Vertical Rollerskating


Message 4309 (5. Dec. 2007 22:55) (Tree)

Info on this skater?
This guy is still ripping it up big time, grey and all, over 60. Anyone know info on this guy, lifestyle, how he is keeping up, how often/long he still skates, etc? So no Robert, doesnt seem like we are too old, just maybe missing some of his secrets lol.

Irene, you gotta keep skating beyond me and skate grey first cause I want someone else (female!) going with me cause I dont want to ever quit and keep on pushing it til I'm freakin buried lol.

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claudine: Info on this skater? (5. Dec. 2007 22:55)
 This guy is still ripping it up big time, grey and all, over 60. Anyone know info on this guy, lifestyle, how he is keeping up, how often/long he still skates, etc? So no Robert, doesnt seem like we are too old, just maybe missing some of his secrets lol.

Irene, you gotta keep skating beyond me and skate grey first cause I want someone else (female!) going with me cause I dont want to ever quit and keep on pushing it til I'm freakin buried lol.

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Bernhard: Info on this skater? (5. Dec. 2007 23:08)
 : This guy is still ripping it up big time, grey and all, over 60.

How do you know? I don't know his age. His name, however, is Gerhard Jusupoglu. He's with the light team from Augsburg. Those guys dress the same so it looks like a uniform. And yes, as far as I know, he is still skating. The photo you picked isn't that old: July 2006.

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claudine: Info on this skater? (5. Dec. 2007 23:32)
 : : This guy is still ripping it up big time, grey and all, over 60.
: How do you know? I don't know his age. His name, however, is Gerhard Jusupoglu. He's with the light team from Augsburg. Those guys dress the same so it looks like a uniform. And yes, as far as I know, he is still skating. The photo you picked isn't that old: July 2006.

RS Dave said he was a pro skater at 60! Its almost my birthday and I feel REALLY old. I love skating so much so I worry how long my body will hold up to this, especially with a knee that wont allow me to jump right now. People say cause I'm getting old. :-( I wish I could go daily but it seems like I cant. Now I am thinking of seeing if there is quad speed skating that I can mess with too so that my leg can rest more this winter and heal. So its nice to see older guys still at it and hitting the vert ramps and I wonder what I can do differently so I can do that too.
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Bernhard: Info on this skater? (5. Dec. 2007 23:49)
 : : : This guy is still ripping it up big time, grey and all, over 60.
: :
: : How do you know?
: RS Dave said he was a pro skater at 60!

OK, Could be. But he normally keeps his age a secret!

Don't give your knee too much rest. You have to find the right balance. Often things will only heal when used properly (but not overused). I had this experience with an inflammation of my achilles tendon (after two years of rest it just wouldn't get better) and with my sewn together quadriceps tendon. After the operation my knees where really bad! I patiently did the exercises recommended by the physiotherapist and later found that walking down steep hill would strengthen the knees significantly.
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claudine: Info on this skater? (6. Dec. 2007 00:24)
 : : : : This guy is still ripping it up big time, grey and all, over 60.
: : :
: : : How do you know?
: :
: : RS Dave said he was a pro skater at 60!
: OK, Could be. But he normally keeps his age a secret!
: Don't give your knee too much rest. You have to find the right balance. Often things will only heal when used properly (but not overused). I had this experience with an inflammation of my achilles tendon (after two years of rest it just wouldn't get better) and with my sewn together quadriceps tendon. After the operation my knees where really bad! I patiently did the exercises recommended by the physiotherapist and later found that walking down steep hill would strengthen the knees significantly.

Well, just staying off it during the week, no heavy weights, no skating, maybe this weekend though! We just had 3+ inches of snow so I donno. What I did was strain my hamstring a bit last week with the heavy weights so I thought I should try to take it easy so that would heal.

But I'm doing range of motion exercises only during the week. Things like squats with just my bodyweight. I find the leg press strengthens it ONLY pushing up, not down and its weak going down. So I thought I should gently work on this cause most of skating is going down in a squat and try to work easy the weaker small stabilizing muscles first and range of motion, more endurance type of stuff for now. But for me rest is HARD! I was skating round the kitchen and skipping around Monday cause I got too hyper lol. I might have to roll a bit inside again now lol because being still and with the snow I'M GOING CRAZY!!!!!!!!

I am trying to see if I can workout with the speed skaters for Jan and Feb. cause I think it might be that long til I can jump and stuff. :-( Least I will be in shape and strong! I asked Lisa for bionic legs for Christmas though lol. :-D

So are you back? I guess we will have some nice pictures? :-)
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claudine: Info on this skater? (6. Dec. 2007 01:03)
 : : : : This guy is still ripping it up big time, grey and all, over 60.
: : :
: : : How do you know?
: :
: : RS Dave said he was a pro skater at 60!
: OK, Could be. But he normally keeps his age a secret!
: Don't give your knee too much rest. You have to find the right balance. Often things will only heal when used properly (but not overused). I had this experience with an inflammation of my achilles tendon (after two years of rest it just wouldn't get better) and with my sewn together quadriceps tendon. After the operation my knees where really bad! I patiently did the exercises recommended by the physiotherapist and later found that walking down steep hill would strengthen the knees significantly.

I just reread this. I guess this is kinda like my deep squats that I feel helpful now, but more like lunges too? I will try this too! I think the simple range of motion exercises are working the right muscles and ligaments/tendons which are weak on me now. Thanks for the input!
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Robert: Info on this skater? (6. Dec. 2007 03:21)
 My new chiropractor is a really cool guy. He is 47 years old and very fit. He calls me dude and bro. He is totally into health and fitness. He basically said that as we get older we just can not function as well. He said that I don't have many years left, but if I start taking care of myself with a good diet and the proper exercises then I can go a lot longer. He said he is the oldest guy in his Ju Jitsu (sp?) class and kicks everyone's asses that are younger than him. He said if I don't start working my core muscles and eating healthy and getting the curve back in my neck then I am screwed. I think I am going to buy this product called the Neck Posture Pump. It is supposed to be used daily and helps get the curve back in your neck. I don't know what to believe with Chiropractors, but this guy seems legit and he does not seem to be trying to pump me for money.

: : : : : This guy is still ripping it up big time, grey and all, over 60.
: : : :
: : : : How do you know?
: : :
: : : RS Dave said he was a pro skater at 60!
: :
: : OK, Could be. But he normally keeps his age a secret!
: :
: : Don't give your knee too much rest. You have to find the right balance. Often things will only heal when used properly (but not overused). I had this experience with an inflammation of my achilles tendon (after two years of rest it just wouldn't get better) and with my sewn together quadriceps tendon. After the operation my knees where really bad! I patiently did the exercises recommended by the physiotherapist and later found that walking down steep hill would strengthen the knees significantly.
: I just reread this. I guess this is kinda like my deep squats that I feel helpful now, but more like lunges too? I will try this too! I think the simple range of motion exercises are working the right muscles and ligaments/tendons which are weak on me now. Thanks for the input!
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claudine: Info on this skater? (6. Dec. 2007 03:55)
 So whats a good diet and proper exercises lol? Honestly, everytime I think I know, the rules change or they dont apply to me or I donno...... I'm trying, is chocolate now in the health food group lol? Like I said, that guy is probably over 60 and eats at Micky Ds daily and still ripping it up good!! He probably never got out of shape.

Well, I think it will take me another year to get into shape but then I plan on going strong until I croak.

So you getting a pump? Have fun but dont strangle yourself lol! ;-D

: My new chiropractor is a really cool guy. He is 47 years old and very fit. He calls me dude and bro. He is totally into health and fitness. He basically said that as we get older we just can not function as well. He said that I don't have many years left, but if I start taking care of myself with a good diet and the proper exercises then I can go a lot longer. He said he is the oldest guy in his Ju Jitsu (sp?) class and kicks everyone's asses that are younger than him. He said if I don't start working my core muscles and eating healthy and getting the curve back in my neck then I am screwed. I think I am going to buy this product called the Neck Posture Pump. It is supposed to be used daily and helps get the curve back in your neck. I don't know what to believe with Chiropractors, but this guy seems legit and he does not seem to be trying to pump me for money.
: : : : : : This guy is still ripping it up big time, grey and all, over 60.
: : : : :
: : : : : How do you know?
: : : :
: : : : RS Dave said he was a pro skater at 60!
: : :
: : : OK, Could be. But he normally keeps his age a secret!
: : :
: : : Don't give your knee too much rest. You have to find the right balance. Often things will only heal when used properly (but not overused). I had this experience with an inflammation of my achilles tendon (after two years of rest it just wouldn't get better) and with my sewn together quadriceps tendon. After the operation my knees where really bad! I patiently did the exercises recommended by the physiotherapist and later found that walking down steep hill would strengthen the knees significantly.
: :
: : I just reread this. I guess this is kinda like my deep squats that I feel helpful now, but more like lunges too? I will try this too! I think the simple range of motion exercises are working the right muscles and ligaments/tendons which are weak on me now. Thanks for the input!
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Bernhard: Info on this skater? (6. Dec. 2007 06:46)
 : I just reread this. I guess this is kinda like my deep squats that I feel helpful now, but more like lunges too?

Great! you just taught me a new word which hasn't it made into the online dictionary I use yet!
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zorg: Info on this skater? (6. Dec. 2007 08:32)
 His bio is here:
the light team concept seems nice!!!!! What about an Origin' 8 one???

: : : This guy is still ripping it up big time, grey and all, over 60.
: :
: : How do you know? I don't know his age. His name, however, is Gerhard Jusupoglu. He's with the light team from Augsburg. Those guys dress the same so it looks like a uniform. And yes, as far as I know, he is still skating. The photo you picked isn't that old: July 2006.
: :
: RS Dave said he was a pro skater at 60! Its almost my birthday and I feel REALLY old. I love skating so much so I worry how long my body will hold up to this, especially with a knee that wont allow me to jump right now. People say cause I'm getting old. :-( I wish I could go daily but it seems like I cant. Now I am thinking of seeing if there is quad speed skating that I can mess with too so that my leg can rest more this winter and heal. So its nice to see older guys still at it and hitting the vert ramps and I wonder what I can do differently so I can do that too.
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Bernhard: Info on this skater? (6. Dec. 2007 09:28)
 I think it is not bad that you always want to move. With my office job I definitely move too little. :-( The trick probably is to listen to your body. This way you wont overdo it and improve gradually. You never can get your desired shape in one go!

: So are you back? I guess we will have some nice pictures? :-)

Yep, I am back. I arrive home one day ago and went back to work today. The films are already developed and the slides are framed. Now I am numbering them and putting them into archival sleeves. Parallel to that I also started scanning them. I do have some nice pics of Australian skate parks and of Joe and Ludi skating. Will be some time, however, until they are digitized. Before that, I will have pics from the Red centre. Also pics of crocodiles and smaller lizards. And lots more ...
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claudine: Info on this skater? (6. Dec. 2007 19:15)
 No its BAD! Its called ADHD, otherwise known as ants in your pants disorder, finish nothing disorder, disorganized disorder, cant focus or get anything done disorder, jump off the roof (repeatedly) for no apparent reason disorder, act goofy disorder. Its not a good thing to have in our society. Its only been helpful when I worked with the severly disabled kids and bouncing around and needing to be of constant entertainment and non stop creativity was needed. I just hope to get some sort of medical insurance soon cause ritalin does really help me. Otherwise I need ways to burn off this energy so I can sit properly and get things done and with the snow now, its even harder!

But really looking forward to your pics! Including the little guys, I LOVE animals lol.

: I think it is not bad that you always want to move. With my office job I definitely move too little. :-( The trick probably is to listen to your body. This way you wont overdo it and improve gradually. You never can get your desired shape in one go!
: : So are you back? I guess we will have some nice pictures? :-)
: Yep, I am back. I arrive home one day ago and went back to work today. The films are already developed and the slides are framed. Now I am numbering them and putting them into archival sleeves. Parallel to that I also started scanning them. I do have some nice pics of Australian skate parks and of Joe and Ludi skating. Will be some time, however, until they are digitized. Before that, I will have pics from the Red centre. Also pics of crocodiles and smaller lizards. And lots more ...
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