Vertical Rollerskating


Message 9347 (27. May. 2009 17:34) (Tree)

New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!!
: I am pretty used to heat, so I'll be as ready as I can. It seems that we (the Riley family) are going to make this into our yearly vacation. I think that as it stands, we'll visit a few other places before and after we leave Vegas. We'll definitely be hitting the 3 parks on your tour that are in the middle, but we will most likely skip the first and the last spot due to time constraints.
: The tranny on that brand-new Mini-Vert Ramp looks insane! It transitions so quick that it is almost like doing a 90º turn up a wall!! Good luck to whomever can master that ramp. :P
: Great videos....Your 'handstand ménage à trois' is about to turn into a foursome. :D -eep! It would be even cooler if we could get more than that!! Go for some sort of record.
: Your fortieth birthday is right before my 46th. I'll be 46 on August 12th. Hope you can keep up. :P:P:P
: Cheers!
: Biff

I def can't keep up with you young whippersnappers....
No promises, but maybe we can do a fiver (5 simultaneous handstands)?
Oh, it's gonna be a birthday bash! Leos in the house....roar
  Write reply


Jay: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (27. May. 2009 06:20)
Hello All,
Just went skating twice (in same day) over the Holiday weekend with my boarder buddy Ian. The temps are already in the triple digits here in Vegas,so I gotta make sure I'm acclimated to the Desert skating conditions. :)
It got me thinking to year's past & problems/complaints other skaters had. People were HOT! The heat ought to be self-evident, but you can't say it enough. Drink WATER!! I don't know what you can really do to prepare yourself locally if you don't live in a desert in a dry sauna??? I don't know. I drink lots of water AND lots of sports drinks to replenish eloctrolytes & I'm fine. but I live & work here in it so I'm acclimated. That's why all the skateparks are @ night. I'd do them even later (cooler) but city parks all close @ 10pm.

Anyway, my buddy was good enough to film me yesterday @ the 2 parks we hit. I thought I'd include them, along with some older stuff from the other parks, on this year's tour so you guys had an idea of the parks here in Sin City.....
Here's the outdoor park (not on tour) we hit while waiting for Area 702 to Open yesterday:

Sorry about the knee-shot @ end there...Ian was just learning to use my Camera.

So here's this year's RC SK8 Park Tour Flyer:

2009 RollerCon SK8 Park Tour Flyer

Now, I don't have any vids or pics of Stops 1 or 2 handy. Suffice it to say they're small parks, more suited to novice skaters, but with fun elements for even experienced skaters as well. AND after Stop 2 I have a Secret Backyard Pool 2 blocks from there for the Vert Crew to hit.....Check it Out:

Wagon Wheel Private Pools:
Wagon Wheel Pools

Stop 3 is Hollywood SK8 Park. Bad Ass. Here's some stuff from last couple years' RCs there:

Desi Jones, Duke Rennie & Me in HW 1/2 Pipe:

Brother Duke in HW Full-Pipe:
Duke Rennie
And take my word for it: He gets ALOT higher than this pic shows! Like 1030 or 1100!! Ridiculous! And Awesome!

And just because it's probably my fav SK8 pic here's
Duke, Desi & I Triple Inverts:
Desi Jones,Duke Rennie,JayTheRollerSkater,Hollywood SK8 Park,Las Vegas NV

Stop 4 is indoors!!! With big cooling fans!!!! And I've rented ENTIRE facility for our exclusive use. :) Plus this will be my 40th B-Day party & after this stop we'll be hosting a party at a bar in Imperial Palace (IP) with bottle service etc.....good times. You are all, of course, cordially invited.
Anyway Area 702.....
Here's Irene Ripping the Vert Ramp last December:

Here's Lee this Jan rippin the Killer Bowl they have:

Here's me yesterday on their brand-new Mini-Vert Ramp. I call it that because it's 6 feet tall & less than 6 inches from being vert. Challenging, but fun.

Finally Stop 5. Chosen, I must confess mostly due to it's proximity to my house. It's a long week for me & I'll have to be @ work @ 5am that next day! Smaller than all other parks, but still fun. Especially for less experienced skaters.
Here's poster girl P.I.T.A., last month, at Stop 5 Duck Creek:

Anyway, hope to see you all there......seriously. the more the merrier. last pic.......A bunch of us @ Hollywood in 2007:
Chris Rennie

PEACE Out Everybody!!!!!!!

  Write reply
biffsk8er: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (27. May. 2009 08:53)
 I am pretty used to heat, so I'll be as ready as I can. It seems that we (the Riley family) are going to make this into our yearly vacation. I think that as it stands, we'll visit a few other places before and after we leave Vegas. We'll definitely be hitting the 3 parks on your tour that are in the middle, but we will most likely skip the first and the last spot due to time constraints.

The tranny on that brand-new Mini-Vert Ramp looks insane! It transitions so quick that it is almost like doing a 90º turn up a wall!! Good luck to whomever can master that ramp. :P

Great videos....Your 'handstand ménage à trois' is about to turn into a foursome. :D -eep! It would be even cooler if we could get more than that!! Go for some sort of record.

Your fortieth birthday is right before my 46th. I'll be 46 on August 12th. Hope you can keep up. :P:P:P

  Write reply
ireNe: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (27. May. 2009 17:34)
 : I am pretty used to heat, so I'll be as ready as I can. It seems that we (the Riley family) are going to make this into our yearly vacation. I think that as it stands, we'll visit a few other places before and after we leave Vegas. We'll definitely be hitting the 3 parks on your tour that are in the middle, but we will most likely skip the first and the last spot due to time constraints.
: The tranny on that brand-new Mini-Vert Ramp looks insane! It transitions so quick that it is almost like doing a 90º turn up a wall!! Good luck to whomever can master that ramp. :P
: Great videos....Your 'handstand ménage à trois' is about to turn into a foursome. :D -eep! It would be even cooler if we could get more than that!! Go for some sort of record.
: Your fortieth birthday is right before my 46th. I'll be 46 on August 12th. Hope you can keep up. :P:P:P
: Cheers!
: Biff

I def can't keep up with you young whippersnappers....
No promises, but maybe we can do a fiver (5 simultaneous handstands)?
Oh, it's gonna be a birthday bash! Leos in the house....roar
  Write reply
biffsk8er: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (27. May. 2009 19:42)
 : I def can't keep up with you young whippersnappers....
: No promises, but maybe we can do a fiver (5 simultaneous handstands)?
: Oh, it's gonna be a birthday bash! Leos in the house....roar

:P~~ LOL!!!! meow.
  Write reply
claudine: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (27. May. 2009 22:19)
 Love your posts as always!! That mini ramp has me pumped. I guess I have to wait 10 days or so before I can skate again but I think I can now start getting some tricks again soon.

: Hello All,
: Just went skating twice (in same day) over the Holiday weekend with my boarder buddy Ian. The temps are already in the triple digits here in Vegas,so I gotta make sure I'm acclimated to the Desert skating conditions. :)
: It got me thinking to year's past & problems/complaints other skaters had. People were HOT! The heat ought to be self-evident, but you can't say it enough. Drink WATER!! I don't know what you can really do to prepare yourself locally if you don't live in a desert in a dry sauna??? I don't know. I drink lots of water AND lots of sports drinks to replenish eloctrolytes & I'm fine. but I live & work here in it so I'm acclimated. That's why all the skateparks are @ night. I'd do them even later (cooler) but city parks all close @ 10pm.
: Anyway, my buddy was good enough to film me yesterday @ the 2 parks we hit. I thought I'd include them, along with some older stuff from the other parks, on this year's tour so you guys had an idea of the parks here in Sin City.....
: Here's the outdoor park (not on tour) we hit while waiting for Area 702 to Open yesterday:
: Sorry about the knee-shot @ end there...Ian was just learning to use my Camera.
: So here's this year's RC SK8 Park Tour Flyer:
: 2009 RollerCon SK8 Park Tour Flyer
: Now, I don't have any vids or pics of Stops 1 or 2 handy. Suffice it to say they're small parks, more suited to novice skaters, but with fun elements for even experienced skaters as well. AND after Stop 2 I have a Secret Backyard Pool 2 blocks from there for the Vert Crew to hit.....Check it Out:
: Wagon Wheel Private Pools:
: Wagon Wheel Pools
: Stop 3 is Hollywood SK8 Park. Bad Ass. Here's some stuff from last couple years' RCs there:
: Desi Jones, Duke Rennie & Me in HW 1/2 Pipe:
: Brother Duke in HW Full-Pipe:
: Duke Rennie
: And take my word for it: He gets ALOT higher than this pic shows! Like 1030 or 1100!! Ridiculous! And Awesome!
: And just because it's probably my fav SK8 pic here's
: Duke, Desi & I Triple Inverts:
: Desi Jones,Duke Rennie,JayTheRollerSkater,Hollywood SK8 Park,Las Vegas NV
: Stop 4 is indoors!!! With big cooling fans!!!! And I've rented ENTIRE facility for our exclusive use. :) Plus this will be my 40th B-Day party & after this stop we'll be hosting a party at a bar in Imperial Palace (IP) with bottle service etc.....good times. You are all, of course, cordially invited.
: Anyway Area 702.....
: Here's Irene Ripping the Vert Ramp last December:
: Here's Lee this Jan rippin the Killer Bowl they have:
: Here's me yesterday on their brand-new Mini-Vert Ramp. I call it that because it's 6 feet tall & less than 6 inches from being vert. Challenging, but fun.
: Finally Stop 5. Chosen, I must confess mostly due to it's proximity to my house. It's a long week for me & I'll have to be @ work @ 5am that next day! Smaller than all other parks, but still fun. Especially for less experienced skaters.
: Here's poster girl P.I.T.A., last month, at Stop 5 Duck Creek:
: Anyway, hope to see you all there......seriously. the more the merrier.
: last pic.......A bunch of us @ Hollywood in 2007:
: Chris Rennie
: PEACE Out Everybody!!!!!!!
: Jay
  Write reply
Jay: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (28. May. 2009 02:57)
 : I am pretty used to heat, so I'll be as ready as I can. It seems that we (the Riley family) are going to make this into our yearly vacation. I think that as it stands, we'll visit a few other places before and after we leave Vegas. We'll definitely be hitting the 3 parks on your tour that are in the middle, but we will most likely skip the first and the last spot due to time constraints.
: The tranny on that brand-new Mini-Vert Ramp looks insane! It transitions so quick that it is almost like doing a 90º turn up a wall!! Good luck to whomever can master that ramp. :P
: Great videos....Your 'handstand ménage à trois' is about to turn into a foursome. :D -eep! It would be even cooler if we could get more than that!! Go for some sort of record.
: Your fortieth birthday is right before my 46th. I'll be 46 on August 12th. Hope you can keep up. :P:P:P
: Cheers!
: Biff

That is GREAT NEWS, Rileys!! So Stoked! Yes, 4 at least. The more the merrier!
Your schedule'll allow for the best parks to be visited anyway, Bro. Nice!
And mini-vert IS ridiculous, but fun.
Can't wait to finally really meet you. And SK8, of course!!!
  Write reply
Jay: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (28. May. 2009 02:59)
 : : I am pretty used to heat, so I'll be as ready as I can. It seems that we (the Riley family) are going to make this into our yearly vacation. I think that as it stands, we'll visit a few other places before and after we leave Vegas. We'll definitely be hitting the 3 parks on your tour that are in the middle, but we will most likely skip the first and the last spot due to time constraints.
: :
: : The tranny on that brand-new Mini-Vert Ramp looks insane! It transitions so quick that it is almost like doing a 90º turn up a wall!! Good luck to whomever can master that ramp. :P
: :
: : Great videos....Your 'handstand ménage à trois' is about to turn into a foursome. :D -eep! It would be even cooler if we could get more than that!! Go for some sort of record.
: :
: : Your fortieth birthday is right before my 46th. I'll be 46 on August 12th. Hope you can keep up. :P:P:P
: :
: : Cheers!
: : Biff
: I def can't keep up with you young whippersnappers....
: No promises, but maybe we can do a fiver (5 simultaneous handstands)?
: Oh, it's gonna be a birthday bash! Leos in the house....roar

ROAR!!!!!!! Yeah, baby! 4 guys & an asian chick doing tricks! LOL! Who wouldn't wanna see that?!?
Can't wait til RC '09!!!
P & L...............................Jay
  Write reply
Jay: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (28. May. 2009 03:01)
 : Love your posts as always!! That mini ramp has me pumped. I guess I have to wait 10 days or so before I can skate again but I think I can now start getting some tricks again soon.
So???? R U coming to RollerCon this year???? Inquiring Minds want to know???LOL!!
Glad you'll be rollin on 8 again soon! :)
BTW: That Mini was ALOT more challenging than it probably looks. Fun, but challenging.
: :
: : Hello All,
: : Just went skating twice (in same day) over the Holiday weekend with my boarder buddy Ian. The temps are already in the triple digits here in Vegas,so I gotta make sure I'm acclimated to the Desert skating conditions. :)
: : It got me thinking to year's past & problems/complaints other skaters had. People were HOT! The heat ought to be self-evident, but you can't say it enough. Drink WATER!! I don't know what you can really do to prepare yourself locally if you don't live in a desert in a dry sauna??? I don't know. I drink lots of water AND lots of sports drinks to replenish eloctrolytes & I'm fine. but I live & work here in it so I'm acclimated. That's why all the skateparks are @ night. I'd do them even later (cooler) but city parks all close @ 10pm.
: :
: : Anyway, my buddy was good enough to film me yesterday @ the 2 parks we hit. I thought I'd include them, along with some older stuff from the other parks, on this year's tour so you guys had an idea of the parks here in Sin City.....
: : Here's the outdoor park (not on tour) we hit while waiting for Area 702 to Open yesterday:
: :
: :
: :
: : Sorry about the knee-shot @ end there...Ian was just learning to use my Camera.
: :
: : So here's this year's RC SK8 Park Tour Flyer:
: :
: : 2009 RollerCon SK8 Park Tour Flyer
: :
: : Now, I don't have any vids or pics of Stops 1 or 2 handy. Suffice it to say they're small parks, more suited to novice skaters, but with fun elements for even experienced skaters as well. AND after Stop 2 I have a Secret Backyard Pool 2 blocks from there for the Vert Crew to hit.....Check it Out:
: :
: : Wagon Wheel Private Pools:
: : Wagon Wheel Pools
: :
: : Stop 3 is Hollywood SK8 Park. Bad Ass. Here's some stuff from last couple years' RCs there:
: :
: : Desi Jones, Duke Rennie & Me in HW 1/2 Pipe:
: :
: :
: : Brother Duke in HW Full-Pipe:
: : Duke Rennie
: : And take my word for it: He gets ALOT higher than this pic shows! Like 1030 or 1100!! Ridiculous! And Awesome!
: :
: : And just because it's probably my fav SK8 pic here's
: : Duke, Desi & I Triple Inverts:
: : Desi Jones,Duke Rennie,JayTheRollerSkater,Hollywood SK8 Park,Las Vegas NV
: :
: : Stop 4 is indoors!!! With big cooling fans!!!! And I've rented ENTIRE facility for our exclusive use. :) Plus this will be my 40th B-Day party & after this stop we'll be hosting a party at a bar in Imperial Palace (IP) with bottle service etc.....good times. You are all, of course, cordially invited.
: : Anyway Area 702.....
: : Here's Irene Ripping the Vert Ramp last December:
: :
: :
: : Here's Lee this Jan rippin the Killer Bowl they have:
: :
: :
: : Here's me yesterday on their brand-new Mini-Vert Ramp. I call it that because it's 6 feet tall & less than 6 inches from being vert. Challenging, but fun.
: :
: :
: : Finally Stop 5. Chosen, I must confess mostly due to it's proximity to my house. It's a long week for me & I'll have to be @ work @ 5am that next day! Smaller than all other parks, but still fun. Especially for less experienced skaters.
: : Here's poster girl P.I.T.A., last month, at Stop 5 Duck Creek:
: :
: :
: : Anyway, hope to see you all there......seriously. the more the merrier.
: :
: : last pic.......A bunch of us @ Hollywood in 2007:
: : Chris Rennie
: :
: : PEACE Out Everybody!!!!!!!
: : Jay
: :
: :
  Write reply
claudine: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (28. May. 2009 04:09)
 I would in a heartbeat if I had the money! :):):):) I have never seen a vert skater yet. But not earning even a living wage right now. This last surgery I am not in pain. I have bandaging like a full arm cast though lol. Those mini ramps are quick. I kinda like them and feel safer on them for now. But now I know what I'm going to work on. :-D Honestly I didnt think I would really be skating til fall so I have plenty of time to catch up!

: : Love your posts as always!! That mini ramp has me pumped. I guess I have to wait 10 days or so before I can skate again but I think I can now start getting some tricks again soon.
: :
: So???? R U coming to RollerCon this year???? Inquiring Minds want to know???LOL!!
: Glad you'll be rollin on 8 again soon! :)
: PEACE........................................Jay
: BTW: That Mini was ALOT more challenging than it probably looks. Fun, but challenging.
: : :
: : : Hello All,
: : : Just went skating twice (in same day) over the Holiday weekend with my boarder buddy Ian. The temps are already in the triple digits here in Vegas,so I gotta make sure I'm acclimated to the Desert skating conditions. :)
: : : It got me thinking to year's past & problems/complaints other skaters had. People were HOT! The heat ought to be self-evident, but you can't say it enough. Drink WATER!! I don't know what you can really do to prepare yourself locally if you don't live in a desert in a dry sauna??? I don't know. I drink lots of water AND lots of sports drinks to replenish eloctrolytes & I'm fine. but I live & work here in it so I'm acclimated. That's why all the skateparks are @ night. I'd do them even later (cooler) but city parks all close @ 10pm.
: : :
: : : Anyway, my buddy was good enough to film me yesterday @ the 2 parks we hit. I thought I'd include them, along with some older stuff from the other parks, on this year's tour so you guys had an idea of the parks here in Sin City.....
: : : Here's the outdoor park (not on tour) we hit while waiting for Area 702 to Open yesterday:
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : : Sorry about the knee-shot @ end there...Ian was just learning to use my Camera.
: : :
: : : So here's this year's RC SK8 Park Tour Flyer:
: : :
: : : 2009 RollerCon SK8 Park Tour Flyer
: : :
: : : Now, I don't have any vids or pics of Stops 1 or 2 handy. Suffice it to say they're small parks, more suited to novice skaters, but with fun elements for even experienced skaters as well. AND after Stop 2 I have a Secret Backyard Pool 2 blocks from there for the Vert Crew to hit.....Check it Out:
: : :
: : : Wagon Wheel Private Pools:
: : : Wagon Wheel Pools
: : :
: : : Stop 3 is Hollywood SK8 Park. Bad Ass. Here's some stuff from last couple years' RCs there:
: : :
: : : Desi Jones, Duke Rennie & Me in HW 1/2 Pipe:
: : :
: : :
: : : Brother Duke in HW Full-Pipe:
: : : Duke Rennie
: : : And take my word for it: He gets ALOT higher than this pic shows! Like 1030 or 1100!! Ridiculous! And Awesome!
: : :
: : : And just because it's probably my fav SK8 pic here's
: : : Duke, Desi & I Triple Inverts:
: : : Desi Jones,Duke Rennie,JayTheRollerSkater,Hollywood SK8 Park,Las Vegas NV
: : :
: : : Stop 4 is indoors!!! With big cooling fans!!!! And I've rented ENTIRE facility for our exclusive use. :) Plus this will be my 40th B-Day party & after this stop we'll be hosting a party at a bar in Imperial Palace (IP) with bottle service etc.....good times. You are all, of course, cordially invited.
: : : Anyway Area 702.....
: : : Here's Irene Ripping the Vert Ramp last December:
: : :
: : :
: : : Here's Lee this Jan rippin the Killer Bowl they have:
: : :
: : :
: : : Here's me yesterday on their brand-new Mini-Vert Ramp. I call it that because it's 6 feet tall & less than 6 inches from being vert. Challenging, but fun.
: : :
: : :
: : : Finally Stop 5. Chosen, I must confess mostly due to it's proximity to my house. It's a long week for me & I'll have to be @ work @ 5am that next day! Smaller than all other parks, but still fun. Especially for less experienced skaters.
: : : Here's poster girl P.I.T.A., last month, at Stop 5 Duck Creek:
: : :
: : :
: : : Anyway, hope to see you all there......seriously. the more the merrier.
: : :
: : : last pic.......A bunch of us @ Hollywood in 2007:
: : : Chris Rennie
: : :
: : : PEACE Out Everybody!!!!!!!
: : : Jay
: : :
: : :
  Write reply
joe90: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (28. May. 2009 05:25)
 Luv to be there too,,42 on the 9th

Rip. cheers joe
: : I am pretty used to heat, so I'll be as ready as I can. It seems that we (the Riley family) are going to make this into our yearly vacation. I think that as it stands, we'll visit a few other places before and after we leave Vegas. We'll definitely be hitting the 3 parks on your tour that are in the middle, but we will most likely skip the first and the last spot due to time constraints.
: :
: : The tranny on that brand-new Mini-Vert Ramp looks insane! It transitions so quick that it is almost like doing a 90º turn up a wall!! Good luck to whomever can master that ramp. :P
: :
: : Great videos....Your 'handstand ménage à trois' is about to turn into a foursome. :D -eep! It would be even cooler if we could get more than that!! Go for some sort of record.
: :
: : Your fortieth birthday is right before my 46th. I'll be 46 on August 12th. Hope you can keep up. :P:P:P
: :
: : Cheers!
: : Biff
: I def can't keep up with you young whippersnappers....
: No promises, but maybe we can do a fiver (5 simultaneous handstands)?
: Oh, it's gonna be a birthday bash! Leos in the house....roar
  Write reply
biffsk8er: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (28. May. 2009 21:21)
 : I would in a heartbeat if I had the money! :):):):) I have never seen a vert skater yet. But not earning even a living wage right now. This last surgery I am not in pain. I have bandaging like a full arm cast though lol. Those mini ramps are quick. I kinda like them and feel safer on them for now. But now I know what I'm going to work on. :-D Honestly I didnt think I would really be skating til fall so I have plenty of time to catch up!

Ironically, smaller ramps always lead to worse injuries. Especially mini ramps like the one in Jays' video. The tranny is so irregular that you'd be hard pressed to do that ramp without slamming!

Heal and pactice for now Claudine, and we'll see you at the 2010 Rollercon.

Peace out.
  Write reply
biffsk8er: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (28. May. 2009 21:23)
 : That is GREAT NEWS, Rileys!! So Stoked! Yes, 4 at least. The more the merrier!
: Your schedule'll allow for the best parks to be visited anyway, Bro. Nice!
: And mini-vert IS ridiculous, but fun.
: Can't wait to finally really meet you. And SK8, of course!!!
: PEACE................Jay

You and me both! I cannot wait to meet you, and all the other vert quadders! Gonna be an awesome time in Vegas this year!!!

  Write reply
biffsk8er: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (28. May. 2009 21:25)
 : ROAR!!!!!!! Yeah, baby! 4 guys & an asian chick doing tricks! LOL! Who wouldn't wanna see that?!?
: Can't wait til RC '09!!!
: P & L...............................Jay

Irene is not Asian!! She is American. :P~

  Write reply
biffsk8er: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (28. May. 2009 21:27)
 : Luv to be there too,,42 on the 9th
: Rip. cheers joe

9th of August? If so, we should have a big multi blow out B-day party while we are all together!!

And by "Luv to be there too", I'm guessing you aren't going to come. Wanker. lol!
  Write reply
claudine: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (29. May. 2009 01:35)
 : : ROAR!!!!!!! Yeah, baby! 4 guys & an asian chick doing tricks! LOL! Who wouldn't wanna see that?!?
: : Can't wait til RC '09!!!
: : P & L...............................Jay
: Irene is not Asian!! She is American. :P~
: B

You both have it wrong! Irene is a super hero on rollerskates lol. ;-D
  Write reply
Jay: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (29. May. 2009 03:16)
 : : I would in a heartbeat if I had the money! :):):):) I have never seen a vert skater yet. But not earning even a living wage right now. This last surgery I am not in pain. I have bandaging like a full arm cast though lol. Those mini ramps are quick. I kinda like them and feel safer on them for now. But now I know what I'm going to work on. :-D Honestly I didnt think I would really be skating til fall so I have plenty of time to catch up!
: Ironically, smaller ramps always lead to worse injuries. Especially mini ramps like the one in Jays' video. The tranny is so irregular that you'd be hard pressed to do that ramp without slamming!
: Heal and pactice for now Claudine, and we'll see you at the 2010 Rollercon.
: Peace out.
: Biff

Surprise.Surprise. I agree with Biff 100%. Practice on bigger stuff, so you have time to get your knees under you when you fall. That mini-ramp in my latest post is Death it's so quick. We'll see you in 2010, Claudine!

  Write reply
Jay: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (29. May. 2009 03:19)
 : : : ROAR!!!!!!! Yeah, baby! 4 guys & an asian chick doing tricks! LOL! Who wouldn't wanna see that?!?
: : : Can't wait til RC '09!!!
: : : P & L...............................Jay
: :
: : Irene is not Asian!! She is American. :P~
: :
: : B
: You both have it wrong! Irene is a super hero on rollerskates lol. ;-D

SuperHeroine on RollerSkates! I like that!! but she's Asian too! Nothing wrong with that! Irene & I have ALOT in common. She's my Sister from another Mother!
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claudine: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (29. May. 2009 03:52)
 : : : I would in a heartbeat if I had the money! :):):):) I have never seen a vert skater yet. But not earning even a living wage right now. This last surgery I am not in pain. I have bandaging like a full arm cast though lol. Those mini ramps are quick. I kinda like them and feel safer on them for now. But now I know what I'm going to work on. :-D Honestly I didnt think I would really be skating til fall so I have plenty of time to catch up!
: :
: : Ironically, smaller ramps always lead to worse injuries. Especially mini ramps like the one in Jays' video. The tranny is so irregular that you'd be hard pressed to do that ramp without slamming!
: :
: : Heal and pactice for now Claudine, and we'll see you at the 2010 Rollercon.
: :
: : Peace out.
: : Biff
: Surprise.Surprise. I agree with Biff 100%. Practice on bigger stuff, so you have time to get your knees under you when you fall. That mini-ramp in my latest post is Death it's so quick. We'll see you in 2010, Claudine!
: PEACE.......................Jay

There are only mini ramps locally round here. So I'm stuck. But for me since I weigh little, I hardly feel any slams on small ramps. Only been injured riding big ones. I'm sure down the road I will agree.

Anyway, GOOD news, Dr. already said I could ride my bike. Bandages/stitches out next Fri so back to rolling then. :-D Now that this is all over, I feel more chilled skating finally. So in one week, I'm back to the ramps it seems.
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biffsk8er: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (29. May. 2009 08:30)
 : : : Ironically, smaller ramps always lead to worse injuries. Especially mini ramps like the one in Jays' video. The tranny is so irregular that you'd be hard pressed to do that ramp without slamming!
: : :
: : : Heal and pactice for now Claudine, and we'll see you at the 2010 Rollercon.
: : :
: : : Peace out.
: : : Biff
: :
: : Surprise.Surprise. I agree with Biff 100%. Practice on bigger stuff, so you have time to get your knees under you when you fall. That mini-ramp in my latest post is Death it's so quick. We'll see you in 2010, Claudine!
: :
: : PEACE.......................Jay
: There are only mini ramps locally round here. So I'm stuck. But for me since I weigh little, I hardly feel any slams on small ramps. Only been injured riding big ones. I'm sure down the road I will agree.
: Anyway, GOOD news, Dr. already said I could ride my bike. Bandages/stitches out next Fri so back to rolling then. :-D Now that this is all over, I feel more chilled skating finally. So in one week, I'm back to the ramps it seems.

Cool!!!! Have loads of fun on Friday, or shortly there after! Glad to hear things are progressing so well.
(What! Jay and I agree! I need to rethink this...)

Cheers, Biff.
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biffsk8er: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (29. May. 2009 08:31)
 : : : : ROAR!!!!!!! Yeah, baby! 4 guys & an asian chick doing tricks! LOL! Who wouldn't wanna see that?!?
: : : : Can't wait til RC '09!!!
: : : : P & L...............................Jay
: : :
: : : Irene is not Asian!! She is American. :P~
: : :
: : : B
: :
: : You both have it wrong! Irene is a super hero on rollerskates lol. ;-D
: SuperHeroine on RollerSkates! I like that!! but she's Asian too! Nothing wrong with that! Irene & I have ALOT in common. She's my Sister from another Mother!
: PEACE..........................................Jay

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biffsk8er: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (29. May. 2009 08:38)
 : You both have it wrong! Irene is a super hero on rollerskates lol. ;-D

No, no, no. She is a super 'human' on rollerskates! :D

(It transcends country affiliations)
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ireNe: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (29. May. 2009 16:38)
 : : : : : ROAR!!!!!!! Yeah, baby! 4 guys & an asian chick doing tricks! LOL! Who wouldn't wanna see that?!?
: : : : : Can't wait til RC '09!!!
: : : : : P & L...............................Jay
: : : :
: : : : Irene is not Asian!! She is American. :P~
: : : :
: : : : B
: : :
: : : You both have it wrong! Irene is a super hero on rollerskates lol. ;-D
: :
: : SuperHeroine on RollerSkates! I like that!! but she's Asian too! Nothing wrong with that! Irene & I have ALOT in common. She's my Sister from another Mother!
: : PEACE..........................................Jay
: GROAN.......

Wait... lemme put on my Supergirl hat!

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biffsk8er: New Videos & Old Pics & Videos & Thoughts for those planning to attend RollerCon....which should be ALL OF YOU!!!! LOL!!! (29. May. 2009 20:01)
 : Wait... lemme put on my Supergirl hat!

Irene, do you use those knee gaskets under your knee pads to keep them from slipping? Or are they just used when not skating vert? I'm thinking about getting some because my knee pads slip now and then. Right now I'm sporting an inch and a half road rash on my left knee because my knee pad slipped on a 10 foot fall into a bowl.

And what is that padded strip type "helmet" thing? I guess that is also for 'when not doing vert'? Street skating perhaps? And where on Earth do you get something like that?
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ireNe: Smith Knee Gaskets (30. May. 2009 15:30)
 : : Wait... lemme put on my Supergirl hat!
: :
: :
: Irene, do you use those knee gaskets under your knee pads to keep them from slipping? Or are they just used when not skating vert? I'm thinking about getting some because my knee pads slip now and then. Right now I'm sporting an inch and a half road rash on my left knee because my knee pad slipped on a 10 foot fall into a bowl.
: And what is that padded strip type "helmet" thing? I guess that is also for 'when not doing vert'? Street skating perhaps? And where on Earth do you get something like that?

Yes and yes, slippage has happened, screws pulling pads off, and the smith knee pads need a little more padding. These gaskets have nice padding that covers the whole kneecap area. Good for street sk8ing (inlines) and for icy trails snowboarding. Crete still scares me, but it's getting better. I need a new pair... lemme know if ya find a deal.

haha.... That's an old school bicycle helmet. NYCity parks don't care what ya got on, so for hot days and small ramps....sheesh. gotta love ebay!

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