Vertical Rollerskating


Message 311 (11. Aug. 2002 10:52) (Tree)

south aussie bowl...
: LOOK AT next to the 60ft vert....
: and Ive been told from a guy that rides it twice a week that there is never anyone riding...
: south australian bowl combi GO OFF...

go sick
looks very tidy
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rollerball: south aussie bowl... (6. Aug. 2002 13:34)
 LOOK AT next to the 60ft vert....

and Ive been told from a guy that rides it twice a week that there is never anyone riding...

south australian bowl combi GO OFF...
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matt: south aussie bowl... (11. Aug. 2002 10:52)
 : LOOK AT next to the 60ft vert....
: and Ive been told from a guy that rides it twice a week that there is never anyone riding...
: south australian bowl combi GO OFF...

go sick
looks very tidy
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Bernhard: south aussie bowl... (12. Aug. 2002 09:57)
 Yo Matt,

nice to see you again in this forum. I hope everything is well for you (especially the skating ;-))
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