| Howdy, The weather has been nice hear in Wilmington, North Carolina for most of the winter. We had one snow storm that dropped 10-12 inches a couple of hours inland and 2 inches even down here at the coast. We have had plenty of 70+%f with sunshine making it nice to skate our lovely new public concrete park. Check it out on Jim Rees web site. http://www.rampandpark.com/ We also had a nice indoor park here called EastWood Ramp Park until last week, it contained a 32ft. wide 13ft. tall vert ramp with skatelite and a obstacle course with boxes, ledges, various 1/4 pipes, and even a rythm section(built for bikers) but fully skateable. Since it's demise last week, parts of this park will live on elsewhere , some of it will go to another park here called the SkateBarn in Hampstead, NC. Just a quick 25 min. drive. So I guess it has been pretty nice down here although I spend most of my time aat the moment rehabbing my wrist. Right now I am getting to skate a couple of times a week.