Vertical Rollerskating


Message 381 (21. Sep. 2002 22:50) (Tree)

my new rollerskating site


let me introduce myself to all you vert freaks and cracks :)

Here's my new site:

It's still tiny, but I hope to ad more pics soon.


Please feel free to contact me with any feedback, for example errors on the links page etc.
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Tobi: my new rollerskating site (21. Sep. 2002 22:50)

let me introduce myself to all you vert freaks and cracks :)

Here's my new site:

It's still tiny, but I hope to ad more pics soon.


Please feel free to contact me with any feedback, for example errors on the links page etc.
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Tobi: my new rollerskating site (22. Sep. 2002 10:14)

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Bernhard: my new rollerskating site (22. Sep. 2002 11:50)
 Hi Toby,

: Here's my new site:

Well done and very professional. I liked particularly the way you solved the problem of using new layout techniques while maitaining compatibility with old browsers (I still use Netscape 4.72 because my homebaking account requires it). With Mozilla, your site looks great!

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Tobi: my new rollerskating site (22. Sep. 2002 18:43)

Hi Bernhard

: Well done and very professional. I liked particularly the
: way you solved the problem of using new layout techniques
: while maitaining compatibility with old browsers (I still
: use Netscape 4.72 because my homebaking account requires
: it).
: With Mozilla, your site looks great!

Thank you very much for the kind words :)

XHTML+CSS2 can be quite flexible, accessible, clean, and fun.
Most of the site should also look OK in Netscape 6+ (Mozilla 0.94?), in Internet Explorer 6+, and in Opera 6.


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irene: my new rollerskating site (24. Sep. 2002 05:23)
 nice graphic for openers!

what's the story behind "pink juice"?

thanks for including me

--- irene
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Tobi: my new rollerskating site (24. Sep. 2002 19:52)
Hi Irene

: nice graphic for openers!

Thanks a lot :)

: what's the story behind "pink juice"?

One night I was looking for a domain name for my homepage... :)
I wanted something very unspecific, since I use it for very different things: graffiti, Ruby, SVG, etc, and whatever will come in the future. If I would have chosen something like "", then I would have to register a new domain for the web tech stuff etc.
I also wanted this unspecific/abstract name to be positive; if I would stop to like it one day, it at least shouldn't be negative, so stuff like "" was out ;)
(I don't like this name anyways, but it illustrates the point.)

So I tried various stuff until I found one that hasn't been taken already. The very short ones are mostly taken, so I tried stuff like "bluesky", "pinkpop", etc... "pinkjuice" is +/- random, but it met the criteria :)

I like the color pink, and juice is the valuable and extract of something [1], for example fresh healthy fruit [2], but perhaps from anything like fields or topics; that's why I chose the name.


[1] : juice:
"3 a : the inherent quality of a thing : ESSENCE b : STRENGTH, VIGOR, VITALITY [...]
8 : a motivating, inspiring, or enabling force or factor "
[2] Think of an all-natural and safe version of the pink Whipper Snapple.

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irene: my new rollerskating site (25. Sep. 2002 04:30)
 i love those whipper snappers, they need to make a larger bottle of this stuff.

thanks for the fyi
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Bernhard: my new rollerskating site (25. Sep. 2002 10:35)
 : One night I was looking for a domain name for my homepage... :)
: I wanted something very unspecific, since I use it for very different things: graffiti, Ruby, SVG, etc, and whatever will come in the future. If I would have chosen something like "", then I would have to register a new domain for the web tech stuff etc.

Similar story for started as (still reachable via this URL, but is undoubtedly the better "brand"). I'm still looking for a domain name for for I consider it to be much more important than (though it has far less material).

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