| : : Should I bang them out or leave them alone?
: Claudine, your picture reminds me of the time when I had such jump bars on some Bauer roller skates long, long time ago. They also bent and I would bang them back into form. I also thought about building wider jump bars out of steel (I think I still have the steel plate I wanted to use for this purpose) but I never did it. I guess the steel plates would have sparked!
Well, I think I will put RollerGirls grind plates back on! They dont slide like the sliders, I know. But to hear that grinding sound and see sparks REALLY excites me lol! :-D Plus I cannot find any sliding rails in stock anywhere.
Theres plenty else for me to work on right now. I just wish I knew how to make my body recover faster. I'm so sore lol. I just dont want to take off a day right now while I have free time. When I start work, I'm going to go through major withdrawl!