Vertical Rollerskating


Message 5184 (16. Mar. 2008 13:04) (Tree)

this is weird....
: : .... headache, nauseaus, slight daze.....last time my wife had the same symptomas, it all disappeared 9 months later.....
: :
: : cheers
: LOL! Nope, thank God!

maybe you guys are going thru early menopause? ;- )

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claudine: this is wierd.... (9. Mar. 2008 07:23)
 Well, when I fell on my butt at the bottom of the 6.5 foot ramp, i found a good spot so that didnt hurt. The force at the bottom was hard. But I felt pain/tightness in my forehead. OK, I swear, I did not hit my head. So whats up with that? Is my head located up my ass lol? I'm thinkin so cause when I bruised my tailbone that one time, every sneeze hurt it BAD. Or does that impact cause your brain to smash into your skull or does the vibration travel up your spine or what? I must not be normal. Cause tonight I have a headache, my butt doesnt hurt lol.
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h ludi.: this is wierd.... (9. Mar. 2008 12:48)
 : Well, when I fell on my butt at the bottom of the 6.5 foot ramp, i found a good spot so that didnt hurt. The force at the bottom was hard. But I felt pain/tightness in my forehead. OK, I swear, I did not hit my head. So whats up with that? Is my head located up my ass lol? I'm thinkin so cause when I bruised my tailbone that one time, every sneeze hurt it BAD. Or does that impact cause your brain to smash into your skull or does the vibration travel up your spine or what? I must not be normal. Cause tonight I have a headache, my butt doesnt hurt lol.

if we didnt know you better we might say you had shit for brains. i do say that with tounge in cheek.
now seriously, whenever you fall off the horse get straight back on. eagerly awaiting more updates on your progress.
remember, never let a chance go by. keep on ripping .
bye for now. h.

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ireNe: this is wierd.... (9. Mar. 2008 16:23)
 : Well, when I fell on my butt at the bottom of the 6.5 foot ramp, i found a good spot so that didnt hurt. The force at the bottom was hard. But I felt pain/tightness in my forehead. OK, I swear, I did not hit my head. So whats up with that? Is my head located up my ass lol? I'm thinkin so cause when I bruised my tailbone that one time, every sneeze hurt it BAD. Or does that impact cause your brain to smash into your skull or does the vibration travel up your spine or what? I must not be normal. Cause tonight I have a headache, my butt doesnt hurt lol.

i think of it like a lightning bolt going thru your body. i had one that travelled thru my butt out of my chest, so for the next month could barely lift my arms. no headache tho.
diapers, huh? don't sheit yurself!
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claudine: this is wierd.... (9. Mar. 2008 17:06)
 : : Well, when I fell on my butt at the bottom of the 6.5 foot ramp, i found a good spot so that didnt hurt. The force at the bottom was hard. But I felt pain/tightness in my forehead. OK, I swear, I did not hit my head. So whats up with that? Is my head located up my ass lol? I'm thinkin so cause when I bruised my tailbone that one time, every sneeze hurt it BAD. Or does that impact cause your brain to smash into your skull or does the vibration travel up your spine or what? I must not be normal. Cause tonight I have a headache, my butt doesnt hurt lol.
: i think of it like a lightning bolt going thru your body. i had one that travelled thru my butt out of my chest, so for the next month could barely lift my arms. no headache tho.
: diapers, huh? don't sheit yurself!

OK, maybe us women have a funny wiring? ;-D I already have my crash pads/diapers hahahaha! Maybe I need gel inserts lol? Just a slight ache in my head this morning. I need to learn how to drop in on vert better. I guess I was too tight since I hit towards the bottom? Or not forward enough? I did this when I first dropped in on the little ramps. I think all the excitement from the first time got me stiff lol. I want to drop in the big bowl one day and do the spine so I want to get this down.

But I lied about taking it easy skating. I'm going again today!! My knees not hurting, shoulder a touch so when it warms up some today, off to the bowls and lets hope I get closer to doing a backward stall! I'm so outta shape, sore already lol.
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Bernhard: this is wierd.... (9. Mar. 2008 18:45)
 : OK, maybe us women have a funny wiring? ;-D

Nope. I also made the same experience. A hard landing on my lower back resulted in a stiff neck and a big headache.

: I already have my crash pads/diapers hahahaha! Maybe I need gel inserts lol?

What you need is thick high-density rubber foam. The same kind that is used in your knee pads. Not the stuff that is used for easy chairs or mattresses.
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claudine: this is wierd.... (9. Mar. 2008 23:39)
 : : OK, maybe us women have a funny wiring? ;-D
: Nope. I also made the same experience. A hard landing on my lower back resulted in a stiff neck and a big headache.
: : I already have my crash pads/diapers hahahaha! Maybe I need gel inserts lol?
: What you need is thick high-density rubber foam. The same kind that is used in your knee pads. Not the stuff that is used for easy chairs or mattresses.

If you know where they have some in the US, I'll get some! I havent been able to find good foam. I was thinking of the Dead Dog shorts, but they are pricey.

I have the crash pads now, altered of course. They do ok.
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Bernhard: this is wierd.... (10. Mar. 2008 10:47)
 : : : OK, maybe us women have a funny wiring? ;-D
: :
: : Nope. I also made the same experience. A hard landing on my lower back resulted in a stiff neck and a big headache.
: :
: : : I already have my crash pads/diapers hahahaha! Maybe I need gel inserts lol?
: :
: : What you need is thick high-density rubber foam. The same kind that is used in your knee pads. Not the stuff that is used for easy chairs or mattresses.
: If you know where they have some in the US, I'll get some! I havent been able to find good foam.

Me neither. :-( I have looked for a source of the foam I use on the web, but sadly haven't found anything I could point you to. Maybe Joe knows of something. He is our rubber guy.

: I was thinking of the Dead Dog shorts, but they are pricey.
: I have the crash pads now, altered of course. They do ok.

I can't comment on those. I just don't know anything about those gadgets. Looks interesting, but I would have to get my hands on those to be able to say something about the foam they use. They obviously treat their materials as an industrial secret.
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joe90: this is wierd.... (10. Mar. 2008 11:05)
 : Me neither. :-( I have looked for a source of the foam I use on the web, but sadly haven't found anything I could point you to. Maybe Joe knows of something. He is our rubber guy.
Hey!! what I do in the privacy of my home is my business!!

cheers joe

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Bernhard: this is wierd.... (10. Mar. 2008 11:26)
 : : Me neither. :-( I have looked for a source of the foam I use on the web, but sadly haven't found anything I could point you to. Maybe Joe knows of something. He is our rubber guy.
: Hey!! what I do in the privacy of my home is my business!!

I didn't want to intrude, I was rather thinking along the lines of those nice MOSS stubby holders ....
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claudine: this is wierd.... (11. Mar. 2008 00:55)
 : : : Me neither. :-( I have looked for a source of the foam I use on the web, but sadly haven't found anything I could point you to. Maybe Joe knows of something. He is our rubber guy.
: : Hey!! what I do in the privacy of my home is my business!!
: I didn't want to intrude, I was rather thinking along the lines of those nice MOSS stubby holders ....

Well, I'm listening, any hints on good butt pads and which are the best and helmets! I might have a mild concussion I was told. Havent been able to eat today and my head still aches. I always want to eat lol! So either I have a really bad bug or my head smashed against my skull. :```( <--Very sad! I wanted to skate tomorrow and now I'm told I need to wait a full week after being asymtomatic. How do I know if its a concussion or just a headache and bug? I ate good yesterday! :-D I just felt dazed for a sec, and had pressure on my forhead when I smashed. No head impact!
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Robert: this is wierd.... (11. Mar. 2008 03:30)
 Claudine, I know what you are talking about. When I broke my elbow I hit my head really hard. I was nausious for about twenty minutes. I found the crash pads to be awesome. I have fallen a couple of times on my ass and they saved me. I don't know if you have the same problem as me, but my legs seem to go out and I fall backwards. I guess we just need to get in better shape. I was doing footplants yesterday and it seems I land low because of my f'n grind bar. I called a motorcycle repair shop today that is located at the end of my street. They have a drill press and am hoping they can drill some holes in my grind bars where I can bring them to the bottom of my king pin where the nut is. In my opinion, grind bars suck and you need that grip against your trucks. After two days of skating, I was so sore today and could barely walk. I will skate tomorrow and hope my jello legs don't make me fall. Get some rest this week and hit it hard this weekend.

: : : : Me neither. :-( I have looked for a source of the foam I use on the web, but sadly haven't found anything I could point you to. Maybe Joe knows of something. He is our rubber guy.
: : : Hey!! what I do in the privacy of my home is my business!!
: :
: : I didn't want to intrude, I was rather thinking along the lines of those nice MOSS stubby holders ....
: Well, I'm listening, any hints on good butt pads and which are the best and helmets! I might have a mild concussion I was told. Havent been able to eat today and my head still aches. I always want to eat lol! So either I have a really bad bug or my head smashed against my skull. :```( <--Very sad! I wanted to skate tomorrow and now I'm told I need to wait a full week after being asymtomatic. How do I know if its a concussion or just a headache and bug? I ate good yesterday! :-D I just felt dazed for a sec, and had pressure on my forhead when I smashed. No head impact!
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claudine: this is wierd.... (11. Mar. 2008 12:30)
 I was told that I probably have a concussion (my freakin butt doesnt even hurt) and that I need to lay off a week after my symptoms go away. I"m PISSED! I had skate plans today. My head is feeling better and my shoulder still needs rest, probably my knee too. But it will be over a week til I skate again. I have those crash pads. I did land on a good spot on my but but I guess the speed sent vibrations up my body. I dont think I will go any steeper then maybe the big bowl at 7 1/2 feet deep drop in because that looks like too much fun and I"m dumb, but I"m going to limit myself to that in the future, no flips ever, etc. I donno, I guess I'm old. :`( I had plans on being supergirl on skates!! I dont think girls are built as tough, it sucks!

: Claudine, I know what you are talking about. When I broke my elbow I hit my head really hard. I was nausious for about twenty minutes. I found the crash pads to be awesome. I have fallen a couple of times on my ass and they saved me. I don't know if you have the same problem as me, but my legs seem to go out and I fall backwards. I guess we just need to get in better shape. I was doing footplants yesterday and it seems I land low because of my f'n grind bar. I called a motorcycle repair shop today that is located at the end of my street. They have a drill press and am hoping they can drill some holes in my grind bars where I can bring them to the bottom of my king pin where the nut is. In my opinion, grind bars suck and you need that grip against your trucks. After two days of skating, I was so sore today and could barely walk. I will skate tomorrow and hope my jello legs don't make me fall. Get some rest this week and hit it hard this weekend.
: : : : : Me neither. :-( I have looked for a source of the foam I use on the web, but sadly haven't found anything I could point you to. Maybe Joe knows of something. He is our rubber guy.
: : : : Hey!! what I do in the privacy of my home is my business!!
: : :
: : : I didn't want to intrude, I was rather thinking along the lines of those nice MOSS stubby holders ....
: :
: : Well, I'm listening, any hints on good butt pads and which are the best and helmets! I might have a mild concussion I was told. Havent been able to eat today and my head still aches. I always want to eat lol! So either I have a really bad bug or my head smashed against my skull. :```( <--Very sad! I wanted to skate tomorrow and now I'm told I need to wait a full week after being asymtomatic. How do I know if its a concussion or just a headache and bug? I ate good yesterday! :-D I just felt dazed for a sec, and had pressure on my forhead when I smashed. No head impact!
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Bernhard: this is wierd.... (11. Mar. 2008 13:02)
 The way I diagnose a concussion is by testing the memory.

Once a guy flew over a vertical ramp here in Freiburg and landed hard on his skull. He came to after a minute or so and the ambulance was already on its way. I probed his memory by asking simple questions about the date. He wasn't able to say what date it was, he wasn't able to tell the day of the week, the month and even the season. From this I concluded that he had quite a heavy concussion.

This even worked in self-diagnosis mode one day. I landed (similar to you, Claudine) on my butt, the drop was about 2.5 meters. I felt quite OK after a while and continued skating. But when I tried to do a cross leg air to fakie, I couldn't think of the name of the trick! From this, I concluded that I had a minor concussion (no problem with remembering the correct date) and I prescribed myself a skating brake for some time.

I think it's really better to pause for a while when you can't rely on your brain's correct working anymore.
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h ludi.: this is wierd.... (11. Mar. 2008 13:22)
 : The way I diagnose a concussion is by testing the memory.
: Once a guy flew over a vertical ramp here in Freiburg and landed hard on his skull. He came to after a minute or so and the ambulance was already on its way. I probed his memory by asking simple questions about the date. He wasn't able to say what date it was, he wasn't able to tell the day of the week, the month and even the season. From this I concluded that he had quite a heavy concussion.
: This even worked in self-diagnosis mode one day. I landed (similar to you, Claudine) on my butt, the drop was about 2.5 meters. I felt quite OK after a while and continued skating. But when I tried to do a cross leg air to fakie, I couldn't think of the name of the trick! From this, I concluded that I had a minor concussion (no problem with remembering the correct date) and I prescribed myself a skating brake for some time.
: I think it's really better to pause for a while when you can't rely on your brain's correct working anymore.

hi guys, i hear where your coming from. we rolled pt cook bowl tonight, on my second roll i came to greif and slammed heavily. my left shoulder is buggered now and i have a sore neck and head. definately my worst beef this time round.
i hope you mend quicker than me, then we can get back to the business of vert rollerskating.
i guess weve now paid our dues. cheers h .

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Bernhard: this is wierd.... (11. Mar. 2008 13:28)
: hi guys, i hear where your coming from. we rolled pt cook bowl tonight, on my second roll i came to greif and slammed heavily. my left shoulder is buggered now and i have a sore neck and head. definately my worst beef this time round.
: i hope you mend quicker than me, then we can get back to the business of vert rollerskating.
: i guess weve now paid our dues. cheers h .

Hi Ludi,

sorry to hear about your slam and get well quick!

I have probably not been very clear about my concussion experience. This happend long ago when the only place to skate in Freiburg was a shitty concrete ramp. 2.5 m high, 2.5 m wide, 2.5 m flat. The flat was very advanced at the time it was built. Back then, ramps used to have no flat at all!
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claudine: this is wierd.... (12. Mar. 2008 01:17)
: : hi guys, i hear where your coming from. we rolled pt cook bowl tonight, on my second roll i came to greif and slammed heavily. my left shoulder is buggered now and i have a sore neck and head. definately my worst beef this time round.
: : i hope you mend quicker than me, then we can get back to the business of vert rollerskating.
: : i guess weve now paid our dues. cheers h .
: Hi Ludi,
: sorry to hear about your slam and get well quick!
: I have probably not been very clear about my concussion experience. This happend long ago when the only place to skate in Freiburg was a shitty concrete ramp. 2.5 m high, 2.5 m wide, 2.5 m flat. The flat was very advanced at the time it was built. Back then, ramps used to have no flat at all!

Wow, sorry you are hurt Ludi! Get well soon!! Being hurt is the worst.

Well, I dont think I have a concussion now, I spoke to the expert lol. My confusion is on my normal everyday level. So I think I'm OK. But my shoulder was still hurting so I think its better to take it easy this week so I can stop hurting all together. I might roll easy on my skateboard tomorrow. My headache is more or less gone. I think I had a bug because I was nauseous and had stomach problems and havent been able to eat much for 2 days. I heard concussions are really in the head. And I felt sick almost 2 days later. Just a headache and slight daze for a second when I hit my butt but it wont hurt me to lay low. I'll start skating easy this weekend if I feel ok. I hope I'm starved by tomorrow otherwise my legs will be shot anyways. I finished my skateboard and it needs a testing, new baby blue khiro bushings and a hot pink tailbone! :-D I trimmed it up with my dremmel. Its awesome for plastic, cleans up all the hairs! Ludi, get better and take good care of yourself!
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joe90: this is wierd.... (12. Mar. 2008 03:24)
hi guys, i hear where your coming from. we rolled pt cook bowl tonight, on my second roll i came to greif and slammed heavily. my left shoulder is buggered now and i have a sore neck and head. definately my worst beef this time round.
: i hope you mend quicker than me, then we can get back to the business of vert rollerskating.
: i guess weve now paid our dues. cheers h .

jeeez Harry,,sorry I was'nt there to drive ya soon.

cheers jor
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H. Ludi: this is wierd.... (12. Mar. 2008 13:38)
 : :
: : : hi guys, i hear where your coming from. we rolled pt cook bowl tonight, on my second roll i came to greif and slammed heavily. my left shoulder is buggered now and i have a sore neck and head. definately my worst beef this time round.
: : : i hope you mend quicker than me, then we can get back to the business of vert rollerskating.
: : : i guess weve now paid our dues. cheers h .
: :
: : Hi Ludi,
: :
: : sorry to hear about your slam and get well quick!
: :
: : I have probably not been very clear about my concussion experience. This happend long ago when the only place to skate in Freiburg was a shitty concrete ramp. 2.5 m high, 2.5 m wide, 2.5 m flat. The flat was very advanced at the time it was built. Back then, ramps used to have no flat at all!
: Wow, sorry you are hurt Ludi! Get well soon!! Being hurt is the worst.
: Well, I dont think I have a concussion now, I spoke to the expert lol. My confusion is on my normal everyday level. So I think I'm OK. But my shoulder was still hurting so I think its better to take it easy this week so I can stop hurting all together. I might roll easy on my skateboard tomorrow. My headache is more or less gone. I think I had a bug because I was nauseous and had stomach problems and havent been able to eat much for 2 days. I heard concussions are really in the head. And I felt sick almost 2 days later. Just a headache and slight daze for a second when I hit my butt but it wont hurt me to lay low. I'll start skating easy this weekend if I feel ok. I hope I'm starved by tomorrow otherwise my legs will be shot anyways. I finished my skateboard and it needs a testing, new baby blue khiro bushings and a hot pink tailbone! :-D I trimmed it up with my dremmel. Its awesome for plastic, cleans up all the hairs! Ludi, get better and take good care of yourself!

im glad to hear that youve got your head sorted, looks like were in the same boat, both with lame wings. at work today the boys had a field day, putting shit on me. so much that after work i went to the quacks to get checked out. got x rayed, nothing broken, except ego. its still bloody sore, doc says no rolling for 2 weeks . i say il only watch on sunday morn, like hell. knox mini spine and good weather, what a combo. i promise to take it easy , hopefully joe will be there too, and keep an eye on me . anyway i hope you get a brake in the weather and are able to ease back into it as well. take good care of yourself, as i will . we better not push the envelope for a while.
all the best, thans for the kind words , h .

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claudine: this is wierd.... (13. Mar. 2008 00:39)
 : : :
: : : : hi guys, i hear where your coming from. we rolled pt cook bowl tonight, on my second roll i came to greif and slammed heavily. my left shoulder is buggered now and i have a sore neck and head. definately my worst beef this time round.
: : : : i hope you mend quicker than me, then we can get back to the business of vert rollerskating.
: : : : i guess weve now paid our dues. cheers h .
: : :
: : : Hi Ludi,
: : :
: : : sorry to hear about your slam and get well quick!
: : :
: : : I have probably not been very clear about my concussion experience. This happend long ago when the only place to skate in Freiburg was a shitty concrete ramp. 2.5 m high, 2.5 m wide, 2.5 m flat. The flat was very advanced at the time it was built. Back then, ramps used to have no flat at all!
: :
: : Wow, sorry you are hurt Ludi! Get well soon!! Being hurt is the worst.
: :
: : Well, I dont think I have a concussion now, I spoke to the expert lol. My confusion is on my normal everyday level. So I think I'm OK. But my shoulder was still hurting so I think its better to take it easy this week so I can stop hurting all together. I might roll easy on my skateboard tomorrow. My headache is more or less gone. I think I had a bug because I was nauseous and had stomach problems and havent been able to eat much for 2 days. I heard concussions are really in the head. And I felt sick almost 2 days later. Just a headache and slight daze for a second when I hit my butt but it wont hurt me to lay low. I'll start skating easy this weekend if I feel ok. I hope I'm starved by tomorrow otherwise my legs will be shot anyways. I finished my skateboard and it needs a testing, new baby blue khiro bushings and a hot pink tailbone! :-D I trimmed it up with my dremmel. Its awesome for plastic, cleans up all the hairs! Ludi, get better and take good care of yourself!
: im glad to hear that youve got your head sorted, looks like were in the same boat, both with lame wings. at work today the boys had a field day, putting shit on me. so much that after work i went to the quacks to get checked out. got x rayed, nothing broken, except ego. its still bloody sore, doc says no rolling for 2 weeks . i say il only watch on sunday morn, like hell. knox mini spine and good weather, what a combo. i promise to take it easy , hopefully joe will be there too, and keep an eye on me . anyway i hope you get a brake in the weather and are able to ease back into it as well. take good care of yourself, as i will . we better not push the envelope for a while.
: all the best, thans for the kind words , h .
Well, I sure hope you feel better! I guess us rollers are tough? I pretty sure I have the flu or something. I got chewed out about that since my face turned pale or red or something and since I havent been able to eat much at all but I have no sick leave nor medical yet so I go to work. I cant afford not too! Then I rolled on my skateboard after work a bit lol, I wont be too sick to not do that til I'm dead. But I'm off to bed soon to rest up so I can get chewed out again lol.
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zorg: this is weird.... (13. Mar. 2008 10:33)
 .... headache, nauseaus, slight daze.....last time my wife had the same symptomas, it all disappeared 9 months later.....

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claudine: this is weird.... (13. Mar. 2008 12:08)
 : .... headache, nauseaus, slight daze.....last time my wife had the same symptomas, it all disappeared 9 months later.....
: cheers

LOL! Nope, thank God!
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ireNe: this is weird.... (16. Mar. 2008 13:04)
 : : .... headache, nauseaus, slight daze.....last time my wife had the same symptomas, it all disappeared 9 months later.....
: :
: : cheers
: LOL! Nope, thank God!

maybe you guys are going thru early menopause? ;- )

  Write reply
claudine: this is weird.... (16. Mar. 2008 20:22)
 : : : .... headache, nauseaus, slight daze.....last time my wife had the same symptomas, it all disappeared 9 months later.....
: : :
: : : cheers
: :
: : LOL! Nope, thank God!
: maybe you guys are going thru early menopause? ;- )

Not sick now! I think it was pregnancy. Should resolve soon. I'm having a longboard lol. Just need to get the trucks and my old school board will be my sweet new baby roller toy!! :-D I love my children!!
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