| : : Hi Bernard. I missed out on earlier site-name discussions. I have to say that if we're thinking about a site-name change we need to make sure there's something in the name that suggests what we do. Vertical, extreme, aggressive, etc.
: I know, but if lump it together with rollerskate, you always get a name that's too lone for a speaker of the english language. Not that a German would have a problme with it, we can read words like 'Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitän' and longer with no problem. ;-) Of course we could do it in a nerdy way and shorten verticalrollerskating to v19g like internationalization is shortened to i18n. To me, 'aggressive' would be a term that belongs to inline skating.
: : But, we're as Brother Duke's Company name says a "Dying Breed".
: 'Dying Breed' is a great name. But I think we are much more alive than even 10 years ago. Besides, it's already Duke's name.
: : There are so few of us skating pools, vert, mini on rollerskates. I mean, God Bless Bernard & the Vert Forum, but even with this incredible tool there are a couple handfuls of us. The name should suggest that. I'll be thinking of ideas over the next few days...I always liked the Vert-Skating-Forum....
: Ah, the name of the forum probably won't change (except in the case that the site name would suggest it. If the site name were verticalrollerkating.net, the forum could just be named 'forum'.
: Maybe a bit history in place. The whole thing started when I got my domain adinfinitum.de in 1999 and wanted to something with the web space that was part of the package. The first thing was the 'How to build a vertical roller skate'. Later I added some pages that became Sk8Mag.de. At some point in time Brian contacted me and encouraged me to start a forum (Sk8Mag.de already had some forums). After some poor guy died skating the then new skate park in Hard, Chris Eggers, Markus Suchanek, Sven Lippert and me started [url=http://w-y-h.org/]W-Y-H.org[/org], a site promoting the usage of safety gear.
: In this way, adinfinitum.de has served as an incubator for a few sites, but the most important one is still missing an own identity. Maybe it will stay without one, maybe not.
I wasn't suggesting biting Duke's name, I just meant we needed something that reflects our passion. Not just for 8 Wheels, but for doing things on 8 wheels that most people never imagine.
I still haven't a great idea yet, but my head's full of Zorg's grinds! I'm off to the Vert ramp to try to realize my vision!
Talk to you guys later..........