| : : Let me be the first to cast my vote for RollerCon 2009 MVPs. Jay & Dawn Cloetens. For everthing both he and his lovely bride did to make everyone feel comfortable no matter how good (or how bad) they might be on wheels. They opened their home, offered their help and gave from their hearts to all who were lucky enough to attend. There is more to vert skating than big tricks or smooth drop ins (not that my boy is lacking in those areas). His talent - in my and my much younger wife Robin's opinion- is at or above the level of those great sk8ters he idolized as a kid. Dawn was amazing while doing double and triple duty as a mom, a caterer, a hostess and more. I will be putting together my skates for next year as soon as we get home. So watch out for the geriatric revival of a genuine relic from the days of steel wheels and hockey boots. Thanks to everybody for humoring this old guy and making me feel young again. We had a blast!
Ditto to that and wonderfully said. On that note, I'd like to add that it was a real pleasure and privilege seeing you back on your skates. I've been given the vision of the future, what with all the new skaters that came out and all the veterans, as well, we are very much alive. This does my soul good.
To keeping all of us feeling young.... Cheers!