| : HI Claudine,
: Pro Designed are awesome pads and the owner is a really cool guy, but I would see if you have any skate shops or sporting good stores in your area so that you can try them on. There are so really great pads out there and a lot of the new ones have adjustable straps. As for knee gaskets, I love my scabs. As for protecting against a broken bone, I broke my elbow with huge Pro Designed pads, but it was a fluke.
I'm still debating between the 2. I guess it will come back to which ones will fit the best. Just I've heard stuff bout PD knees that they are slippery, fall off, crack, etc. So that has me hesitant. I've only heard great things about scabs!
The only store here is Sports Authority. I've tried on fat boys and protecs from others size S. The fat boys were really long and wide so my knees knocked but fit. Protecs a touch large. I was told 187 and TSGs will be too big. Thats all I know!
I think I will do the gaskets. May be hot. Hopefully they wont restrict movement. But I dont want to hit my knee in a funny way then be messed up for life. Plus they will help the pads to fit me better!