| Well, i think the gloves I have now are like yours. I think the hard plastic caused some problems but more so is that they are so freakin big on my hands. The splint I have has a wrap between the forefinger and thumb and at the wrist. I cannot rotate my wrist with it on. I am guessing now from the bruising that the main injury was from twisting. My wrist guards wrap around the wrist but I have total movement of my wrist and arm. I have tiny bones so I think my bird bones would be more likely to break in a freak vert fall. I value using my hands way too much! I love to paint and build stuff. My job requires me to be able to illustrate. Wild Bill can make them to fit my tiny wrists and it still has a more flexible spoon for slides. Maybe later when I really learn how to fall I will prefer to do without them.
I guess the big 40 in a couple years is scaring me and I am trying to learn it all before I get too old. But this injury will have me chilled I think. I really want to do inverts, but they will be on the backburner. I am going to work some extra as a one arm weed wacker so I wont lose everything. Who knows, dang may be doing one handed handplants with my non dominant arm lol!
How come quads are not so popular? I'm so addicted to skating I put in my last penny just to roll and rip it up again. Then there are these stupid kids who wont even wear a helmet and are too cool for pads. Shoot, my ugly arm right now isnt cool. I think one inch diapers sticking out my pants are cool hahahaha. OK not but I dont care.
: Hi Claudine,
: I am trying to figure out what you are trying to accomplish? Are you saying that the rigid wrist guards hurt you when you fall? The HB's are really good for just falling and sliding on your hands. If you are looking to not break a wrist, then wristguards are probably better. I remember thinking that I never fell on my elbows and then I broke one. I would chill on learning a new trick till you feel better. There is no crime in just working on what you already know and getting faster and working on style. I am sure that I have been way too conservative, but I have been fine just carving and getting fast lines. My new park has an X Games ramp and I will probably start relearning my tricks on it since that is what I used to ride. Take it slow and just have fun. I know it is hard not doing tricks, but learning tricks comes with paying dues and sometimes injuries. I used to do some crazy stuff and I miss it, but I am in this for the long haul.
: : I use the Hilly Billy and like them. I did not like the feel of the PD's. Although, the PD's probably protect more agains a broken wrist.
: :
: : : Any comments? I was at the skatepark and the guy had pro-designed. The plastic was flexible so that it wouldnt cut into my arm if I had a bad fall. I have a rigid hard black plastic piece in these hired hands which caused me more injury. I am not sure but I might never get back movement in my arm again, I'm very worried. My hand is twisted inward and not really getting any more movement back. I dont know what the symptoms are of a full rupture of a tendon or ligament, but I read without medical care I can be disabled perminently. Since it wasnt swollen much, I dont think its this severe but I dont know for sure. I miss skating a lot anyhow and if the pain goes away I want to roll and hopefully find something safer.