Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10099 (17. Jul. 2009 18:18) (All next previous)

biffsk8er (videos by biffsk8er) (pictures by biffsk8er)
Must be Rough...
: You slay me, Brother! It must be tough to have such a Bag O' Tricks that you don't know what they're all called! I have like 3 names for my meager bag so I can call out like they're a dif trick!
: Can't wait to SK8...just got Epic news about another OLD skater who's coming to RC.........
: PEACE....................................Jay

Another?! Who are you calling old?!? You bastard. Heh heh. Who is coming?! Come on, do tell.
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  • biffsk8er: Demo at the Parlour by FNG (16. Jul. 2009 21:08)
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