| LOL, this was actually one of the most painful injuries I had. The sharp pains of my skin ripping from the muscle being ripped was incredible. Least I made it through the week and hid my injury. Now the muscle is tight. I so crave to skate, I can almost feel it. I've got a freakn farm of ants in my pants and they are on speed lol! Its tight so I'm afraid if I fall I will rip the muscle again. Trying to be patient.
Yes, since I've been doing lip tricks, landing on my hip/butt area happens a lot. I guess this will happen til I get these tricks down. But no, never any plastic in my pants. I think that rubber foam for motorcyclists would do. Attach it in my pants like deaddog shorts. Not too constrictive like the crash pads. I donno, I experiment and sometimes it backfires.
: Claudine, I need to ass you something. I don't want to ass ume anything. I could be wrong, butt you never know. If I am wrong, then I want you to butt in ok? So, am I correct that you fell on your ass again? I hate to ass again, but it seems you fall on your ass quite often, butt I could be wrong. Ok, all joking aside. Sometimes with pads, less is more. I know this is not the case in this situation, but if you put too much padding or plastic etc, it can make the fall uneven and you get hurt even more. Although foam is really good, what about some sort of gel pack? You know the type of packs you either freeze or heat for muscles. What if you could use that type of gel and incorporate that into padding. Shit, I just may have come up with a million dollar idea. If any of you steal it from me, then I get half. Claudine, let's talk about this project and maybe form a partnership. I was joking, but as I write this is sounds feasible.
: : : : : DO NOT put plastic in your pants!! I am such intense pain right now. The sides of the plastic hip hockey piece dug into my muscle on a simple butt slide. I can hardly walk now. I have sharp pains in the muscle if I use it. Kinda like a paper cut where the skin pulls apart but very intense. Just foam!! I'm pretty upset right now, pain, pain, pain.
: : : :
: : : : This is funny, I have a third butt cheek, hahahahaha! :-D
: : : : Its healing.....the swelling is going down slowly and not so much sharp tearing pains.
: : :
: : : Bummer,,a real pain in the ass,,no butts about it.
: : :
: : : cheers joe
: :
: : lol, whats funny is trying to hide it from my boss. She would give me shit if she found out. But my ass goes on fire if I dont keep putting ice on it. Lucky me I have jeans too big to stuff it down, just if someone comes to the door where I have to go open it, I have to hide reaching down my pants to pull out my ice pack out hahahahaha. So far she doesnt know! :-D 3rd days the charm right? I said I wanted a bigger ass, not a swollen one! Its not too painful now. Guess its a hematoma. Its not getting any bigger at least. I dont know what to do but rest, ice, etc. blah blah blah. Think if I stand on my head and stick it up in the air that would help???? Or would my face swell up big lol?