| Hi Tobi,
: I think it's really awesome that you are so open towards all kinds of skating. On sk8mag.de / adinfinitum.de you feature skateboarding, snakeboarding, inlineskating, quadskating; some rollerskating contests were mixed inline and quad, etc.
Also some BMX. Thank you for your kind words!
: Some sites or people promote segretation, disrespect, and elitism. But skating should be about fun, not elitism, and sites as yours and www.rollerfr.net bring a friendly, open atmosphere to skating; thanks!
Fully agreed. However, there are some disciplines excluded from my sites. For example, I do not understand what "Inline Alpin" has to do with skating. I my view it's a subdiscipline of skiing and therefore not interesting for a site which tries to reflect the skating spirit. But your words indicate that everyone has another view on this. In my opinion we should try to live peacefully together if we use the same spots. And I have respect for everyone who has fun riding ramps and transitions. This repect is reduced, however, if he rides only to beat others in competitions and isn't able to enjoy a good session.