| I will finish up the t-shirts in mid May-June! Then I will start to do skateboard designs. I will keep you posted. But I'm thinking of a different title then the Eight Wheeled one. I feel more akin to skateboarders, not inliners. I fit in with the boarders and well respected in that community. Thats my reasoning.
: That is awesome Claudine. I really like the skate. Ok, here is an idea for you. We know how you like little projects and crafts so I have the perfect one for you. They have cheap silk screen kits or you can make your own. I would love for you to make a really cool design for this forum and silk screen us some shirts. I am sure that we would all pay enough money to cover the cost and your time. Well, maybe not your time because it is so valuable. : ) What do you think? There was an entire thread on this on my skateboard forum. It seems quite easy for you artsy/talented types.
: : : : : : COOL? That was my goal lol. Black is HOT lol.
: : : : :
: : : : : I meant the design. I love it much more than the color!
: : : :
: : : : Thanks Bernhard!! That made my day. My plan doing this was that black attacks the sun too much. At work I now get to draw all day some days. I love that part of my job! I seem to be doing well making up cartoons. But I still prefer more expressive, detailed, more realistic approach. This is my natural style but its frightening to 5 yr olds lol.
: : :
: : : They don't make kids like they used to!
: :
: : Well, I will be painting skateboards soon on the side so I can do skulls with blood oozing out lol. That should balance me out! I will finish up the t-shirts in May, come June I want to do a large 60" X 30" oil painting crammed with all you vertical skaters currently skating (so keep posting rad photos!), maybe I will have me in there too! I will paint it using coarse brushes and palate knives. Watch out, it will be really scary lol. I'll love it!!