Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10865 (23. Sep. 2009 10:54) (All next previous)

Bernhard (videos by Bernhard) (pictures by Bernhard)
A question for Bernard.
: Hey Bernard!

Hey Jay, it's still Bernhard with an 'h'! ;-)

And yes, it's possbible to do statistics about how many people visit the forum, from which parts of the world they come from and more. I do not have current numbers for the forum specifically, but only cumulative numbers for the total of my web sites (including the vertical roller skating site, and There are typically around 1000 visits per day to all of my web sites and I think ist by far the biggest part in it. The most important part, however, is of course the vertical roller skating stuff.

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  • Jay: A question for Bernard. (23. Sep. 2009 10:11)
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