Vertical Rollerskating


Message 9673 (25. Jun. 2009 09:29) (Tree)

coping tricks help
: I am stepping on the coping, front stalls, but not really STANDING on top of it. Is it because I'm holding back on speed? Not confident enough on them? Last week I did get on top and spread my stance a bit and it felt good, but now I'm back to tapping it and being inside the ramp and wimping out. Any help? I would take a video but my camera man is gone. ALso trying to do big carves by the top since I guess thats how you get into a grind for small/narrow halfpipes? In a bowl I understand, not on halfpipes. I'm not good at lip tricks but thats what I have to work on in my dinky park, so trying hard to learn. There really isnt any one for me to learn from here, just skateboarders and they do tricks differently then me.
Hey Claudine,
As usual, I agree with Biff. Some video would help see what you're doing AND watching Video (like Zorg's) will help you. But it IS to some degree a confidence/muscle memory thing for stalls & grinds. Also, while I know it seems like front-side is the easier way to learn stalls & grinds, it really isn't. I realize that turning 180 degrees blind onto the coping seems pretty intimidating, but I think everyone would agree with me that doing that same blind 180 turn INTO the ramp/pool is MORE intimidating! So, I'd try learning those 1st. But do whatever feels natural for you.
Good Luck. would Love to see some video....get a tripod... or even just set camera on or near coping.
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claudine: coping tricks help (25. Jun. 2009 01:48)
 I am stepping on the coping, front stalls, but not really STANDING on top of it. Is it because I'm holding back on speed? Not confident enough on them? Last week I did get on top and spread my stance a bit and it felt good, but now I'm back to tapping it and being inside the ramp and wimping out. Any help? I would take a video but my camera man is gone. ALso trying to do big carves by the top since I guess thats how you get into a grind for small/narrow halfpipes? In a bowl I understand, not on halfpipes. I'm not good at lip tricks but thats what I have to work on in my dinky park, so trying hard to learn. There really isnt any one for me to learn from here, just skateboarders and they do tricks differently then me.
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biffsk8er: coping tricks help (25. Jun. 2009 07:31)
 : I would take a video but my camera man is gone.

I know you just said it, but try to get video. Just get a camera and aim it at the area you are trying to grind and leave it on. Any film is better than none.

I'd also suggest watching as many of the videos of others as possible for help. Especially Zorgs. He has a lot of them where he practices grinds over and over in a half pipe.
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Jay: coping tricks help (25. Jun. 2009 09:29)
 : I am stepping on the coping, front stalls, but not really STANDING on top of it. Is it because I'm holding back on speed? Not confident enough on them? Last week I did get on top and spread my stance a bit and it felt good, but now I'm back to tapping it and being inside the ramp and wimping out. Any help? I would take a video but my camera man is gone. ALso trying to do big carves by the top since I guess thats how you get into a grind for small/narrow halfpipes? In a bowl I understand, not on halfpipes. I'm not good at lip tricks but thats what I have to work on in my dinky park, so trying hard to learn. There really isnt any one for me to learn from here, just skateboarders and they do tricks differently then me.
Hey Claudine,
As usual, I agree with Biff. Some video would help see what you're doing AND watching Video (like Zorg's) will help you. But it IS to some degree a confidence/muscle memory thing for stalls & grinds. Also, while I know it seems like front-side is the easier way to learn stalls & grinds, it really isn't. I realize that turning 180 degrees blind onto the coping seems pretty intimidating, but I think everyone would agree with me that doing that same blind 180 turn INTO the ramp/pool is MORE intimidating! So, I'd try learning those 1st. But do whatever feels natural for you.
Good Luck. would Love to see some video....get a tripod... or even just set camera on or near coping.
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claudine: coping tricks help (25. Jun. 2009 15:01)
 The kiddie park is too crowded for me to bring my camera without it being stolen and the top part is too narrow for a set up much. I couldnt afford another camera now! I can try at the bowls but my last attempt was a joke lol. But there are older guys there I can one day get a video. I guess I'll just practice. The only time I have did any grinding is by luck by carving up by the lip on top the bowl. I'll try to check out videos. Like I said, I only see skateboarders around and they enter tricks differently then me. I'll just keep working on stalls and hopefully I'll get it. I am doing them, but they arent the ones where I am standing up and over the coping. Maybe I am thinking I just need to be confident with more speed and it will come. Also the coping is low so its not like I have a good lip to lock onto. I think I can still do it.

: : I am stepping on the coping, front stalls, but not really STANDING on top of it. Is it because I'm holding back on speed? Not confident enough on them? Last week I did get on top and spread my stance a bit and it felt good, but now I'm back to tapping it and being inside the ramp and wimping out. Any help? I would take a video but my camera man is gone. ALso trying to do big carves by the top since I guess thats how you get into a grind for small/narrow halfpipes? In a bowl I understand, not on halfpipes. I'm not good at lip tricks but thats what I have to work on in my dinky park, so trying hard to learn. There really isnt any one for me to learn from here, just skateboarders and they do tricks differently then me.
: Hey Claudine,
: As usual, I agree with Biff. Some video would help see what you're doing AND watching Video (like Zorg's) will help you. But it IS to some degree a confidence/muscle memory thing for stalls & grinds. Also, while I know it seems like front-side is the easier way to learn stalls & grinds, it really isn't. I realize that turning 180 degrees blind onto the coping seems pretty intimidating, but I think everyone would agree with me that doing that same blind 180 turn INTO the ramp/pool is MORE intimidating! So, I'd try learning those 1st. But do whatever feels natural for you.
: Good Luck. would Love to see some video....get a tripod... or even just set camera on or near coping.
: PEACE.......................Jay
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biffsk8er: coping tricks help (25. Jun. 2009 15:46)
 :: Also, while I know it seems like front-side is the easier way to learn stalls & grinds, it really isn't. I realize that turning 180 degrees blind onto the coping seems pretty intimidating, but I think everyone would agree with me that doing that same blind 180 turn INTO the ramp/pool is MORE intimidating! So, I'd try learning those 1st. But do whatever feels natural for you.

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ireNe: coping tricks help (25. Jun. 2009 16:02)
 : :: Also, while I know it seems like front-side is the easier way to learn stalls & grinds, it really isn't. I realize that turning 180 degrees blind onto the coping seems pretty intimidating, but I think everyone would agree with me that doing that same blind 180 turn INTO the ramp/pool is MORE intimidating! So, I'd try learning those 1st. But do whatever feels natural for you.

whaddabout f/s stalls to fakie, no turning involved and u practice fakies,
u can see and your hands are upfront to cushion any falling... good to try, then air to fakie ... so on...
looks dry today, yippee... i feel like a suicidal Seattle resident, arrghh
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claudine: coping tricks help (25. Jun. 2009 16:31)
 The jump from frontside stalls back in, 180, isnt hard for me. Fakie is. Getting on top the coping without having my body still in the ramp is. Going into back stalls is cause I cant see the coping. Last dry day here I think. It might rain this evening though. I hope not! I want to practice this evening again. I guess if the halfpipe is packed, I'll just bully my way onto the ramp as ladys first right lol?

: : :: Also, while I know it seems like front-side is the easier way to learn stalls & grinds, it really isn't. I realize that turning 180 degrees blind onto the coping seems pretty intimidating, but I think everyone would agree with me that doing that same blind 180 turn INTO the ramp/pool is MORE intimidating! So, I'd try learning those 1st. But do whatever feels natural for you.
: :
: : ►AGREED!◄
: whaddabout f/s stalls to fakie, no turning involved and u practice fakies,
: u can see and your hands are upfront to cushion any falling... good to try, then air to fakie ... so on...
: looks dry today, yippee... i feel like a suicidal Seattle resident, arrghh
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biffsk8er: coping tricks help (25. Jun. 2009 19:06)
 : whaddabout f/s stalls to fakie, no turning involved and u practice fakies,
: u can see and your hands are upfront to cushion any falling... good to try, then air to fakie ... so on...
: looks dry today, yippee... i feel like a suicidal Seattle resident, arrghh

Just got back from a mini skate myself.

If you are already really good at fakie, then by all means, learn fs grinds first! I'd say that fs stall to fakie would be alright to learn...on a smaller half pipe. But, your hands would not help you for falling if you fell backwards. Also, for grinds &/or slides in a bigger half pipe or bowl, you might want to rethink that and do it backside.
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claudine: coping tricks help (25. Jun. 2009 23:01)
 I suck at fakie. The 180 is easy for me though. I can jump 180s blindfold. Well, even if Lisa isnt skating vert now, I called and she gave good advice. Like I said, she is a great teacher so I hope she gets back into it. Stomp on the curb first so I get the feeling of being on top and then I can gain confidence again. I need to stop being afraid of the coping and airs. Once I get over that, I'll be back to normal again and my arm thing can be history. But I will still take it slower then I was back then so I dont hurt myself again.

: : whaddabout f/s stalls to fakie, no turning involved and u practice fakies,
: : u can see and your hands are upfront to cushion any falling... good to try, then air to fakie ... so on...
: : looks dry today, yippee... i feel like a suicidal Seattle resident, arrghh
: *****************************************
: Just got back from a mini skate myself.
: If you are already really good at fakie, then by all means, learn fs grinds first! I'd say that fs stall to fakie would be alright to learn...on a smaller half pipe. But, your hands would not help you for falling if you fell backwards. Also, for grinds &/or slides in a bigger half pipe or bowl, you might want to rethink that and do it backside.
: *****************************************
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Robert: coping tricks help (26. Jun. 2009 02:29)
 Ok, I am curious if your definition of frontside and backside are the same as min. It is pretty obvious what it is when riding side stance, but there really is not a frontside or backside while skating parallel. I consider my frontside turning to the right. I am goofy on a skateboard and turn goofy on my skates as well. I personally do not find frontside easier at all. I am supposed to meet up with another rollerskater tomorrow and I will try to get picks.

: I suck at fakie. The 180 is easy for me though. I can jump 180s blindfold. Well, even if Lisa isnt skating vert now, I called and she gave good advice. Like I said, she is a great teacher so I hope she gets back into it. Stomp on the curb first so I get the feeling of being on top and then I can gain confidence again. I need to stop being afraid of the coping and airs. Once I get over that, I'll be back to normal again and my arm thing can be history. But I will still take it slower then I was back then so I dont hurt myself again.
: : : whaddabout f/s stalls to fakie, no turning involved and u practice fakies,
: : : u can see and your hands are upfront to cushion any falling... good to try, then air to fakie ... so on...
: : : looks dry today, yippee... i feel like a suicidal Seattle resident, arrghh
: :
: : *****************************************
: : Just got back from a mini skate myself.
: :
: : If you are already really good at fakie, then by all means, learn fs grinds first! I'd say that fs stall to fakie would be alright to learn...on a smaller half pipe. But, your hands would not help you for falling if you fell backwards. Also, for grinds &/or slides in a bigger half pipe or bowl, you might want to rethink that and do it backside.
: : *****************************************
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biffsk8er: coping tricks help (26. Jun. 2009 08:41)
 : Ok, I am curious if your definition of frontside and backside are the same as min. It is pretty obvious what it is when riding side stance, but there really is not a frontside or backside while skating parallel. I consider my frontside turning to the right. I am goofy on a skateboard and turn goofy on my skates as well. I personally do not find frontside easier at all. I am supposed to meet up with another rollerskater tomorrow and I will try to get picks.
Frontside is when you are facing out of the half pipe and toward the deck, from the half pipe. Backside is when your back is facing out of the half pipe and toward the deck, from the half pipe. Simple as that.
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