Hi Irene
: nice graphic for openers!
Thanks a lot :)
: what's the story behind "pink juice"?
One night I was looking for a domain name for my homepage... :)
I wanted something very unspecific, since I use it for very different things: graffiti, Ruby, SVG, etc, and whatever will come in the future. If I would have chosen something like "sprayedart.org", then I would have to register a new domain for the web tech stuff etc.
I also wanted this unspecific/abstract name to be positive; if I would stop to like it one day, it at least shouldn't be negative, so stuff like "artfromhell.net" was out ;)
(I don't like this name anyways, but it illustrates the point.)
So I tried various stuff until I found one that hasn't been taken already. The very short ones are mostly taken, so I tried stuff like "bluesky", "pinkpop", etc... "pinkjuice" is +/- random, but it met the criteria :)
I like the color pink, and juice is the valuable and extract of something [1], for example fresh healthy fruit [2], but perhaps from anything like fields or topics; that's why I chose the name.
[1] m-w.com : juice:
"3 a : the inherent quality of a thing : ESSENCE b : STRENGTH, VIGOR, VITALITY [...]
8 : a motivating, inspiring, or enabling force or factor "
[2] Think of an all-natural and safe version of the pink Whipper Snapple.