Vertical Rollerskating


Message 9634 (22. Jun. 2009 07:59) (Tree)

knee gaskets
: Are they really helpful for twisting injuries?

Who claims that?

I can't imagine that they are of great use when it comes to twisting your leg. But on the other hand, I never used any knee gasket. And those skaters who use them told me they do it to prevent their knee pads from slipping. Never heard of anybody using them to prevent twisting injuries.
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claudine: knee gaskets (21. Jun. 2009 00:59)
 Are they really helpful for twisting injuries? Just wondering. I forgot one, had one off and one on. For twisting of the knee, doesnt seem like a hard slam would be any different. I am pretty positive I was wearing gaskets when I tore my meniscus. Just wondering what others think because its getting hot here and it really does make it harder to be loose in the knees when I skate. I shortened my straps on the knee pads so dont really need them.
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Jay: knee gaskets (21. Jun. 2009 04:38)
 : Are they really helpful for twisting injuries? Just wondering. I forgot one, had one off and one on. For twisting of the knee, doesnt seem like a hard slam would be any different. I am pretty positive I was wearing gaskets when I tore my meniscus. Just wondering what others think because its getting hot here and it really does make it harder to be loose in the knees when I skate. I shortened my straps on the knee pads so dont really need them.

I can't speak for Everybody....pads are kind of a personal "These work for Me" thing....but I NEVER have worn gaskets while skating. I DO occasionally wear them for injuries post-skating though. I guess what I'm saying is: whatever "works for You"!
Good Luck.
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claudine: knee gaskets (21. Jun. 2009 17:18)
 I might try without because I start to itch from the neoprene when I sweat. And it really helps me to bend my knees easily without them. I think it holds the petalla in place and more padding, but only need really protection so I dont tear things like the meniscus again. I dont think these help there. When I had them on, I twisted my leg and could still feel twisting on my knee the same as without them. The best benefit I see of them is that the sweat goes into the gaskets. And they held my knee pads in place. I think the shorter straps might solve that problem.

: : Are they really helpful for twisting injuries? Just wondering. I forgot one, had one off and one on. For twisting of the knee, doesnt seem like a hard slam would be any different. I am pretty positive I was wearing gaskets when I tore my meniscus. Just wondering what others think because its getting hot here and it really does make it harder to be loose in the knees when I skate. I shortened my straps on the knee pads so dont really need them.
: I can't speak for Everybody....pads are kind of a personal "These work for Me" thing....but I NEVER have worn gaskets while skating. I DO occasionally wear them for injuries post-skating though. I guess what I'm saying is: whatever "works for You"!
: Good Luck.
: PEACE...............Jay
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Bernhard: knee gaskets (22. Jun. 2009 07:59)
 : Are they really helpful for twisting injuries?

Who claims that?

I can't imagine that they are of great use when it comes to twisting your leg. But on the other hand, I never used any knee gasket. And those skaters who use them told me they do it to prevent their knee pads from slipping. Never heard of anybody using them to prevent twisting injuries.
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biffsk8er: knee gaskets (22. Jun. 2009 08:02)
 : Are they really helpful for twisting injuries?

I think they might help warm up the knee area when it is hot outside. This might in turn help loosen the knee for flexibility, which might slightly help the body flex; thereby helping to prevent injuries.

But, if you really twist your knee, I think it all boils down to "How far can your knee twist?".

I've taken to tightening my knee pads (especially the bottom strap) to prevent my pads from slipping off on impact. I sweat a lot!
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claudine: knee gaskets (22. Jun. 2009 17:07)
 OK, seems like I can go without. I'll wear them when it gets colder. The tight straps seem to do the job and seems easier for me to move to land on my knees. I feel a LOT less hot without them so skating is more comfortable. Sometimes the pads seem too much but my ass says keep the bulky diapers on lol.

Biff, if you have any hints on fakie, please post. I'm not too good at that. I think its practice and my body figuring out which way to position itself.

: : Are they really helpful for twisting injuries?
: I think they might help warm up the knee area when it is hot outside. This might in turn help loosen the knee for flexibility, which might slightly help the body flex; thereby helping to prevent injuries.
: But, if you really twist your knee, I think it all boils down to "How far can your knee twist?".
: I've taken to tightening my knee pads (especially the bottom strap) to prevent my pads from slipping off on impact. I sweat a lot!
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biffsk8er: knee gaskets (22. Jun. 2009 17:19)
 : Biff, if you have any hints on fakie, please post.

Going fakie is really tough to do at first. It is unnatural for the bodie to not only go backwards, but to be doing it while rolling, and while on a multi angled surface! The best way to learn fakie is to start off at the bottom of a half-pipe. Go back and forth, always facing the same way, so that you are going front stance, and then back stance (fakie) on the way back. Repeat. Go higher. Repeat. Repeat. Go higher. Repeat. Go higher. Repeat. Go higher. etc..

Learning to relax going backwards also helps a lot. Stiffening up will mess you up. After you get good at going fakie, learn to pump as you go down fakie. I usually do not pump when going up fakie. Throws off my balance.

Good luck.
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biffsk8er: knee gaskets (22. Jun. 2009 17:22)
 : One more thing......go to a rink or big flat area to skate and practice skating backwards until you can do it almost blind-folded. Helps your body to feel natural when skating backwards. I learned in a rink, years ago, how to go all the way around the rink over and over, at the same speed as everyone going forwards.
: : : Biff, if you have any hints on fakie, please post.
: :
: : Going fakie is really tough to do at first. It is unnatural for the bodie to not only go backwards, but to be doing it while rolling, and while on a multi angled surface! The best way to learn fakie is to start off at the bottom of a half-pipe. Go back and forth, always facing the same way, so that you are going front stance, and then back stance (fakie) on the way back. Repeat. Go higher. Repeat. Repeat. Go higher. Repeat. Go higher. Repeat. Go higher. etc..
: :
: : Learning to relax going backwards also helps a lot. Stiffening up will mess you up. After you get good at going fakie, learn to pump as you go down fakie. I usually do not pump when going up fakie. Throws off my balance.
: :
: : Good luck.
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claudine: knee gaskets (22. Jun. 2009 18:02)
 Thanks. Usually when I mess up, its falling backwards. Probably also since my trucks are slightly forward. I'll keep practicing! I'm going to go slow and low for awhile, just dont want to hurt myself again. I cant even get myself to drop into the 6 foot section yet lol. Had a good skate yesterday and today my quads are shot!

: : One more thing......go to a rink or big flat area to skate and practice skating backwards until you can do it almost blind-folded. Helps your body to feel natural when skating backwards. I learned in a rink, years ago, how to go all the way around the rink over and over, at the same speed as everyone going forwards.
: :
: : : : Biff, if you have any hints on fakie, please post.
: : :
: : : Going fakie is really tough to do at first. It is unnatural for the bodie to not only go backwards, but to be doing it while rolling, and while on a multi angled surface! The best way to learn fakie is to start off at the bottom of a half-pipe. Go back and forth, always facing the same way, so that you are going front stance, and then back stance (fakie) on the way back. Repeat. Go higher. Repeat. Repeat. Go higher. Repeat. Go higher. Repeat. Go higher. etc..
: : :
: : : Learning to relax going backwards also helps a lot. Stiffening up will mess you up. After you get good at going fakie, learn to pump as you go down fakie. I usually do not pump when going up fakie. Throws off my balance.
: : :
: : : Good luck.
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Bernhard: knee gaskets (22. Jun. 2009 18:22)
 : Biff, if you have any hints on fakie, please post. I'm not too good at that.

My best tip is: Look where you are going. When you are skating forwards, look in the direction you are going, when you are skating backwards, look in the direction you are going. You need to look over your should then. You can get away without looking backwards, but then you are just adapting to a concrete situation knowing when you will hit a transition again. It's way more flexible to use your eyes.
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biffsk8er: knee gaskets (22. Jun. 2009 23:18)
 One thing I forgot......when going backwards, I find it helps to offset your feet so that one is forward of the other. It helps to prevent falling forward or backward as you go through the tranny.

: Thanks. Usually when I mess up, its falling backwards.
: Probably also since my trucks are slightly forward.
: I'll keep practicing! I'm going to go slow and low for
: awhile, just dont want to hurt myself again. I cant
: even get myself to drop into the 6 foot section yet lol.
: Had a good skate yesterday and today my quads are shot!
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