Vertical Rollerskating


Message 3715 (20. Oct. 2007 03:26) (Tree)

spoke to a trainer today.....
I hear ya. I have not skated all week due to a f'ed up back and neck. I thought about going today, but besides those issues, my thigh is still hurting after a week. I don't get it because I rarely fall and if I do, it is just a small bail. Everyday I pull into my garage and see my skates with my new wheels and it is killing me. If working out would help, I would do it, but it seems I overwork my muscles skating?

: I went to the college today since I found out I could swim for free, they also have a gym there, with mats, weights, free weights, cardio equip and basketball court too! So I might practice some handstands, etc. for inverts there next week!
: Well, a trainer was there so I spoke to him. He confirmed I have tendonitis. He says since I'm small, I probably need to work on my muscle strength because if the muscles arent strong enough doing such high intensity/power driven workouts, it will over stress the tendons. Also if there are imbalances and tightness in some muscles, this could cause it too. He said it wasnt cause I'm too old cause I'm not, just need more strength. (But I didnt tell him my age lol.)
: I will see him Monday and he will set me up. He thought a training program geared towards climbers or gymnasts would be best. More towards max strength rather then bulk alone so I can have the most power per weight.
: I thought I would share and I will share what workouts I'm doing if I see results. I know I need more muscle and strength, I was relatively inactive many years while in college. I want to rip it up now!!!! I'm just lazy with weights but not happy having off days. I should be healed in another 2 days I think. :-D Thats good cause I have lead in my ass and my body sinks like a brick in the pool lol.
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claudine: spoke to a trainer today..... (20. Oct. 2007 02:05)
 I went to the college today since I found out I could swim for free, they also have a gym there, with mats, weights, free weights, cardio equip and basketball court too! So I might practice some handstands, etc. for inverts there next week!

Well, a trainer was there so I spoke to him. He confirmed I have tendonitis. He says since I'm small, I probably need to work on my muscle strength because if the muscles arent strong enough doing such high intensity/power driven workouts, it will over stress the tendons. Also if there are imbalances and tightness in some muscles, this could cause it too. He said it wasnt cause I'm too old cause I'm not, just need more strength. (But I didnt tell him my age lol.)

I will see him Monday and he will set me up. He thought a training program geared towards climbers or gymnasts would be best. More towards max strength rather then bulk alone so I can have the most power per weight.

I thought I would share and I will share what workouts I'm doing if I see results. I know I need more muscle and strength, I was relatively inactive many years while in college. I want to rip it up now!!!! I'm just lazy with weights but not happy having off days. I should be healed in another 2 days I think. :-D Thats good cause I have lead in my ass and my body sinks like a brick in the pool lol.
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Robert: spoke to a trainer today..... (20. Oct. 2007 03:26)
 I hear ya. I have not skated all week due to a f'ed up back and neck. I thought about going today, but besides those issues, my thigh is still hurting after a week. I don't get it because I rarely fall and if I do, it is just a small bail. Everyday I pull into my garage and see my skates with my new wheels and it is killing me. If working out would help, I would do it, but it seems I overwork my muscles skating?

: I went to the college today since I found out I could swim for free, they also have a gym there, with mats, weights, free weights, cardio equip and basketball court too! So I might practice some handstands, etc. for inverts there next week!
: Well, a trainer was there so I spoke to him. He confirmed I have tendonitis. He says since I'm small, I probably need to work on my muscle strength because if the muscles arent strong enough doing such high intensity/power driven workouts, it will over stress the tendons. Also if there are imbalances and tightness in some muscles, this could cause it too. He said it wasnt cause I'm too old cause I'm not, just need more strength. (But I didnt tell him my age lol.)
: I will see him Monday and he will set me up. He thought a training program geared towards climbers or gymnasts would be best. More towards max strength rather then bulk alone so I can have the most power per weight.
: I thought I would share and I will share what workouts I'm doing if I see results. I know I need more muscle and strength, I was relatively inactive many years while in college. I want to rip it up now!!!! I'm just lazy with weights but not happy having off days. I should be healed in another 2 days I think. :-D Thats good cause I have lead in my ass and my body sinks like a brick in the pool lol.
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claudine: spoke to a trainer today..... (20. Oct. 2007 04:04)
 I'll post it and what helps. Resting til Monday then will lift and skate alternate days.

Maybe I need to also go hard/rest to allow my body time to get stronger? This winter I WILL focus on getting strong. Much more motivated now. I was just in aweful shape when I started skating, really skinny. I was fairly sendentary for many years. So it will take time to get super strong again. I think my muscles are not balanced so my hamstrings are working way to hard to compensate. They get really tight/sore on me and then this happened, also not from a fall. I like to skate really hard almost everyday. I skate like its my last day skating and I think I do myself in lol. I just want to get stuff and get pump myself up and its hard to take even one day off. I need to attend VA, vert skaters anonymous lol.

I still think part of your problem is a misalignment. I hope you get medical soon and can get that checked. I think a chiropractor could pop you back quickly if so! But I swam and still bummed cause I want to skate.

: I hear ya. I have not skated all week due to a f'ed up back and neck. I thought about going today, but besides those issues, my thigh is still hurting after a week. I don't get it because I rarely fall and if I do, it is just a small bail. Everyday I pull into my garage and see my skates with my new wheels and it is killing me. If working out would help, I would do it, but it seems I overwork my muscles skating?

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claudine: what to do if your legs hurt..... (20. Oct. 2007 06:22)

May not help skating, but I think I could learn some awesome handplants if I can do all this stuff! Lucky me, I'm tiny, but got a lead butt lol.
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