Vertical Rollerskating


Message 5895 (1. Jun. 2008 01:27) (Tree)

anyone rip anything (muscle/ligament?)
: Dude, I am so sorry to hear that. Heal up soon.

Thanks for the kind words. Surgery seems to be the fastest way to recovery in this case. They will put some titanium plates in my hand. I just hope I won't the same trick again. I'm not sure it will work as nicely with the titanium in place. ;-)
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claudine: anyone rip anything (muscle/ligament?) (29. May. 2008 20:28)
 Symptoms? My arm isnt swollen now but it aches so bad at times at work I want to scream. I am being tough since I dont have medical for 3 more months. I am not sure if its just hurting or if I ripped something. I guess if its broken its just a partial fracture so going in debt is not needed, just be tough. Any opinions/advice/experience? My rent jumped again so if it can wait at all I must live with it since I must eat and buy gas until I can move in Aug to a less expensive area. Ibuprofen isnt helping all the time, ice and compression calms it down.
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claudine: anyone rip anything (muscle/ligament?) (30. May. 2008 02:52)
 : Symptoms? My arm isnt swollen now but it aches so bad at times at work I want to scream. I am being tough since I dont have medical for 3 more months. I am not sure if its just hurting or if I ripped something. I guess if its broken its just a partial fracture so going in debt is not needed, just be tough. Any opinions/advice/experience? My rent jumped again so if it can wait at all I must live with it since I must eat and buy gas until I can move in Aug to a less expensive area. Ibuprofen isnt helping all the time, ice and compression calms it down.

My boss rides race horses and sometimes messes herself up. She said ligaments feel like a MF! So thats what I think is. I cant feel anything ripped. I'll hang tough.
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Bernhard: anyone rip anything (muscle/ligament?) (30. May. 2008 14:33)
 Claudine, I'm sorry I can't say much about your condition. Reminds me a bit of me hitting my shin hard last year. Took very long to heal. Guess I had some inflammation of the periosteum. Anyhow, it's OK again.

But I can join you at the sick bay now. Yesterday I fell on my left hand with outstretched fingers. Result: Two fractures in the middle hand, two fractures in the fingers. Operation will be next week. At least it isn't the legs. And I'm not in pain.
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claudine: anyone rip anything (muscle/ligament?) (30. May. 2008 15:00)
 : Claudine, I'm sorry I can't say much about your condition. Reminds me a bit of me hitting my shin hard last year. Took very long to heal. Guess I had some inflammation of the periosteum. Anyhow, it's OK again.
: But I can join you at the sick bay now. Yesterday I fell on my left hand with outstretched fingers. Result: Two fractures in the middle hand, two fractures in the fingers. Operation will be next week. At least it isn't the legs. And I'm not in pain.

OMG, I am so sorry! I hope I didnt start anything. Certainly didnt mean to. But from talking to my coworker, sure its a ligament/muscle thing and some of it is spasms. Ligament injuries I was told are the most painful. I do have some good news. I found out about a herb, comfrey leaves. I will put a link up about it. Its used for breaks, sprains, bruises, etc. to heal. I made a paste of it last night and wrapped my arm in a cloth of it, bandaged it up. Today was the first morning I wasnt needing ice, not painful. Bad news is I cannot really move my arm more so I'm sure I will need surgery on it when I get medical or I might lose rotation of my arm. Inversions might be difficult but my legs are GOOD. I cant complain. Not many people my age have the physical ability to do this at all. I am lucky for sure/

I am doing very well at my new job even in pain. I hope this day is pain free! At least today I made progress and my boyfriend is spoiling me in organic foods that I cant afford. So all will be well for me. Not sure if I might be out from sk8n for awhile. I wont get medical to almost Sept and then I might need surgery. I need to look into pre-existing conditions. I think that is if something was TREATED beforehand, it hasnt.

I really hope you heal fast! I dont feel any deep or sharp pains so I think my bones are OK, just all the stringy things that go down my arm arent doing well.
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Robert: anyone rip anything (muscle/ligament?) (31. May. 2008 02:44)
 Dude, I am so sorry to hear that. Heal up soon.

: Claudine, I'm sorry I can't say much about your condition. Reminds me a bit of me hitting my shin hard last year. Took very long to heal. Guess I had some inflammation of the periosteum. Anyhow, it's OK again.
: But I can join you at the sick bay now. Yesterday I fell on my left hand with outstretched fingers. Result: Two fractures in the middle hand, two fractures in the fingers. Operation will be next week. At least it isn't the legs. And I'm not in pain.
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Bernhard: anyone rip anything (muscle/ligament?) (1. Jun. 2008 01:24)
 : OMG, I am so sorry! I hope I didnt start anything.

No worries. I started roller skating quite some time ago so you couldn't be blamed for it.

: I am doing very well at my new job even in pain.

Great news! I hope you will continue to do well-

: I wont get medical to almost Sept and then I might need surgery.

Doesn't sound good.

: I need to look into pre-existing conditions. I think that is if something was TREATED beforehand, it hasnt.

I hope you are right.

: I really hope you heal fast! I dont feel any deep or sharp pains so I think my bones are OK, just all the stringy things that go down my arm arent doing well.

I also thought my bones were not affected, but the x-ray showed otherwise.
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Bernhard: anyone rip anything (muscle/ligament?) (1. Jun. 2008 01:27)
 : Dude, I am so sorry to hear that. Heal up soon.

Thanks for the kind words. Surgery seems to be the fastest way to recovery in this case. They will put some titanium plates in my hand. I just hope I won't the same trick again. I'm not sure it will work as nicely with the titanium in place. ;-)
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claudine: anyone rip anything (muscle/ligament?) (1. Jun. 2008 13:21)
 I thought I just started a bad luck injury thing.

Its healing! Still hurts but I can tell its better. I'm bored though since I try not to do more then cook/clean and a few emails on the weekend. Next weekend I will put up new photos on my webpage, then work the week after on t-shirts and I'm going to start painting. So please take photos everyone! I want to make paintings of roller skaters.

But I wish I had a nice camera like we have at work because at least I could take some really nice pictures at the park. I think I will have to wait a few weeks after getting medical to get it checked out since it may still be a pre-existing condition. I cannot feel any lumps, bumps, etc that might indicate a tear. Its all superficial the pain and the bones are straight. My arm is now getting very skinny though so definitely not swollen. My forearm is now almost an inch smaller then my left arm! It was always the bigger one. So I hope I can use it soon. I still cannot rotate it around fully. I cant wash my hair with my fingers and if I try to eat with it, I have to make my hand a fist. But I am hoping I can slowly get back mobility once it heals. I donno. I've always had challenges to deal with my whole life, this will just be another one I guess. Its not my legs or feet so I will be able to skate one day soon!!!! If I can draw, paint and skate and still make things, I will be happy in the end.

Best of luck in your surgery!! Let me know how it goes and when it is. I'll be thinking of you, wishing you luck.

: : OMG, I am so sorry! I hope I didnt start anything.
: No worries. I started roller skating quite some time ago so you couldn't be blamed for it.
: : I am doing very well at my new job even in pain.
: Great news! I hope you will continue to do well-
: : I wont get medical to almost Sept and then I might need surgery.
: Doesn't sound good.
: : I need to look into pre-existing conditions. I think that is if something was TREATED beforehand, it hasnt.
: I hope you are right.
: : I really hope you heal fast! I dont feel any deep or sharp pains so I think my bones are OK, just all the stringy things that go down my arm arent doing well.
: I also thought my bones were not affected, but the x-ray showed otherwise.
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