Vertical Rollerskating


Message 8387 (16. Mar. 2009 02:38) (Tree)

Latest in the Grind Plate Chronicles.....
Volume # ???

OK, so as most of you no doubt surmised, the Aluminum grind plates were NOT strong enough! :) However, they did last for about 30 minutes on the vert ramp this Friday.
In case you forgot the previous Aluminum models....

Before Skating:
Latest Grind Set-Up 3/07/09 2

After Skating:
Alum plates Destroyed
But they did actually work...albeit briefly. ;) My Awesome & Quite Pregnant wife was good enough to come out to the Vert Facility with me on Friday for the maiden (& Final) session on the Aluminum's a video clip from that session:

So, as depressing as the end results may have been with the Alum, it was more than enough for me to know that I wanted a solid, flat, STRONG surface for it was back to the Home Improvement store (Home Depot)for me. I was fortunate enough to have Dawnie come along with me this time. She asked me if I'd "ever just walked down all the aisles to see what all they have??" & I replied that I hadn't.So, I swear on the 1st aisle she turns into, not even 10 feet down the aisle, she looks into a bin & says "what about these? these look like they would work." I look & she's gesturing at a box full of electrical plate junction boxes. And they DID look like they would work. I immediately grabbed 2 & went looking for nuts long enough to attach them to my SK8s & some bolts to secure them. The entire set-up cost me less than $8 US. Here's what it looked like before I took the Drill & Circular Saw to 'em.

New Cheap Plates!

Now, I gotta tell you, if my SK8s were 1/4 in. (1cm) smaller, these wouldn't have worked. I literally had no extra room & in fact was concerned they may hinder my abiility to turn/carve with my trucks. But those fears proved unfounded. Here are the SK8s with the new plates installed.

Assembled Slider Plates

Another Angle on Assembled Plates

Now, understandably, Dawnie a.k.a. Preggo wasn't feeling the SK8 Park for a 2nd time in only 3 days, so there's no footage to verify this, but they WORK!!! I trust my credibility is good with all of my rollerskating friends here though & that my word is good enough for the time being. ;)
I mean they work WELL!! No visible damage to them at all other than a couple of scrapes along the bottoms from sliding. No structural damage. In fact, I was actually able to do sliders on smaller stuff than I was ever able to do previously. In the past, I've always hung up either my back wheels on the deck, or my front wheels on the transition, on most anything smaller than about 5 1/2 feet. But with these electrical box sliders they hang down further than any of my previous set-ups & I was able to do slides on a little 3 foot mini section @ my local park that I've skated literally hundreds of times & NEVER slid a single inch & today I went over 2 feet on my 1st attempt & had nearly 4 feet before I was done. I am LOVING these!
But if you've got a foot smaller than a mens size 9 US, you're going to have to find something smaller. These things barely fit lengthwise on my SK8s, but I'm stoked they did.
I know some of you guys are riding sliders made from that cool high density plastic stuff, but I don't know where to find that stuff. And I just LOVE the sound of metal grinding! Metal coping or pool coping it sounds so agro!
Anyway, thanks everybody for humoring me on another long-winded rambling from yours truly. Hope all's well in everybody's little corner of the World.
Oh yeah....most of you ought to get a chuckle outta this:
I have a really good session on my new set-up today with no significant falls, no injuries at any rate, & when finished skate back to my car. In the process of getting back up out of the back seat to remove my knee pads I hyper-extend my left thumb on the car's seat! Can you believe that?! So I may not be back on my killer new set-up for several days.....what are you gonna do... alright.
Thanks again everybody. Hope you're mildly amused. :)

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Jay: Latest in the Grind Plate Chronicles..... (16. Mar. 2009 02:38)
  Volume # ???

OK, so as most of you no doubt surmised, the Aluminum grind plates were NOT strong enough! :) However, they did last for about 30 minutes on the vert ramp this Friday.
In case you forgot the previous Aluminum models....

Before Skating:
Latest Grind Set-Up 3/07/09 2

After Skating:
Alum plates Destroyed
But they did actually work...albeit briefly. ;) My Awesome & Quite Pregnant wife was good enough to come out to the Vert Facility with me on Friday for the maiden (& Final) session on the Aluminum's a video clip from that session:

So, as depressing as the end results may have been with the Alum, it was more than enough for me to know that I wanted a solid, flat, STRONG surface for it was back to the Home Improvement store (Home Depot)for me. I was fortunate enough to have Dawnie come along with me this time. She asked me if I'd "ever just walked down all the aisles to see what all they have??" & I replied that I hadn't.So, I swear on the 1st aisle she turns into, not even 10 feet down the aisle, she looks into a bin & says "what about these? these look like they would work." I look & she's gesturing at a box full of electrical plate junction boxes. And they DID look like they would work. I immediately grabbed 2 & went looking for nuts long enough to attach them to my SK8s & some bolts to secure them. The entire set-up cost me less than $8 US. Here's what it looked like before I took the Drill & Circular Saw to 'em.

New Cheap Plates!

Now, I gotta tell you, if my SK8s were 1/4 in. (1cm) smaller, these wouldn't have worked. I literally had no extra room & in fact was concerned they may hinder my abiility to turn/carve with my trucks. But those fears proved unfounded. Here are the SK8s with the new plates installed.

Assembled Slider Plates

Another Angle on Assembled Plates

Now, understandably, Dawnie a.k.a. Preggo wasn't feeling the SK8 Park for a 2nd time in only 3 days, so there's no footage to verify this, but they WORK!!! I trust my credibility is good with all of my rollerskating friends here though & that my word is good enough for the time being. ;)
I mean they work WELL!! No visible damage to them at all other than a couple of scrapes along the bottoms from sliding. No structural damage. In fact, I was actually able to do sliders on smaller stuff than I was ever able to do previously. In the past, I've always hung up either my back wheels on the deck, or my front wheels on the transition, on most anything smaller than about 5 1/2 feet. But with these electrical box sliders they hang down further than any of my previous set-ups & I was able to do slides on a little 3 foot mini section @ my local park that I've skated literally hundreds of times & NEVER slid a single inch & today I went over 2 feet on my 1st attempt & had nearly 4 feet before I was done. I am LOVING these!
But if you've got a foot smaller than a mens size 9 US, you're going to have to find something smaller. These things barely fit lengthwise on my SK8s, but I'm stoked they did.
I know some of you guys are riding sliders made from that cool high density plastic stuff, but I don't know where to find that stuff. And I just LOVE the sound of metal grinding! Metal coping or pool coping it sounds so agro!
Anyway, thanks everybody for humoring me on another long-winded rambling from yours truly. Hope all's well in everybody's little corner of the World.
Oh yeah....most of you ought to get a chuckle outta this:
I have a really good session on my new set-up today with no significant falls, no injuries at any rate, & when finished skate back to my car. In the process of getting back up out of the back seat to remove my knee pads I hyper-extend my left thumb on the car's seat! Can you believe that?! So I may not be back on my killer new set-up for several days.....what are you gonna do... alright.
Thanks again everybody. Hope you're mildly amused. :)

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zorg: Latest in the Grind Plate Chronicles..... (16. Mar. 2009 08:34)
 Good home work Jay. Cruising along other aisles is a very good idea to find extra source of material!!! I sometimes do it to find ideas too, but without my wife, because she always says, "what are you going to buy again?" In kitchen ware, you should find teflon like stuff in "cutting plates", well you know, 'plastic' plates where you put food on you want to slice (don't know exact word...)

Putting/removing skates and protec stuff is dangerous for my back too, you were lucky to have a problem after session, I had once just before trying a new vert..... too bad...

Cheers and have fun!!!!!

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claudine: Latest in the Grind Plate Chronicles..... (16. Mar. 2009 15:51)
 Nice skating! You are looking really awesome!! Looks like a great new plate. Rollerskaters are more creative. ;-D I *usually* hurt myself doing lame stuff also. Thats my excuse for my activiities as I would hurt myself anyway lol.

: Volume # ???
: OK, so as most of you no doubt surmised, the Aluminum grind plates were NOT strong enough! :) However, they did last for about 30 minutes on the vert ramp this Friday.
: In case you forgot the previous Aluminum models....
: Before Skating:
: Latest Grind Set-Up 3/07/09 2
: After Skating:
: Alum plates Destroyed
: But they did actually work...albeit briefly. ;) My Awesome & Quite Pregnant wife was good enough to come out to the Vert Facility with me on Friday for the maiden (& Final) session on the Aluminum's a video clip from that session:
: So, as depressing as the end results may have been with the Alum, it was more than enough for me to know that I wanted a solid, flat, STRONG surface for it was back to the Home Improvement store (Home Depot)for me. I was fortunate enough to have Dawnie come along with me this time. She asked me if I'd "ever just walked down all the aisles to see what all they have??" & I replied that I hadn't.So, I swear on the 1st aisle she turns into, not even 10 feet down the aisle, she looks into a bin & says "what about these? these look like they would work." I look & she's gesturing at a box full of electrical plate junction boxes. And they DID look like they would work. I immediately grabbed 2 & went looking for nuts long enough to attach them to my SK8s & some bolts to secure them. The entire set-up cost me less than $8 US. Here's what it looked like before I took the Drill & Circular Saw to 'em.
: New Cheap Plates!
: Now, I gotta tell you, if my SK8s were 1/4 in. (1cm) smaller, these wouldn't have worked. I literally had no extra room & in fact was concerned they may hinder my abiility to turn/carve with my trucks. But those fears proved unfounded. Here are the SK8s with the new plates installed.
: Assembled Slider Plates
: Another Angle on Assembled Plates
: Now, understandably, Dawnie a.k.a. Preggo wasn't feeling the SK8 Park for a 2nd time in only 3 days, so there's no footage to verify this, but they WORK!!! I trust my credibility is good with all of my rollerskating friends here though & that my word is good enough for the time being. ;)
: I mean they work WELL!! No visible damage to them at all other than a couple of scrapes along the bottoms from sliding. No structural damage. In fact, I was actually able to do sliders on smaller stuff than I was ever able to do previously. In the past, I've always hung up either my back wheels on the deck, or my front wheels on the transition, on most anything smaller than about 5 1/2 feet. But with these electrical box sliders they hang down further than any of my previous set-ups & I was able to do slides on a little 3 foot mini section @ my local park that I've skated literally hundreds of times & NEVER slid a single inch & today I went over 2 feet on my 1st attempt & had nearly 4 feet before I was done. I am LOVING these!
: But if you've got a foot smaller than a mens size 9 US, you're going to have to find something smaller. These things barely fit lengthwise on my SK8s, but I'm stoked they did.
: I know some of you guys are riding sliders made from that cool high density plastic stuff, but I don't know where to find that stuff. And I just LOVE the sound of metal grinding! Metal coping or pool coping it sounds so agro!
: Anyway, thanks everybody for humoring me on another long-winded rambling from yours truly. Hope all's well in everybody's little corner of the World.
: Oh yeah....most of you ought to get a chuckle outta this:
: I have a really good session on my new set-up today with no significant falls, no injuries at any rate, & when finished skate back to my car. In the process of getting back up out of the back seat to remove my knee pads I hyper-extend my left thumb on the car's seat! Can you believe that?! So I may not be back on my killer new set-up for several days.....what are you gonna do... alright.
: Thanks again everybody. Hope you're mildly amused. :)
: PEACE.......Jay
  Write reply
ireNe: Latest in the Grind Plate Chronicles..... (16. Mar. 2009 17:57)
 my alum bars collapsed, too. wood block fixed it up nice.
funny, i looked at those boxes at home depot, but they're too big for my feet.
using miniblind mount to keep bars from crushing further and jiggling, it fit snugly between the bars.
  Write reply
ireNe: Latest in the Grind Plate Chronicles..... (16. Mar. 2009 17:58)
 : my alum bars collapsed, too. wood block fixed it up nice.
: funny, i looked at those boxes at home depot, but they're too big for my feet.
: using miniblind mount to keep bars from crushing further and jiggling, it fit snugly between the bars.
  Write reply
ireNe: another pic (16. Mar. 2009 18:00)
 : : my alum bars collapsed, too. wood block fixed it up nice.
: : funny, i looked at those boxes at home depot, but they're too big for my feet.
: : using miniblind mount to keep bars from crushing further and jiggling, it fit snugly between the bars.
  Write reply
ireNe: final pic (16. Mar. 2009 18:06)
 the final fix. works well... I only have myself to blame now for not sliding.
nice vid dawn! cool you're having fun with your new boxes, can't wait for the sound in the next vid.
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biffsk8er: Latest in the Grind Plate Chronicles..... (16. Mar. 2009 21:21)
 : OK, so as most of you no doubt surmised, the Aluminum grind plates were NOT strong enough!

***Good try though,....but to use aluminum, you need much thicker stock. I made plates out of aluminum for my skates two versions ago. They never bent once.***

Another Angle on Assembled Plates
: Thanks again everybody. Hope you're mildly amused. :)
: PEACE.......Jay
***I am very amused!!! I have never laughed so hard! When I saw those electrical boxes on your skates, I busted!! Man, I'm going to get better JUST so that I can go skating with you. I've gotta see your "electric skates" in action!!! LOL!

►"Frankenstein rides again!"◄

I'm glad it works for you!
  Write reply
Jay: Latest in the Grind Plate Chronicles..... (17. Mar. 2009 00:30)
 : : OK, so as most of you no doubt surmised, the Aluminum grind plates were NOT strong enough!
: ***Good try though,....but to use aluminum, you need much thicker stock. I made plates out of aluminum for my skates two versions ago. They never bent once.***
: Another Angle on Assembled Plates
: : Thanks again everybody. Hope you're mildly amused. :)
: : PEACE.......Jay
: ***I am very amused!!! I have never laughed so hard! When I saw those electrical boxes on your skates, I busted!! Man, I'm going to get better JUST so that I can go skating with you. I've gotta see your "electric skates" in action!!! LOL!

: ►"Frankenstein rides again!"◄

Rarrrr!!Jay like Skate!!!! Seriously, I think I may add switch to side of boxes...maybe one position labeled "vert" & one labeled "mini". What do you think? LOL!!! Keep healing, Bro. I wanna skate with you too. Hope you can make it to RC this year.....
: I'm glad it works for you!
: Cheers!
: Biff***
  Write reply
Jay: Latest in the Grind Plate Chronicles..... (17. Mar. 2009 00:34)
 : my alum bars collapsed, too. wood block fixed it up nice.
: funny, i looked at those boxes at home depot, but they're too big for my feet.
: using miniblind mount to keep bars from crushing further and jiggling, it fit snugly between the bars.

That's just one of the things that I LOVE about us Rollerskaters: we're creative & individual.....even in a group!LOL!! You gotta use what works, what's available, etc....I'm LOVING these switch boxes though. They're hella smooth & fast......
Dawnie's getting pretty big.....less than 6 weeks now.....hope all's well in NYC. Miss you. P & L....Jay

BTW: I like your set-up. I dig the plastic sliders for durability, but just love that metal sound.....
  Write reply
Jay: Latest in the Grind Plate Chronicles..... (17. Mar. 2009 00:46)
 : Good home work Jay. Cruising along other aisles is a very good idea to find extra source of material!!! I sometimes do it to find ideas too, but without my wife, because she always says, "what are you going to buy again?" In kitchen ware, you should find teflon like stuff in "cutting plates", well you know, 'plastic' plates where you put food on you want to slice (don't know exact word...)
: Putting/removing skates and protec stuff is dangerous for my back too, you were lucky to have a problem after session, I had once just before trying a new vert..... too bad...
: Cheers and have fun!!!!!
Hey Zorg,
Thanks. I think the term you were looking for is "cutting board". I have been looking for that material in bulk, but haven't had any luck. I guess I'll just buy a cutting board & hack it up. I want some plastic sliders as well as my metal ones in case I want something different. or in case my metal ones don't work on some surface. Plus, everybody else is doing it so I wanna do it too! LOL!!
So, you've had some pre-session protective gear-related injuries? That sucks. It's always the little things, right? Whenever I get hurt skating it seems like it's either @ the roller rink (which means no pads & I'm USED to wearing/falling with pads) or on some little 3 or 4 foot mini where I slam rather that slide out of fall. I even half-joke with my wife saying if I ever break my back/neck it'll be doing something entirely mundane, like getting out of the shower. Let's hope not though.
Have you been doing much skating? I'd love to see another of your lip-trick/grinding tutorial videos! :)
I'll try to get some video with the new plates by this weekend.....nothing in your league, but just to show that they acvtually work.
  Write reply
ireNe: Latest in the Grind Plate Chronicles..... (17. Mar. 2009 07:50)
 : : Good home work Jay. Cruising along other aisles is a very good idea to find extra source of material!!! I sometimes do it to find ideas too, but without my wife, because she always says, "what are you going to buy again?" In kitchen ware, you should find teflon like stuff in "cutting plates", well you know, 'plastic' plates where you put food on you want to slice (don't know exact word...)
: :
: : Putting/removing skates and protec stuff is dangerous for my back too, you were lucky to have a problem after session, I had once just before trying a new vert..... too bad...
: :
: :
: : Cheers and have fun!!!!!
: :
: Hey Zorg,
: Thanks. I think the term you were looking for is "cutting board". I have been looking for that material in bulk, but haven't had any luck. I guess I'll just buy a cutting board & hack it up. I want some plastic sliders as well as my metal ones in case I want something different. or in case my metal ones don't work on some surface. Plus, everybody else is doing it so I wanna do it too! LOL!!
: So, you've had some pre-session protective gear-related injuries? That sucks. It's always the little things, right? Whenever I get hurt skating it seems like it's either @ the roller rink (which means no pads & I'm USED to wearing/falling with pads) or on some little 3 or 4 foot mini where I slam rather that slide out of fall. I even half-joke with my wife saying if I ever break my back/neck it'll be doing something entirely mundane, like getting out of the shower. Let's hope not though.
: Have you been doing much skating? I'd love to see another of your lip-trick/grinding tutorial videos! :)
: I'll try to get some video with the new plates by this weekend.....nothing in your league, but just to show that they acvtually work.
: PEACE....Jay
: :
: :
the supplier for my fix:

  Write reply
Jay: Latest in the Grind Plate Chronicles..... (18. Mar. 2009 02:47)
 : : : Good home work Jay. Cruising along other aisles is a very good idea to find extra source of material!!! I sometimes do it to find ideas too, but without my wife, because she always says, "what are you going to buy again?" In kitchen ware, you should find teflon like stuff in "cutting plates", well you know, 'plastic' plates where you put food on you want to slice (don't know exact word...)
: : :
: : : Putting/removing skates and protec stuff is dangerous for my back too, you were lucky to have a problem after session, I had once just before trying a new vert..... too bad...
: : :
: : :
: : : Cheers and have fun!!!!!
: : :
: : Hey Zorg,
: : Thanks. I think the term you were looking for is "cutting board". I have been looking for that material in bulk, but haven't had any luck. I guess I'll just buy a cutting board & hack it up. I want some plastic sliders as well as my metal ones in case I want something different. or in case my metal ones don't work on some surface. Plus, everybody else is doing it so I wanna do it too! LOL!!
: : So, you've had some pre-session protective gear-related injuries? That sucks. It's always the little things, right? Whenever I get hurt skating it seems like it's either @ the roller rink (which means no pads & I'm USED to wearing/falling with pads) or on some little 3 or 4 foot mini where I slam rather that slide out of fall. I even half-joke with my wife saying if I ever break my back/neck it'll be doing something entirely mundane, like getting out of the shower. Let's hope not though.
: : Have you been doing much skating? I'd love to see another of your lip-trick/grinding tutorial videos! :)
: : I'll try to get some video with the new plates by this weekend.....nothing in your league, but just to show that they acvtually work.
: : PEACE....Jay
: : :
: : :
: the supplier for my fix:
: Thanks alot Irene! I've ordered my UHMW strips already! I'm stoked about trying them out once they arrive. Hope all's awesome....P & L....Jay
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