| : : : I'm taking an architectural drafting class and we got to answer 3 questions creatively. They were what is your name, what do you like to do and why are you taking this class.
: : :
: : : I'm stoked because I CAN DRAW again!! I thought you guys might like it. The rollerskater is Jay from a photo he put up. The skateboarder is my partner in crime, John. I just had fun, now my arm aches so its done lol.
: WOW! That's Hella Cool, Claudine!! I'm Honored. You're really good! I can't draw a straight line with a ruler myself!
: I LOVE it!!! Thanks So Much!!!
: PEACE....Jay
Jay, youre an awesome sk8r! See, you make for great artwork. I really appreciate all that you share so I had plenty to choose from. ;-D I hope my arm gets up to par soon and I can start making the triptych vert rollersk8n painting I've been dying to do for awhile. Its going to be BIG!!!!! I'll love it.