Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10219 (24. Jul. 2009 06:44) (All previous)

biffsk8er (videos by biffsk8er) (pictures by biffsk8er)
Here is an old pic....
: : .....of me skating in Canada at the Vancouver Hastings Skate Park.

: Hella Cool. Invert on a Spine, right?! Bad Ass...never skated one big enough (at least 7') for me to even try it big was that???? And you leave in TWO days!!!! I'm SO READY!!!!
: Are we gonna meet @ the IP before convoying to park or are you just showing up @ Mtn. Ridge??? What??? What?? I want some details. Please.

That spine was about 6' on one side and about 8' on the other.

We can meet at IP. I need details. What time should we meet you at the IP? I arrive on Wed Jul 29 2009 to check into my campsite. I do not think I'll make it skating that night, but I'll let you know if that changes. So that means I can meet you where ever and when ever you want on Thursday. Just give me the info!! :)

Can you feel it?? I do!!!
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  • biffsk8er: Here is an old pic.... (23. Jul. 2009 21:19)
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