have noone to watch how to drop in, etc. I usually pick up things best through direct observation. Very hard if you've never even seen another person on roller skates outside in your lifetime lol. Sad but true...
: : : Roller skates are just so much more fun!
: :
: : Amen to that!
: No arguement here lol! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my roller skates. :-D
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sascha xaxa fei: were are they (9. Aug. 2007 13:18)
 when the wave are too big for surfin or choppy, i go out with my boogie/bodyboard.. i love it!! its the only thing which stokes me here.. my skates are in germany and i can only surf, boogieboard and longboardskate here in the moment..
i will go in november to germany for 3 or 4 day to collect my reststuff and bring it here to the canaries..
so were are you comming from?
if you like you can visit me in fuerteventura for surfin..
just gimme a mail...
so greetz

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claudine: were are they (9. Aug. 2007 19:27)
 : when the wave are too big for surfin or choppy, i go out with my boogie/bodyboard.. i love it!! its the only thing which stokes me here.. my skates are in germany and i can only surf, boogieboard and longboardskate here in the moment..
: i will go in november to germany for 3 or 4 day to collect my reststuff and bring it here to the canaries..
: so were are you comming from?
: if you like you can visit me in fuerteventura for surfin..
: just gimme a mail...
: so greetz
: xaxa

I live in Maryland, USA. So thats a little far for now but that sounds like a BLAST! :-D I've been messing around a touch with a skateboard that was given to me, not good but its also a lot of fun. One day I hope to flip it lol. I stood on a longboard in the sports store and it looks like tons of fun. Do you have sliding gloves? One day. I think I need to win the lottery lol.
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xaxa: were are they (11. Aug. 2007 16:45)
 : : when the wave are too big for surfin or choppy, i go out with my boogie/bodyboard.. i love it!! its the only thing which stokes me here.. my skates are in germany and i can only surf, boogieboard and longboardskate here in the moment..
: : i will go in november to germany for 3 or 4 day to collect my reststuff and bring it here to the canaries..
: : so were are you comming from?
: : if you like you can visit me in fuerteventura for surfin..
: : just gimme a mail...
: : so greetz
: : xaxa
: :
: I live in Maryland, USA. So thats a little far for now but that sounds like a BLAST! :-D I've been messing around a touch with a skateboard that was given to me, not good but its also a lot of fun. One day I hope to flip it lol. I stood on a longboard in the sports store and it looks like tons of fun. Do you have sliding gloves? One day. I think I need to win the lottery lol.
with my longboard i love to cruise and go downhill.yeah for slides i use gloves..see keep it alive for my rollerskate setup.. so greetz from da cannarys

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claudine: lol (11. Aug. 2007 19:41)
 You wore me in lol! I went to the sports store, just messin around. They had these Fuzion Asphalt carving scooters, one as a floor model to test out, kinda like a long board with a handle. Man I had a blast, too much fun, so much I had to get the floor model lol. But its cool cause here there are some killer hills at intersections with no grass. I havent yet figured out how to stop on a dime on steep hills with speed with my roller skates. Plus like today, I hit my hip hard yesterday and twisted my arm so I'm sore. This would allow me to skate without really fallin much for days my body needs a rest. Reminds me of my mountain bike crossed with a longboard. I'm pretty small so I can still pass for a teenager from a distance so noone will know different.

So now I'm off to see if I can pull a 360 on it lol, and carve some hills. I can lift it already and balance on the 2 back wheels and fly down the hills. You can even carve bowls with it. OK, so now the inliners will really hate me. Once I total it, I can move onto a long board/skateboard deal. So now I have 2 fun toys to keep me happy! This will be my second car. :-D With the price of gas now, it'll pay for itself in a week or so. I think I'll put my krypto 70s wheels on there soon. I plan on growing up one day, like maybe when I hit 70 lol. Meantime, I like to cruise with my little wheels!

: : I live in Maryland, USA. So thats a little far for now but that sounds like a BLAST! :-D I've been messing around a touch with a skateboard that was given to me, not good but its also a lot of fun. One day I hope to flip it lol. I stood on a longboard in the sports store and it looks like tons of fun. Do you have sliding gloves? One day. I think I need to win the lottery lol.
: with my longboard i love to cruise and go downhill.yeah for slides i use gloves..see keep it alive for my rollerskate setup.. so greetz from da cannarys
: xaxa
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